
  1. 通过对PIV系统介绍及其实验结果,认为:掩模技巧结合阈值确定作为基本方法,可以将稀释区水的示踪粒子和纸浆纤维粒子实行图像分离,从而各自可以得到较准确的两相流流场信息。

    By means of PIV system and its experiment results , It showed that the images of tracers and pulp fiber particles were separated to gain the exact flow field information respectively by way of mask technique and threshold values . 3 .

  2. 玉溪市红塔区水资源可持续利用初探

    Sustainable Exploitation of Water Resources of Hongta District of Yuxi Municipality

  3. 松花江区水资源质量评价综述

    Review on the evaluation of water resources quality in Songhuajiang basin

  4. 干旱区水资源利用与绿洲生态农业

    Utilization of Water Resources and Oasis Ecological Agriculture in Arid Areas

  5. 空腔回流区水沙特性的计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis on Flow and Sediment Transport in Cavity Recirculation

  6. 感潮河网区水沙运动的数值模拟感潮河网引水增流水力水质计算及河道糙率优化

    Numerical Modeling of Flow and Sediment Transports in Tidal River Networks

  7. 干旱区水资源合理配置模式与计算方法

    Mode and calculation method for rational water resources allocation in arid zone

  8. 澄海区水资源管理初探

    Study on the Management of Water Resources in Chenghai District

  9. 洪河国家级自然保护区水资源需求研究

    Study on water resources demand of Honghe National Nature Reserve

  10. 广西采矿区水污染现状及防治对策

    Water pollution in mining areas of Guangxi and prevention countermeasure

  11. 气候变化对黄河源区水资源的影响

    Impact of Climate Change on Runoff in Source Region of Yellow River

  12. 焉耆盆地平原区水资源及其开发模式

    On water resource and development pattern in Yanqi Basin Area

  13. 应当建立煤矿区水资源保护区

    Water resources conservation zones should be set up in coal mining areas

  14. 关于我国跨行政区水污染防治的思考

    Peculation on Water Pollution Prevention and Control of Multi-Administrative Regions

  15. 干旱区水资源费的构成与确定

    Constitution and Determination of Water Cost in Arid Area

  16. 平原区水资源可持续开发利用调节机制研究

    Adjustment mechanism for the sustainable exploitation and usage of water resources in plains

  17. 北方干旱区水地球化学方法应用效果

    Applied Effect of the Hydrogeochemical Method in the Dry District of North China

  18. 闵行区水污染状况分析及治理对策

    Treatment Countermeasures and Water Pollution Situation in Minhang District

  19. 泰山区水环境监测网络优化研究

    Optimize the water condition monitoring network of Taishan District

  20. 干旱区水资源开发利用与可持续发展

    Water resources exploitation and sustaining development in arid area

  21. 鄱阳湖区水资源承载力的分析

    The water resource carrying capacity in Poyang Lake Region

  22. 干旱区水环境质量的好坏直接决定着绿洲经济建设的水平。

    Water quality determining the economic construction level of oasis in arid area .

  23. 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区水资源高效利用技术试验研究

    High-efficient utilizing technology of water resources at hill gully area of Loess Plateau

  24. 新疆马分布区水热分布相似类型及其特征

    Analogous types and features of precipitation temperature distribution in Xinjiang horse breeding regions

  25. 南阳市东部岗丘区水资源可持续发展探讨

    Discussion on Sustained Development of Water Resources in Mound Area of Eastern Nanyang

  26. 我国西北干旱区水资源的合理开发利用

    Rational Development and Utilization of Water Resources in Arid Areas in Northwest China

  27. 干旱盆地地下水排泄区水环境初探

    Preliminary study of groundwater evironment in arid basin

  28. 新疆平原区水资源开发利用对生态环境的影响

    Effect of water resources exploitation and utilization on ecological environment of Xinjiang plain region

  29. 面向生态的西北干旱区水资源合理配置研究

    Study on Rational Allocation of Water Resources in Northwest Arid Region Based on Ecology

  30. 长江河口区水动力与泥沙运移模式及其整治

    The Hydrodynamic and PLT in the Mouth Region of Yangtze River and Its Training