
  • Radio noise;【电工】radio[ frequency] noise
  1. 然后通过无线通信和统计信号处理理论,对脉冲无线电噪声分类、统计模型、APD统计参数的原理等进行了讨论。

    Then through the wireless communications and statistical signal processing theory , the impulsive radio noise classification , statistical model , APD on the rationale of statistical parameters were discussed .

  2. 高速电气化铁道无线电噪声预测

    A Calculation of Radio Noise from High Speed Electrified Railway

  3. 噪声的危害与控制介绍了福建地区大气无线电噪声测量结果。

    The measured results of the atmospheric radio noise in Fujian regions is also described .

  4. 福建地区大气无线电噪声的某些特征

    Atmospheric radio noise characteristics at Fujian regions

  5. 大气无线电噪声测量与分析

    Measurement and analysis of atmospheric radio noise

  6. 电气化铁道的无线电噪声是广泛存在的,会对铁路通信造成很大的影响。

    Electrified railway radio noise on the rail will cause a great interference on railway communication .

  7. 基于模态分析法的交流特高压输电线路无线电噪声的预测评估

    Prediction and assessment of radio noise of AC UHV transmission lines based on modal analysis method

  8. 宇宙无线电噪声记录仪

    Cosmic radio noise recorder

  9. 首先,我们对电气化铁道的无线电噪声进行实地测量,得到实测数据;

    First , the radio disturbance of the electrified railway were measured and much measurement data were obtained ;

  10. 在无线电噪声环境里,利用基于每秒1600跳跳频表的分组交换协议可以提高系统性能。

    Uses packet switching protocol based on frequency hop scheme with 1600 hops / s to enable high performance in noisy radio environments .

  11. 本文首先全面介绍了脉冲无线电噪声理论和应用方面的发展历史和进展,追踪了该领域技术的最新动态。

    This paper fully describes the impulsive radio noise theory and application history of the development and progress of technology in this field to track the latest developments .

  12. 进一步的研究与试验显示,多相输电线路运行的可闻噪声、无线电噪声、地面电磁场等环境指标均优于三相线路。

    By further research and test , it is shown that the environmental indices in multi-phase systems such as audible noises , radio noises and electric and magnetic field at ground level are better than that in three-phase systems .

  13. 这些为在频率选择上避开电离层回波的干扰打下了基础。其次,对于高频雷达信号检测的两个主要的背景噪声&无线电噪声和海杂波,本文也给予了较详细的讨论。

    These are ready for avoid interference from the ionosphere in the frequency choice . Second , about two main background noises in the high-frequency radar signal detection - radio noise and sea clutter , the paper also gave some discussion .

  14. 为了克服现有预测公式的局限性,提出了基于模态分析法的特高压交流输电线路无线电噪声的预测模型,该模型有效地解决了分裂导线数目大于4的输电线路的干扰预测问题。

    To overcome the limitation of the current prediction formulas , a novel RN prediction model based on modal analysis method is presented in this dissertation and it is fitted for the transmission lines whose conductor bundle number is more than 4 .

  15. 这是外星文明可以突出于宇宙的无线电背景噪声发送信号的一种方式。

    That 's one way that an extraterrestrial civilization can send a signal that stands up above the radio background noise .

  16. 高压变电站的建设带来一系列的环境问题,如运行期产生的电磁场、无线电干扰、噪声污染及污废水等。

    Many environmental problems , such as electromagnetic field and radio interference disturbance , noise pollution and waste water , appear with the construction of extra high-voltage substations .

  17. 交流和直流输电线路对于环境的电磁影响,主要包括:电场、磁场、无线电干扰和可听噪声等几个方面。

    The electromagnetic environment influences of AC and DC transmission lines include electric and magnetic fields , radio interference and audible noise .

  18. 交直流输电线路的电晕现象会造成电晕离子电流、电晕损耗、无线电干扰和可听噪声等多种不良后果,它和输电线路的电磁环境息息相关。

    AC-DC transmission line corona will cause corona ion current , corona loss , audible noise and radio interference . They are directly related with electromagnetic environment of transmission line .

  19. 输电线路的电磁环境参数主要包括工频电场、工频磁场、无线电干扰和可听噪声四个方面。

    The electromagnetic parameter of power transmission include : power frequency electrical field , power frequency magnetic field , radio inference ( RI ) and audible noise ( AN ) .

  20. 选择合理的导线布置方式和增大导线高度是减小电场影响的有效途径;增加分裂数和加大子导线截面积可有效减小无线电干扰和可听噪声;需综合各项因素,选择合适的导线及杆塔参数。

    Appropriate arrangement of conductors and increasing height is an efficient path to reducing electric field ; increasing multiple conductor number and cross section of conductor can reduce RI and AN . Comprehending every factor , choosing appropriate parameters of conductor and tower .