
  • 网络Industrial Metal;Industrial-Metal;Industrial
  1. 工业金属管道工程质量检验评定标准

    Standard for quality inspection and assessment of industrial metal pipeline engineering

  2. 死亡金属,黑金属,工业金属。

    Death Metal , Black Metal , Industrial Metal .

  3. 本文以工业金属板材生产过程中的厚度检测系统为研究对象,详细研究了X射线金属板材测厚信号处理及数据处理系统。

    The research object of this paper is the thickness measurement system using X-ray during the manufacture process of industrial metallic plate .

  4. 由于市场担忧欧元区和美国经济放缓,道琼斯-瑞银工业金属指数指数(DowJones-UBSindustrialmetalsindex)目前处在12个月以来的低位,铜价也处在10个月以来的低位。

    The Dow Jones-UBS industrial metals index is at a 12-month low , and copper is at its lowest in 10 months on fears of a eurozone and US slowdown .

  5. 就工业金属来说,铜回收量往往与价格的关系最为密切。

    For industrial metals , copper tends to have the closest relationship .

  6. 中国出现的负面情绪也令工业金属承压。

    Negative sentiment in China also weighed on industrial metals .

  7. 全球增长担忧也导致锌等其他工业金属的价格大幅下挫。

    Zinc and other industrial metals also fell sharply on global growth fears .

  8. 无疑,澳元会随工业金属价格而波动。

    Sure enough , the Aussie moves with the price of industrial metals .

  9. 中国对重要的工业金属的出口也成为今年的新闻。

    China 's exports of important industrial metals also made news this year .

  10. 石油和工业金属等周期性大宗商品尤其如此。

    This is especially true in cyclical commodities such as oil and industrial metals .

  11. 一种新型食品工业金属探测器的研制

    Development on Novel Metal Detector for Food Industry

  12. 冶金业在工业金属制造的运用过程中需要专业的技术技能。

    Metallurgy applies engineering and technical skills to developing industrial metals and manufacturing processes .

  13. 对工业金属管道设计规范中许用应力提高幅度的探讨

    Discussion on the Increased Range of Allowable Stress in the Design Code for Industrial Metallic Piping

  14. 供应方面的制约也在推高铜和锡等工业金属的价格。

    Copper and other industrial metals such as tin are also being driven by supply constraints .

  15. 这些协议主要针对安哥拉的石油和刚果的工业金属,公众对钻石的关注没那么大。

    These centre on oil in Angola and industrial metals in Congo , with less public attention to diamonds .

  16. 中国已经是铜、铝、锌等工业金属的全球第一大消费国。

    China is already the number one global consumer of industrial metals such as copper , aluminium and zinc .

  17. 所有大宗商品,工业金属价格同故事紧密联系在一起,德意志银行提到。

    Of all commodities , industrial metals have the closest correlation with equities , according to Deutsche Bank AG .

  18. 一名英国购物者花60英镑就能买到一副价格为120美元的最新出品的工业金属架太阳镜。

    A Briton shopping at Oakley could buy a $ 120 pair of newly released Industrial M Frames sunglasses for60 pounds .

  19. 铜价昨日升至4个月高点,在供应趋紧的情况下,对中国需求的乐观看法提振了工业金属市场。

    Copper rose to a four-month high yesterday as optimism about Chinese demand buoyed the industrial metals markets amid tightening supplies .

  20. 根据预测,铜这种关键的工业金属面临长期供应短缺。有鉴于此,跨国矿业公司正竞相争夺非洲的铜矿藏。

    Multinational miners are scrambling for copper deposits in Africa amid forecasts of a long-term supply crunch for the crucial industrial metal .

  21. 在人们对金砖四国表示出信心的同时,大宗商品市场持续走牛,石油和工业金属领涨。

    In tandem with confidence in the Brics came a sustained bull market in commodities , led by oil and industrial metals .

  22. 其中,能源和工业金属两类大宗商品的表现尤其突出,四月份平均增长12.67%。

    Two groups of commodities – energy and industrial metals – did particularly well , rising by a combined 12.67 % in April .

  23. 他表示,金川意图扩大铜和钴(两种在中国面临越来越大需求的工业金属)的生产。

    He said it aimed to expand production of copper and cobalt , two industrial metals with rising demand being driven by Chinese consumption .

  24. 这两个亚洲巨人是拉丁美洲商品的大买主,如粮食、工业金属、石油和其它能源。

    The two Asian giants are big buyers of Latin American commodities such as grains , industrial metals , oil and other sources of energy .

  25. 中国是全球最大的工业金属消费国,也是铝、锌等多种金属的全球最大生产国。

    As well as being the largest consumer of industrial metals , China is the top producer of many metals , including aluminium and zinc .

  26. 随着中国刺激政策进一步推动工业化进程,与铁矿石一样,作为工业金属风向标的铜在中国制造商中也很是抢手。

    Like iron ore , copper , the bellwether industrial metal , is being snapped up by Chinese manufacturers as China pushes forward with stimulus-boosted industrialisation .

  27. 钢管是一种用途广泛的工业金属材料,也是国民经济发展的一个重要支柱。

    Steel tubes are a kind of metal materials which have been widely used in industry , and they are also very important for national economy .

  28. 与新闻一起的强劲地公司收入描画出适当地乐观的全球的经济复苏愿景,这意味着更多关于工业金属的要求。

    The news along with strong corporate earnings have painted a modestly optimistic picture of a global economic recovery , which means more demand for industrial metals .

  29. 因此,随着欧洲、中国和美国的经济增长预期陆续被下调,工业金属价格已跌至多年来的低点。

    So , as expectations for economic growth in Europe , China and the US have been scaled down , prices have fallen to the lowest in years .

  30. 由于广泛应用在建筑业和制造业中,铜、铝和镍等工业金属对全球经济周期的变化非常敏感。

    Industrial metals such as copper , aluminium and nickel are sensitive to changes in the global economic cycle , because of their uses in construction and manufacturing .