
  • 网络transition rate
  1. 星际A型CH3CH-H2含超精细能级的碰撞跃迁速率系数的理论计算

    Theoretical calculation for the hyperfine collisional transition rate coefficients of interstellar type-A ch_3cn-h_2

  2. 理论分析结果表明,n光子吸收跃迁速率与光强的n次方和n阶光子相干度成正比。

    It is showed that the n-photon absorption transition rate is proportional to the nth power of intensity and the nth order photon coherent degree .

  3. 星际E型CH3CN与H2的碰撞跃迁速率系数的理论计算

    Theoretical calculation for the collisional transitional rate coefficients of interstellar E-type ch_3cn-h_2

  4. 在简化的热浴模型上,导出了跃迁速率常数的表达式。该表达式在经典近似下具有Arrhenius形式。

    Based on a simple model of the heat bath , expressions of the rate constant are obtained and have Arrhenius form under classical approximation .

  5. 利用IOS近似模型,计算了星际分子云条件下E型CH3CN-H2含超精细能级的的碰撞跃迁速率系数。

    IOS ( infinite order sudden ) approximation , the hyperfine collisional transitional rate coefficients of E-type CH3CN-H2 have been calculated under the conditions of interstellar molecular clouds .

  6. Ni~(2+):BeAl2O4晶体具有比较快的辐射跃迁速率,且在室温(300K)时有较高的发光量子效率(0.72),用它有可能制作室温下可调谐的终端声子激光器。

    Ni_ ( 2 + ): BeAl_2O_4 Crystal has considerable high radiative rate and luminescence efficiency at room temperature and is a possible good candidate for making tunable laser .

  7. 碳原子3s-3p跃迁速率的测量

    Atomic transition probability measurements for 3s-3p transition of carbon atom

  8. 本文讨论了由5个子单元组成的单个Ca~(2+)通道的状态特性,证明了其中任意两个相邻状态之间的跃迁速率与玻尔兹曼能最因子exp(&ε/KT)有关。

    The paper discusses the C_a ~ ( 2 + ) channel states composed of five subunits , and nerives that the rate for flipping from a state to a neighbouring state is rel - cted to exp ( - ε / KT ) .

  9. 半导体中多光子吸收跃迁速率的全量子理论分析

    All-quantum theoretical analysis of transition rate for multiphoton absorption in semiconductors

  10. 与非相干光相关的跃迁速率。

    Transition rate due to incoherent light .

  11. 从激光介质中光能量的传输方程和描述脉冲激光的能级跃迁速率方程出发,研究了激光介质对抽运光的吸收特性。

    The theoretical solution of the pump light absorption of a laser medium is presented .

  12. 此外,基态和三线态第一激发态之间的自旋-轨道耦合矩阵元能够定性反映配合物非辐射跃迁速率常数的大小。

    Besides , the spin-orbit coupling matrix elements can qualitatively reflect the magnitude of the non-radiative rate constant .

  13. 驻波场中原子的跃迁速率与所受辐射压力的关系

    The relation between the radiation force on an atom in the standing wave field and the atomic transition rate

  14. 能级间距决定了对激光制冷至关重要的两个因素:量子效率和无辐射跃迁速率。

    The energy gap of two states determines two important elements in laser cooling , quantum efficiency and multiphonon relaxation rate .

  15. 通过实验表明磷酸盐玻璃在制备过程中引进的水,与无辐射跃迁速率的增加有直接的关系。

    Experimental research indicates that the water introduced during the preparation of phosphate glasses is directly responsible for the enhancement of nonradiative transition probability .

  16. 本文从非线性光学中辐射跃迁速率的表达式出发,在全量子理论下,导出了半导体中任意阶多光子吸收跃迁速率的一般表达式。

    Based on the all-quantum theory , the general expression of transition rate for an arbitrary order multiphoton absorption in semiconductors is calculated by use of the known radiation transition rate in nonlinear optics in this paper .

  17. 本文在多能带及二能带理论模型下,对多光子吸收跃迁速率的一般表达式进行了化简,并对非线性相互作用项对跃迁速率的贡献,作了讨论。

    Using a multi-band model and a two-band model , the simplified expressions of transition rate for multiphoton absorption are separately given . And the contribution of nonlinear term in the interaction to the transition rate is discussed .

  18. 考虑了合作上转换、交叉弛豫、激发态吸收等上转换机制,分别建立了针对三种泵浦波长的Er3+跃迁的速率方程。

    Considering cooperative up-conversion , cross-relaxation and excited state absorption , rate equations of Er3 + energy level transitions are founded for three kinds of pumping wavelength .

  19. 由钕离子的四能级跃迁的速率方程理论,推出了阈值功率的表达式,并且对近阈值条件下和强泵浦条件下的激光输出功率做了理论预测;

    The four-energy-level velocity rate equation is illustrated and so is the expression of threshold power . The laser power on the condition of near-threshhold and powerful pumping is estimated .

  20. 类锂硅离子软X射线激光:能级结构、辐射跃迁波长和速率

    Li-like Si soft-X-ray laser : level structure , wavelengths and rates of the radiative transitions

  21. 当两个子带能级间隔与某一个界面声子模式的能量相当时,由于电子共振跃迁,跃迁速率显著增加。

    If the energy split of two subbands is approximately the same as the interface phonon mode , there will be a resonant transition .

  22. 利用Laplace变换法导出了多光子过程的跃迁几率、跃迁速率和平均跃迁几率。

    The transition probability and the transition rate as well as the average transition probability are derived using Laplace transforms .

  23. 星际分子正-NH3和He的超精细跃迁碰撞截面和速率系数的理论计算

    Theoretical calculations of the collision cross sections and rate coefficients for the hyperfine transitions of interstellar molecular ortho-nh_3 colliding with he