
  • 网络Radio Control
  1. 惠达航空模型有限公司专业生产无线电控制键。

    POWER HD , a professional and enthusiastic manufacturer of radio control key components .

  2. 拖拉机和无线电控制发射机,让营办商控制其运动。

    The tractor and Radio Control transmitter that allows the operator to control its movements .

  3. Atari的解决办法是剥离了无线电控制操纵杆,可以在房间内使用的无电缆设置。

    Atari 's solution was to spin off a set of radio-controlled joysticks , which could be used across the room without a cable .

  4. 采用无线电控制,可以在空中任意位置开斗卸料。

    The grab could be open and unload materials any position in the air .

  5. 人们可以藉由附著在手机上的蓝芽无线电控制28毫米的机械人。

    People can control the 228-millimeter-tall robot by Bluetooth radio attached to mobile phones .

  6. 无线电控制信号接收机

    Radio control receiver line signal sender connector

  7. 无线电控制空中航行区航空无线电通信电台

    Aeronautical communications log radio controlled aerial-navigation

  8. 无线电控制的空中目标

    Radio controlled aerial target

  9. 学校提供一套完成设计所需的工具包,包括无线电控制设备、电池、气球、电动机和制作材料。

    A project kit is provided consisting of radio control equipment , batteries , balloons , electric motors , and construction materials .

  10. 我们介绍了无线电控制的时钟在1991年美国市场,并继续在这一技术在美国尖端。

    We introduced radio-controlled clocks to the US market in1991 and continue to be on the cutting edge of this technology in America .

  11. 为了防止干扰,设备应远离无线电波电器至少2米,如电视,收音机及无线电控制的时钟。

    To prevent interference , the appliance should be kept away from radio waves electrical appliances at least2m , such as TVs , radios and radio-controlled clocks .

  12. 译码器组合在地空武器系统无线电控制探测当中起着至关重要的作用,译码器性能的好坏直接关系到武器系统的作战性能,影响作战结果。

    The encoder is playing a crucial role in the domains of Terra-Air armament system , The performance of the encoder directly affects the campaign performance of armament system and the result of the military affairs .

  13. 快速收敛的认知无线电功率控制算法

    A Power Control Algorithm with Faster Convergence for Cognitive Radio

  14. 基于信干比的认知无线电功率控制博弈算法

    Power Control Game Theory Based on SIR in Cognitive Radio

  15. 一种新的认知无线电功率控制博弈算法

    A novel power control game algorithm for cognitive radio

  16. 多机牵引用无线电远程控制

    Multiple radio remote control of locomotives in coupled trains

  17. 我们的无线电飞航控制系统是用生物测定。

    Our radio flight control systems use biometrics .

  18. 无线电负荷控制装置及其应用

    The Application of the Radio-Controlled Load Device

  19. 认知无线电的功率控制与信道容量研究

    The Research on Power Control and Channel Capacity of Cognitive Radio

  20. 它是通过无线电和雷达控制装置而导向其指定目标的。

    It is guided to its destination by radio and radar control .

  21. 牵头负责对地市级无线电监测区域控制中心项目建设实施。

    Lead prefecture of radio monitoring area control center project construction implementation . 4 .

  22. 负责将地市级无线电监测区域控制中心项目总体设计方案标准化。

    Responsible for municipal-scale radio monitoring area will control center project overall design scheme standardization .

  23. 本人在该项目设计建设中主要进行了以下方面内容的工作和研究:1.对地市级无线电监测区域控制中心项目进行总体功能设计。

    The municipal-scale radio monitoring area of control center project in overall function design . 2 .

  24. 对地市级无线电监测区域控制中心项目进行各子系统设备进行选型比对试验。

    The prefecture of radio monitoring area control center project selection of each subsystem equipment comparison test . 3 .

  25. 据初步报告显示,几名飞行员都没有通过无线电向机场控制塔台报告任何机上问题或声明出现紧急状况。

    None of the pilots radioed flight controllers about any onboard problems or declared an emergency , according to preliminary reports .

  26. 其中,电磁相容性EMC和EMI的电磁防护被认为是至关重要的两个因素,其典型的应用领域是通讯设备、微波无线电设备和计算机控制系统的电磁屏蔽。

    Thereinto , the EMC and EMI are considered as the two vital important factors . Its typical application area gets involved in communications equipments , microwave wireless devices and CPU control systems .

  27. 软件无线电及其在导弹控制探测系统中的应用

    Software Radio and its Application in Control Detection System of Missile

  28. 以单片机为中心的无线电引信炸高控制系统设计

    Application for microcontroller in the burst - height exact control of Radio Fuzes

  29. 该系统可用于无线电测试、自动控制和近炸引信仿真等领域。

    Hence the system has extensive applications in fields of radio detection , automatic control and proximity fuse simulation , etc.

  30. 提出了一种适合于认知无线电网络的功率控制方法。

    A power allocation method based on the Non-cooperative Power Control Game ( NPCG ) in cognitive radio networks is proposed .