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  1. 他们目前在编第九部,从1930年就开始了,现在编到了P字头。

    They 're now working on their ninth edition , which they began in 1930 , and they 've reached the letter P.

  2. 华盛顿——在整个美国,除了加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪枪击案袭击者使用的那部iPhone,司法部还在要求苹果公司(Apple)帮助解锁至少九部手机。

    WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is demanding Apple 's help in unlocking at least nine iPhones nationwide in addition to the phone used by one of the San Bernardino , Calif. , attackers .

  3. 安吉拉·卡特(AngelaCarter,1940-1992),二十世纪英国最具独创性和知名度的作家之一,一生创作了九部长篇小说、大量短篇小说并翻译、编辑童话和民间传说。

    Angela Carter ( 1940-1992 ), one of the most original and well-known writers of the twentieth century from Britain , created nine novels , a large number of short stories and translated or edited fairy tales and folklores throughout her entire life .

  4. 优酷土豆首席执行官古永锵(VictorKoo)表示,这个名为合一影业(HeyiFilm)的新电影公司将每年制作八部大屏幕电影,还会制作九部首发于互联网的影片。

    Victor Koo , chairman and chief executive of the company , said the film division , Heyi Film , would produce eight films per year destined for the big screen and a further nine aimed to premiere on the internet .

  5. 德沃夏克还写过许多其他的交响曲和九部歌剧。

    Dvorak also wrote a number of other symphonies and nine operas .

  6. 迄今为止,莫里森共创作了九部长篇小说。

    So far Morrison has published nine novels .

  7. 但根据报道,第九部的迷你电影正在英国赫特福德郡的哈利波特工厂悄然开拍。

    But a ninth mini-movie is reportedly being filmed at the Potter studios in Hertfordshire .

  8. 九部交响曲代表了他与苦难命运抗争的心路历程。

    Nine symphonies of Beethoven show the pilgrim of his thought fighting with the fate .

  9. 事实上,就是管九部电话机,我也没有忙碌不堪之感。

    Even with nine telephones I really didn 't feel I was working to capacity .

  10. 《绝地的复仇》将完成星战九部史诗中的中三部曲。

    Revenge of the Jedi will complete the middle trilogy of the nine-part Star Wars epic .

  11. 九歌九部摇滚传记片

    Nine Rock of Biographical Films

  12. 四个孩子,九部电影,或者九个孩子,四部电影,我弄不清了。

    So four kids , nine films , or nine kids , four films , I get confused .

  13. 本论文所研究的小说《思家饭店的晚餐》是她1982年发表的第九部并具有里程碑意义的小说,也是她写作生涯的一个转折点。

    The novel discussed in this thesis Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant is her ninth , also landmark one .

  14. 我把数字削减到九部,因为另三部与这个传奇的主线关系不大。

    GL : I cut that number down to nine because the other three were tangential to the saga .

  15. 作为此次会议的一部分,立法者将商议九部法律草案,其中包括土地管理相关法律的修正案。

    As part of this session , lawmakers are deliberating nine draft laws including amendments to the laws connected to land management .

  16. 九部交响曲作为一种文化现象与德国古典美学存在着必然的联系,它们是对18世纪未19世纪初德国社会现实的描述,具有自由美和崇高美的品质。

    They are the description of German society between 18th and 19th century , which also have the character of freedom and sublimity .

  17. 今年第85届奥斯卡最佳影片奖角逐异常激烈,共有九部影片争夺奥斯卡小金人。

    The best picture category for the 85th Academy Awards is highly competitive this year , with nine films fighting for the golden statuette .

  18. 在奥斯卡角逐中,它甚至没能入选最佳外语片类别的入围名单,入围名单上的九部影片中会产生五部提名影片。

    In the Oscar race , it did not even make the shortlist of nine films in the Best Foreign Language Film category , from which five nominees are selected .

  19. 可能有人认为作曲家们的死亡是由于年事已高,毕竟,要写九部交响曲可能需要数十年时间。

    Of course , it could be argued that the deaths are simply a product of old age . After all , it can take decades to write nine symphonies .

  20. 本月,学院内部的一个评审委员会将宣布一个短名单,内容为九部来自不同国家的电影,之后第二个委员会将把名单缩减为五部。

    This month , a selection committee inside the Academy is expected to announce a shortlist of films from nine countries , which a second committee will eventually narrow down to five .

  21. 圣诞节前后将公布包含九部影片的短名单,其中一些是投票选出的,还有一些是奥斯卡奖外语片委员会挑选的。1月15日将公布五部提名影片。

    A shortlist of nine films , some chosen by vote and others selected by the Academy 's foreign language committee , will be announced around Christmas ; of those , five nominees will be announced on Jan. 15 .

  22. 上周,这部长达四个半小时的史诗巨片成为入围奥斯卡最佳外语片奖初选名单的九部影片之一,该影片以1930年台湾当地赛德克族发动反对日本殖民统治的武装起义的真实故事为蓝本。

    Last week , the 4-1 / 2-hour film - based on the true story of Taiwan 's indigenous Seediq tribes who launched an armed uprising against Japanese rule in 1930 - was among nine films short-listed for the foreign-language category .

  23. 金爵奖公布的九部入围作品中,有俄罗斯大师尼基塔·米哈尔科夫新作《中暑》、美国导演丹尼尔·巴恩兹的作品《蛋糕》,也有中国台湾地区导演王童新作《对风说爱你》。

    Among the films nominated for the Golden Goblet Award are Sunstroke , from Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov , Kang Je-kyu 's Salut D'amour , Cake by Daniel Barnz from the U.S. and Taiwan director Wang Tung 's Where the Wind Settles .

  24. 第九条人事部组织专家审定考试科目、试大纲和试题。

    Article Nine MOP organizes experts to approve of the exam subjects , exam outline , and exam paper .

  25. 很高兴见到你,亨利。我是海伦•格兰特,我在九楼广告部工作。

    Nice to meet you , Henry . I am Helen Grant . I am in the Advertising Section on the ninth floor .

  26. 经过一年多,港铁巴士车队大部份已经换上港铁标准色彩,而带有原九铁巴士部色彩的港铁巴士已经买少见少。

    The old colour scheme of KCR Bus Division was gradually replaced by the new MTR Bus Division scheme over the past year and only a few MTR buses still carry the KCR Bus Division scheme in Feb.