
  • 网络toolbar;sidebar;Tool Bar;Alexa Toolbar
  1. 最后利用Visualc++6.0提供的对话框、菜单、工具条技术,添加各种控件,实现人机交互式的参数传递。

    Finally using the technologies of dialog box , menu and toolbar offered by Visual C + + 6 . 0 , parameter transfer is realized via adding all kinds of widgets .

  2. 基于WEB方式设计并实施了Web网页查询、IE工具条查询和地理编码Web服务等多种客户端服务调用方式。

    Implementing the project in the way of Web developing , with the technology of Web form , IE toolbar and Web Service , which also could be accessed in various ways .

  3. 使用Comments工具条内的Filter按钮,来过滤注释。

    Use the Filter toolbar button in the Comments sidebar to filter comments .

  4. Links工具条部分将会指示,链接什么时候被过滤掉。

    The Links sidebar sections will indicate when links are filtered .

  5. Comments工具条部分将会显示注释是什么时候过滤的。

    The Comments sidebar sections will indicate when comments are filtered .

  6. 工具条的资源ID,该工具条的图片应该被加载过。

    Resource ID of a toolbar whose images should be loaded .

  7. 在Links工具条内,占位符链接通过一个钻石型的图标进行标示。

    In the Links sidebar , placeholder links are identified with a diamond-shaped icon .

  8. Microsoft公司推出的Visualc++,是面向对象的应用软件开发环境,提供了现成的窗口、控制与工具条的制作手段。

    Visual C + + provided by Microsoft Company is an Object Oriented applications development environment .

  9. 通过使用MarkAsRequirement来嵌入一条需求(该联系将会添加至Requirements工具条)

    Embedding a requirement by using Mark As Requirement ( this association will be added to the Requirements sidebar )

  10. Links工具条视图显示了与特定工件相关的所有连接。

    The Links sidebar view shows all the links to and from a particular artifact .

  11. Comments工具条支持多重选择。

    The Comments sidebar supports multiple selections .

  12. 插人一幅图片或者工件(如果插人的工件就是需求,那么该联系会添加到Requirements工具条内)

    Inserting an image or artifact ( if the inserted artifact is a requirement , this association will be added to the Requirements sidebar )

  13. Delphi语言的工具条动态生成技术

    The Dynamic Creating Technique of Toolbar in Delphi Program Languge

  14. 基于VB的AutoCAD之菜单、工具条生成器的二次开发

    Secondary development of tool bar generator and menu of AutoCAD based on VB

  15. AutoCAD宏实现采矿图元快捷工具条的应用与研究

    Study and Application of AutoCAD Macro to Great to Mining Plan Element Toolbar

  16. 此外,这个按钮调用visible()使用户能够看到这个进度工具条。

    Additionally , the button calls visible () to make the progress bar visible to the user .

  17. Links工具条上的Links菜单,基于工件编辑器区域选择的内容而是环境敏感性的。

    The Links menu on the Links sidebar is context-sensitive based on what is selected in the editor area of artifact .

  18. 在Links工具条视图之内,您可以根据链接的目标工件来过滤链接。

    Within the Links sidebar view , you can filter links according to the type of the link 's target artifact .

  19. 介绍AutoCAD应用程序的用户界面设计技术(用户菜单设计、工具条设计及使用ARX开发工具制作应用程序封面等)。

    The technique of designing user interface for AutoCAD was introduced .

  20. WorkplaceFormsViewer的标准界面包括Viewer窗口、标题条和工具条。

    The Workplace Forms Viewer standard interface includes the Viewer window , a title bar , and a toolbar .

  21. 过滤Links工具条上的链接,以快速找到对特定类型工件的引用(例如,一个MicrosoftWord文件)。

    Filter links in the Links sidebar to quickly find references to artifacts of a particular type ( for example , a Microsoft Word document ) .

  22. 有一些操作创建了工件之间的关系,而RationalRequirementsComposer会自动创建Links中或者Requirements工具条的链接,来自动获取这些关系。

    Several operations create relationships between artifacts , and Rational Requirements Composer automatically captures those relationships by creating a link in the Links or the Requirements sidebars .

  23. 在这个布局中,重点突出您想要移出的这个portlet组件的标题工具条。

    In the layout , highlight the title bar for the portlet that you want to remove .

  24. 要验证这一点,请使用菜单或工具条来启动/停止Tomcat。

    To verify , use the menu or toolbar to Start / Stop Tomcat .

  25. 在您开始之前,点击ClearQuest工具条之上的View,然后在面板中您想要的显示的位置标记这个选项。

    Before you begin , click View on the ClearQuest toolbar , and mark the options that you want to display in the pane below .

  26. 另外对于诸如会话管理、windowssnapping以及可配置工具条的支持正在开发之中。

    Plans are in the works to support such features as session management , windows snapping , and a configurable toolbar .

  27. 由于您并不想使进度工具条任其自然地保持运行,因此您要人工将auto属性设置为错误的。

    You don 't want the progress bar to just keep running on its own , so you make it manual by setting the auto attribute to false .

  28. VS2010还有一个可选的“代码优化的”webprofile,可以关闭所有的工具条,下拉框和HTML设计器。

    VS2010 also has a new optional " code optimized " web profile as well that turns off all toolbars , dropdown and HTML designers .

  29. 为了向占位符链接指定目标,您可以点击Links工具条内的链接,或者您可以编辑Links弹出视图中的链接。

    To specify the target for a placeholder link , you can click the link in the Links sidebar , or you can edit the link in the Links pop-up view .

  30. PMO包括覆盖众多领域和活动的许多任务(参见工具条)。

    The PMO involves many roles covering numerous areas and activities ( see sidebar ) .