
  1. 并根据工业建筑工程设计阶段需求分析的特点,探讨了可建造需求权重的模糊层次分析评判及其向工程设计特性映射的实现途径。

    After analyzing the features of requirement analysis in the construction design , discussed the process of mapping the constructability requirement into engineering characteristics through HoQ and the fuzzy AHP for the weight of requirement .

  2. 在重型工业建筑工程中,大型设备基础施工常占有很重要的地位,其优质高速、高效益的完成,对多快好省建成整个工程有重要意义。

    In heavy industrial buildings , the large scale equipment founds tion has been a very inportant matter and played the key role to reach the goal of superior quality and high efficiency in construction .

  3. 穿插施工法在工业建筑安装工程中的使用

    The application Of Interpenetration In Installation Project Of Industrial Construction

  4. 北方工业大学建筑工程学院;

    College of Architecture Engineering , North China University of Technology ; 2 .

  5. 浅论冶金工业建筑改造工程设计

    Discussion on Architecture Reconstruction Engineering Design in Metallurgic Industry

  6. 边坡稳定问题涉及到各类水利、港工、铁路和工业民用建筑工程。

    Stability of slope is involved in the engineering of mining , railway , industry and civil construction .

  7. 浅析建筑电气安装工程与土建工程的施工配合穿插施工法在工业建筑安装工程中的使用

    On combination of electrical engineering installation and civil engineering The application Of Interpenetration In Installation Project Of Industrial Construction

  8. 某引水工程穿越北江大堤管道工程方案设计穿插施工法在工业建筑安装工程中的使用

    Schematic design of Guangzhou Xijiang River diversion works crossing through Beijiang Dike The application Of Interpenetration In Installation Project Of Industrial Construction

  9. 所得的乳液具有互穿网络结构且阻尼性能和耐热性能优良,可用于汽车工业、建筑工程等领域,具有广阔的应用前景。

    The results revealed that the emulsion has interpenetrating network structure , good damping properties and heat resistance , which can be widely used in the field of automobile industry , construction , and so on .

  10. 就目前,从聚丙烯纤维混凝土在工程中的应用实践看,聚丙烯纤维主要是作为抗裂手段得以大面积推广应用在工业与建筑工程中。

    At present , by the look of fibrous concrete application practice in the project of polypropylene , polypropylene fiber as resist , split means can popularize , apply industry and construction work to by a large scale mainly .

  11. 含粉煤灰等工业废料在建筑工程中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Industrial Waste Containing Fly Ash in the Architectural Engineering

  12. 然而一些普通的工业或民用建筑工程,尤其是住宅工程,质量问题比较突出。

    However , some general industrial and civil construction , especially residential engineering , quality problems .

  13. 工程监理咨询事务所工业与民用建筑工程结构设计咨询、地基与基础工程设计咨询。

    Structural design consultation on industrial & civil building project , design consultation on groundwork and foundation project .

  14. 优越的受力性能使张弦梁结构在工业及民用建筑工程中得到了广泛应用。

    Beam string structures ( BSS ) are widely used in civil engineering for its excellent structural performance .

  15. 相对于工业和民用建筑工程造价系统,我国在土地开发整理工程造价系统方面的研究才是刚刚起步。

    In china , relative to the industrial and civil engineering cost system , the land consolidation project cost system research is just getting started .

  16. 本文简述了用于各种工业与民用建筑工程施工图预算程序系统的设计与实现方法。

    This thesis gives a brief description of the design and implementation method applied in various working drawing budget program and system of industrial and civil architectural engineering .

  17. 随着国家经济的飞速发展,工业与民用建筑工程规模日趋扩大,各种公共建筑和工业厂房越来越多的采用大柱网、大空间的结构形式,所以大尺度现浇楼盖结构得到了日益广泛的应用。

    With rapid development of national economy , public buildings with its structure in the form of large-span and large-space , as well as industrial factories are getting more and more needed in cities .

  18. 本文着重论述了工业废料在建筑工程及地基基础处理方面的应用及施工方法,并在造价方面与其它方法进行比较,从而论证了工业废料在建筑工程方面的实用性。

    This paper puts great emphasis to discuss the application of industry waste in the construction engineering , and compares the price with that in other method , and discusses practicability of industry waste in construction engineering .

  19. 随着我国工业与民用建筑工程建设的发展,现已成为一个技术力量雄厚、技术人才密集、技术装备先进的综合型设计研究院。

    With the development of industry and civil architecture works construction in our country , this institute becomes now a comprehensive design and Research Institute with strong technique force , rich technique human resource and advanced hardware equipment .

  20. 从事建筑工作三十年来,我主持和参加设计了许多工业和民用建筑工程,担任项目设计负责人和设计所总工程师,多次获得各种奖励。

    Is engaged in the construction to work for30 years , I managed withthe participation have designed many industries and the civilconstruction project , held the post of the item design person incharge and design chief engineer , obtained each kind of reward manytimes .

  21. 根据RNCOS推测,基础设施行业的需求最大。其它工业,象建筑和工程行业需求,在接下来的年头里将显著增长。

    The infrastructure sector will utilize the most steel RNCOS anticipates , while other industries , such as construction and engineering , will experience significant growth in the upcoming years .

  22. 蜂窝夹层结构具有的这些优势使其被广泛应用航空航天、汽车工业、建筑以及包装工程等领域。

    Honeycomb sandwich structure of these advantages it has been widely used in aerospace , automotive , construction and packaging engineering .

  23. 这里讨论的也是该学科的主要问题&岩石断裂韧性。最后概述了岩石、混凝土断裂力学在水利水电工程、工业民用建筑和矿山工程中的应用。

    And ( 4 ) the application of fracture mechanics for rock and concrete to water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering , civil engineering as well as mining engineering .

  24. 都市所属本院下设设计所,主要从事各类民用及工业建筑设计、装饰工程设计、园林工程设计、城区规划、环境设计等业务。

    City place belongs to this academy to set design institute , basically be engaged in of all kinds and civil reach industry to build design of program of design of engineering of design , adornment engineering design , gardens , the city zone , environment to wait for business .