
yǒu xiào dì zhǐ
  • effective address
  1. 在程序执行StorageAccess或Branch指令或者在存取下一条顺序指令时,它将使用处理器计算出的有效地址引用存储设备。

    A program references storage using the effective address computed by the processor when it executes a Storage Access or Branch instruction or when it fetches the next sequential instruction .

  2. EA表示有效地址,这是从主PPE程序中看到的主存地址。

    EA stands for effective address , which is a main memory address as viewed from the main PPE program .

  3. 主SPE程序将接收到包含字符串大小和指针的struct的有效地址指针。

    The main SPE program will receive an effective address pointer to a struct containing the size and pointer of a string in main memory .

  4. 8301单片机的P2口用来输出高位地址,其中对输出有效地址无关的口线,通常认为也不能再作一般I/O口线使用。

    Port 2 of Single Chip Microcomputer 8031 is used for the output of high-order address , whereas the lines which are not related to effective address generally cannot be used as universal I / O lines .

  5. 本地存储地址空间中的地址称为本地存储地址(LSA),而PPE上控制过程内的地址则称为有效地址(EA)。

    An address within the local store 's address space is called a local store address ( LSA ), while an address within the controlling process on the PPE is called an effective address ( EA ) .

  6. PPE用载入和存储指令访问主存储器(有效地址空间),可以在主存储器与内容可以缓存的私有寄存器文件之间移动数据。

    The PPE accesses main storage ( the effective-address space ) with load and store instructions that move data between main storage and a private register file , the contents of which may be cached .

  7. 请为接收位置{0}指定有效地址。

    Specify a valid address for Receive Location ' { 0 } ' .

  8. 填充缓冲区所用数据的有效地址

    The effective address the buffer was filled from

  9. 请输入网站目录的门户网站有效地址。

    Please enter a valid address for the portal site for the Site Directory .

  10. %1不是一个有效地址。请确认此地址有效,然后再试一次。

    % 1 is not a valid address . Verify the address and try again .

  11. 地址名必须是消息系统的有效地址,用单引号括起来。

    The address-name must be a valid address for the message-system , enclosed in single quotes .

  12. 请为发送端口{0}的{1}传输指定一个有效地址。

    Specify a valid address for the { 1 } transport of Send Port ' { 0 } ' .

  13. 如前所述,被映射的内存的边界(最后一个有效地址)常被称为系统中断点或者当前中断点。

    As mentioned above , the edge of mapped memory last valid address is often known as the system break or the current break .

  14. 与本文讨论的所有命令一样,您可以指定任何类型的有效地址,例如特定的行或行范围。

    As with all commands discussed here , you can specify any kind of valid address , such as a particular line or range of lines .

  15. 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者不能提供入网食品经营者的真实名称、有效地址和联系方式的,由网络食品交易第三方平台提供者赔偿。

    Accordingly , online food trading platform providers should pay compensation if they can 't provide the true name , effective address and contact information of food business operators .

  16. 在这种情况下,有效地址总是分为两个32位的寄存器;高位寄存器是可选的,如果没有指定,就会被当作零进行处理。

    The effective address is , under the hood , always split into a pair of32-bit registers ; the high-order register is optional and if it 's not specified , it is treated as zero .

  17. 地址生成单元是计算有效地址和线性地址的重要部件,因此,快速的生成访存地址对于提升系统效率是至关重要的。

    The address generation unit ( AGU ) is a key component of the memory management unit and is used to compute the Effective Address and Linear Address of the location being addressed in memory .

  18. 现在可以将新的从属服务器的IP地址添加到要查询的有效IP地址的列表中。

    Now you can add the IP address of your new slave server to the list of valid IP addresses to query .

  19. 在坏块的管理方法中,采用先将检测到的有效块地址存储在已建数组当中的方法,可以节省FPGA内部的资源,并可以加快对NANDFlash的操作速度。

    In bad block management method , the detected effectively block address is stored in the built register , which can save FPGA internal resources and accelerate the speed of operation of the NAND Flash .

  20. 在获得系统范围的物理地址(PMB)之后,Hypervisor将它转换为分区相应的有效逻辑地址(LMB)。

    After obtaining the system-wide physical address ( PMB ), the hypervisor translates this to the corresponding valid logical address ( LMB ) for the partition .

  21. 您没有选择具有有效hotmail地址的联系人,或者您已达到了可添加的联系人的最大值。

    You did not select any contacts with a valid Hotmail address , or you have reach the maximum number of contacts you can add .

  22. 尽管malloc可能返回有效的地址,但是在通过memset()尝试使用它之前,并不会获得这个页面。

    Though malloc may return a valid address , you don 't get a page until someone tries to use it through memset () .

  23. 请输入应用程序管理员的有效电子邮件地址。

    Please enter a valid e-mail address of the application manager .

  24. 对不起!这不是一个有效的地址。

    Sorry ! That is not a valid address .

  25. 地址选通用来指示有效的地址及新的总线访问的开始。

    Address strobe indicates valid address and the start of a new bus access .

  26. 无效的多播地址。有效的地址范围是从224.0.0.0到239.255.255.255。

    The multicast address is not valid . Valid addresses range from to .

  27. 名称包含有效网络地址的服务将路由到服务名称中的网络地址。

    Services with names that contain valid network addresses will route to the network address in the service name .

  28. 输入的地址范围太小。范围必须至少包含两个地址。请输入一个有效的地址范围。

    The address range entered is too small . The range must contain at least two addresses . Enter a valid address range .

  29. 您将需要提供一个有效的电子邮件地址,这样就可以把您的key到其中。

    You 'll need to give a valid e-mail address , to which your key will be sent .

  30. 测试结果表明,该技术能有效节省IP地址资源。

    Testing result indicates that it effectively economizes IP address resource .