
  • 网络High frequency communication system;HF COMM;MHFCS
  1. 目前,民航空管主要使用的通信系统有甚高频通信系统、高频通信系统。

    Nowadays , VHF communication system and HF communication systems are mainly used by CAAC air traffic control .

  2. 其中甚高频通信系统具有通信费用低、设备简单、带宽宽等优点,在此系统上进行数据通信有广泛的应用。

    VHF communication systems which have lower communication costs , equipment simple , wide bandwidth advantages etc , for a wide range of data communications applications in this system .

  3. 关于哈尔滨VHF地空甚高频遥控通信系统线路的备份

    The Alternative Circuitry of Harbin Ground-Air VHF Remote Control Communication System

  4. 海上高频自适应通信系统中实时选频技术的应用可以改善海上短波通信的通信质量和提高通信可通率。

    Application of RTCE in adaptive HF maritime communication system , can improve quality of communication and enhance link rate of communication .

  5. 本文设计开发了一套多通道甚高频遥控通信系统,该系统具备内话系统的主要功能,且安全可靠、成本低廉,为管制部门提供了一种经济实用的解决方案。

    This paper explains the design and development of a " multi-channel VHF remote communication system " . This system has the main function of the voice switching and control system , and it is safe , reliable , and low cost .

  6. 随着无线通信中载波频率越来越高,其空间损耗也越来越大,而电磁辐射对人体的影响尚未确定,因此在高频无线通信系统中采用分布式天线已经成为降低通信辐射的常见技术。

    The space loss of the carrier frequency in wireless communications is increasing with frequency getting higher ; and the effect of electromagnetic radiation to the human body has not been determined , the high-frequency wireless communication system using a distributed antenna has become common to reduce communication radiation technology .

  7. 基于ARC/INFO的甚高频通信覆盖评估系统的设计和开发

    Design and development of arc / info based VHF communication overlay system

  8. 高频开关通信电源系统的组成、管理和维护水带护套翼状螺母组成

    The Composition , Management and Maintenance of High-frequency Switching Communication Power Supply Systems

  9. 在卫星通信系统中,由于微波频段频率资源的枯竭以及毫米波频段射频技术的发展,使得发展高频段卫星通信系统成为必要和可能。

    With the depletion of the microwave frequency resources and the development of millimeter-wave band technology , it becomes possible to develop high band system in satellite communication systems , where the EHF band ( millimeter-wave band ) is one of the preferred frequency bands available .

  10. 超高频小型中继无线通信系统特高频率无线电通信系统

    UHF mini-trunking radio system ultra-high-frequency radio system

  11. 甚高频小型中继无线通信系统

    VHF mini-trunking radio system

  12. 注入锁定技术具有稳频、放大、调制等特性,已被广泛应用于微波毫米波以及更高频段通信和相控阵系统中的小信号恢复、频率同步、功率合成、相位调制等。

    The injection-locking technology , characterized by the frequency stabilization , amplification , modulation and etc , has been widely used in the small-signal recovery , frequency synchronization , power synthesis , phase modulation and etc in the microwave , millimeter wave and higher frequency range communication and phased-array systems .