
  • 网络active antenna;DVB-T
  1. 本文还利用FDTD法数值研究了Gunn二极管的集总参数对振荡频率的影响以及有源天线振荡频率的调谐技术。

    The numerical experiment is done with FDTD method . In addition , this paper numerically investigated the influence of the lumped parameters of the Gunn diode on the frequency of the oscillation , and the tuning techniques of the oscillation frequency of the active antenna .

  2. 新型光子晶体结构在微带有源天线中的应用

    The Application of Novel Photonic Bandgap Structure To Microwave Active Antenna

  3. 从York的非线性动态理论出发,设计了空间耦合有源天线二元阵,实现了空间功率合成。

    Active Integrated antenna arrays are designed by use of York 's nonlinear dynamic theory and spatial power combining is realized .

  4. 得到时域结果后,运用FFT求出了有源天线的振荡频率。

    After getting the result in time domain , the frequency of oscillation is obtained by FFT .

  5. HPM等离子体有源天线散射研究

    Study of Active Antenna of Plasma Scattering

  6. 并给出了该有源天线稳定的工作条件。

    The stable operating condition of the active antenna is also given .

  7. 分析结果表明,二维耦合振荡器有源天线阵的相位误差具有积累特性;

    Theoretical results showed that phase error of coupled oscillators array could accumulate .

  8. 非线性有源天线阵多波束相位分布控制方法

    Control Method of Nonlinear Active Antenna Array Multi-beams Phase-distribution

  9. 有源天线阵波束电扫描新技术

    New Beam Scanning Technology for Active Antenna Array

  10. 有源天线的原理与应用

    Principles and Applications of Active Antennas

  11. 一种环形结构的耦合振荡器阵列及其在有源天线阵中的应用

    Coupled Oscillators Array with Concentric Rings Structure and Its Application in Active Antenna Array square-wave oscillator

  12. 本文对用一种负阻抗变换电路同电小天线导线相结合构成的有源天线进行了理论分析。

    An active antenna consisting of electrically small antennas and a negative impedance changing circuit is analyzed in this paper .

  13. 利用卫星源测量有源天线G/T值的简便方法

    A Simple Method for Measuring the G / T Value of the Active Antenna by Use of the Satellite Beacon

  14. 非线性有源天线阵波束扫描技术研究一维非线性波导阵列中光束传输特性

    Beam Scanning Techniques of Nonlinear Active Integrated Antenna Array Investigations on Transmission Properties of Beam in One Dimension Nonlinear Waveguide Arrays

  15. 确定金属化工艺中稳定的优化工作区域。并给出了该有源天线稳定的工作条件。

    The optimum operation region of the process parameters is found in the new neural network . The stable operating condition of the active antenna is also given .

  16. 本文研究了利用注频锁相技术实现小型化、低成本、高集成度的非线性有源天线阵差波束扫描系统。

    This paper studies offset beam scanning system of nonlinear active array based on injection-locking technique , which has the merits of miniaturization , low cost , high integration .

  17. 随着有源天线技术的成熟和移动通信网络中多天线技术的发展,有源天线技术有望成为3G/4G网络建设的利器。

    With the development of multi-antenna technology in the mobile communication network and active antenna technology , active antenna is expected to become the weapon of the3G / 4G network construction .

  18. 从实用观点出发,研究了高频天线阵单元相位误差对波束的影响.在进行了数学推导后,还讨论了实际应用中减小这种影响的具体办法.按这种方法实现了对有源天线单元的布置。

    From the practical application view-point , the effect of the phase deviation of array elements on beam direction is analysed . After the expression is deduced , some methods used to reduce the effect are given .

  19. 微带有源天线的应用具有降低通信系统的复杂度、减小系统尺寸的优点,但由于天线与有源器件集成在一起,有源器件产生的谐波可以引起天线的伪辐射。

    In communication systems , the application of microstrip active antenna is useful for the simplification and downsizing of the system . But because the antenna is integrated with active devices , the harmonics produced by the active devices can result in the spurious radiation of the antenna .

  20. 首先研究了有源天线的振荡器理论,给出了有源天线的振荡条件;微带贴片天线的空腔模型理论,给出了天线尺寸与阻抗和谐振频率的关系。

    First , this paper researched the oscillator theory , which gave the oscillation condition of active antenna , and the cavity modeling theory of the microstrip antenna , which gave the relationship between the size and impendence of microstrip patch antenna and that between the size and resonant frequency .

  21. X波段双极化有源相控阵天线的设计

    Design of X-Band Dual-polarization Active Phased Array Antenna

  22. 有源相控阵天线在机载SAR中的若干问题分析

    Analysis of Some Issues on Active Electronically Scanned Array Applied to Airborne SAR System

  23. SAR自聚焦,星载SCANSAR成象和有源相控阵天线研究

    Research on SAR Auto-focusing Space-borne Scan SAR Image Processing and SAR Active Phased Array Design

  24. 基于FDTD算法的有源集成天线设计

    Design of active integrated antenna based on FDTD method

  25. 基于DDS的有源相控阵天线宽带快速跳频源设计

    The Design of Wide-band Fast Frequency Hopping Source in Phased-Array Antenna Based on DDS

  26. 基于DDS的有源相控阵天线

    Active Phased - Array Antenna Based on DDS

  27. 对宽带有源相控阵天线中实时延迟线对SAR图像性能的影响进行了仿真和分析。

    The effect of real-time delay line of the active phased array wideband antenna on SAR image performance is analyzed and simulated .

  28. PBG结构在有源微带天线中的应用

    PBG Structure and its Applications to the Active Antenna

  29. 第四,完成了独创的具有极化捷变功能并带有低噪声放大器(LNA)的有源微带天线阵的设计与研制,并进行了一系列实验2000年上侮大学博士学位论文研究。

    Finally , a series of experimental studies is made on the proposed polarization-agile active microstrip antenna witha low noise amplifier ( LNA ) .

  30. 1.5MHz到30MHz宽频带短波有源接收天线

    Broadband SW Active Receiving Antenna from 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz