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  1. “诗无达诂”的批评方法意义

    The meaning of the critical method of " shi Wu Da gu "

  2. 第二章:诗学误读与诗无达诂的遇合。

    Chapter two : the meeting and shutting of Misreading of poetry and Vagueness in poetic Interpretation .

  3. 加达默尔文艺诠释理论与诗无达志说翁方纲的诗歌选评与肌理说的形成

    Weng Fang-gang 's Poem Selecting and Evaluating and the Formation of the Theory of Skin Texture in Literature

  4. 而读者的审美阅读又因经历、知识水平、心境的不同而见仁见智,正所谓“诗无达诂”。

    Readers ' aesthetic interpretation differs due to their own experiences , knowledge level and mood , which are called " Poetry has no absolute interpretation " .

  5. 诗无达诂是中国古代文学鉴赏和文学批评所遵循的一个原则,也是文学接受活动、文学阐释活动中客观存在的普遍现象。

    No forced interpretation was a principle followed in literary appreciation and literary criticism in ancient China , as well as a universal phenomenon existing in literary receptive activity and literary interpreting activity .

  6. 诗无达诂产生的原因是多方面的,既关涉文学作品自身的特性与阐释主体接受的能动性,又关涉到中国传统思维方式的特点。

    There were many reasons leading to that , it was concerned with the character of literary works and the initiation of interpretation subjects , as well as the feature of Chinese traditional thought .

  7. 粪阳性者中无症状者达83.6%,粪便、唾液检出率与日龄间无明显关系(P>0.05);

    Asymptomatic rate of stool positive patients was 83.6 % .

  8. AML共30例,无病生存达4年以上者占70%(21/30)。

    Of the 30 patients with AML , 21 ( 70 % ) got 4 year DFS .

  9. SUV以其无所不达的能力销售出去,它们可以登山、溯流而上、横越沙漠,做这些一般车子无法应付的事。

    SUVs are sold on their ability to go anywhere – they can roll over mountains , up rivers and through deserts that the average car could simply never handle .

  10. 在辅以Ni合金化后,大大地提高了韧性,在硬度HRC66~67时,无缺口冲值达30J/cm~2左右,静弯曲强度为3500N/mm~2左右,然而硬度、红硬性特别是高温硬度则有所下降。

    The impact value of un-notched specimen is about 30J / cm ~ 2.the bending stress is around 3500N / mm ~ 2 , while hardness is about HRC 66 ~ 67 . Hardness , red-hardness , especially high-temperature hardness , however , have a decreased .

  11. 对照组无一例达阳性诊断标准。

    None of the patients in group B reached the diagnostic criteria .

  12. ‘玫瑰香’葡萄无核率达95%以上,提早成熟25-30天。

    And for ' Muscat Hamberg ' , seedless rate and earlier mature were 95 % and 25-30 days , respectively .

  13. 结果深度黄疸患者占61.76%(21/34),合并肝内胆管扩张、肝内胆管炎占82.35%(28/34),而胆囊壁光滑及囊内回声无异常者达85.29%(29/34)。

    Results The incidence rate of patients with severe jaundice was 61.76 % ( 21 / 34 ), and the rate of intrahepatic cholangiectasis and cholangitis was 82.35 % ( 28 / 34 ) .

  14. 试验期对样品的感观、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、带茵量等指标定期检测的结果表明,浓度为0.5%的山梨酸防霉效果最好,无霉变期达11天;

    In samples were determined periodically . The results showed that sorbic acid with concentration of 0.5 % had the best anti-mould effectiveness , the time of the fermentation feed free from mould was 11 days .

  15. 我想再补充两句话来勉励会上其他参加者,那就是“学无先后、达者为先”以及“活到老、学到老。”

    " I would like to add by quoting the popular saying " it matters not when we start learning , whoever attains shall be the teacher " and that learning is a life-long experience . "

  16. 40mW·cm-25min组部分曲细精管内几乎无细胞,损伤达坏死极限;

    In 40 mW · cm-2 5 min group , there were nearly no cells found in some convoluted seminiferous tubules , and necrosis was severe .

  17. 经五年多工业现场使用,准确率达95%,无故障运行率达97%以上。

    It has been operated in productive field for five years and given accuracy of better than 95 % , failure free operation rate of better than 97 % .

  18. 结果表明,在实验室设定的实验条件下均无脱除能力或者达不到稳定的脱除效果,对于本论文的四种原油对象,均不适合作为工业用金属捕集脱除药剂。

    The results showed that there was little metal removal or no removal effect in the given experimental conditions , considering unsuitable for industrial use as a agent for removal metal from crude oils .

  19. 结论可供分析无病生存期的ALL病例共60例,无病生存达4年以上者占85%(51/60)。

    CONCLUSIONS Of the 60 patients with ALL who had been followed up , 51 ( 85 % ) got 4 years DFS .

  20. 而海南无核荔枝则是荔枝中的特优品种,其无核率高达95%。

    Hainan seedless litchi is an excellent variety with the high seedless rate of 95 % .