
  • 网络Radio clock
  1. 我们介绍了无线电控制的时钟在1991年美国市场,并继续在这一技术在美国尖端。

    We introduced radio-controlled clocks to the US market in1991 and continue to be on the cutting edge of this technology in America .

  2. 为了防止干扰,设备应远离无线电波电器至少2米,如电视,收音机及无线电控制的时钟。

    To prevent interference , the appliance should be kept away from radio waves electrical appliances at least2m , such as TVs , radios and radio-controlled clocks .

  3. 这种做法起源于上世纪20年代。当时,美国东部和中部时区接收同步的实况无线电广播,从时钟上看,中部时区的广播要早一个小时。

    This practice originated in the 1920s , when the Eastern and Central time zones received simultaneous live radio broadcasts , the Central time zone broadcast being an hour earlier on the clock .