
  • 网络Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation;KCRC;KCR
  1. 不同产地广佛手药材HPLC指纹图谱的研究九广铁路公司暨地下铁路公司主席兼行政总裁

    HPLC fingerprint of Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis from Guangdong province " Chairman-cum-Chief Executive , Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation and Mass Transit Railway Corporation "

  2. 九广铁路公司已展开其10年消减噪音计划。

    The Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation has embarked on a 10-year noise reduction programme .

  3. 九广铁路公司总经理

    " Managing Director , Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation "

  4. 九广铁路公司总经理邮政总局面朝铁路车站。

    " Managing Director , Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation " The head post office fronts the railway station .

  5. 金管局于一九九九年四月为九广铁路公司安排一项100亿元的债券发行计划。

    In April , the HKMA arranged a $ 10 billion Note Issuance Programme for the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation ( KCRC ) .

  6. 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁在屯门新市镇将设有两个车站,而每个车站会有公共交通接驳设施。

    The proposed West Rail by the KCRC will have two stations in Tuen Mun New Town , each with its own public transport interchange facilities .

  7. 成立于1982年的九广铁路公司是为香港特别行政区提供高质量的大规模运输服务的公营机构。

    Established in1982 , the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation ( KCRC ) is a public corporation providing high quality mass transport services in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  8. 本条规定不适用于《九广铁路公司条例》(第372章)所规定的西北铁路的所有车辆。

    Nothing in this section shall apply to the rolling stock of the North - west Railway as defined in the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation Ordinance ( Cap . 372 ) .