
dān chún xíng
  • simplex;simplicissimum
单纯形[dān chún xíng]
  1. 线性规划解法的讨论及单纯形C程序设计

    To Solve Linear Programming for Discussion and to Design C Program for Simplex

  2. 通用单纯形算法的C程序设计

    C-language program about universal simplex method algorithms

  3. 基于DSP的不平衡补偿和单纯形优化的静止无功补偿器

    Unbalanced compensation and simplex optimization of static var compensator based on DSP

  4. 给出了n阶广义单纯形&中心设计的方差矩阵及其迹的一般表达式。

    The general expressions of variance-co-variance matrix and its trace for the n-degree generalized simplex-centroid design are given .

  5. 改进单纯形法寻优的MATLAB实现

    Realization of improved simplex method using MATLAB

  6. 改进的梯度投影单纯形法GPS及其在桁架优化上的应用

    The Improved Gradient Projection Simplex Method and Its Application to the Optimization for Space Truss Structure

  7. 选择己二酸(A)、磷酸二氢铵(B)、水合抑制剂(C)和吸氢剂(D)等四种溶质为考察因素,采用均匀设计法构成初始单纯形。

    Four solutes were selected for experimental factors and the initial simplex was built in term of the uniform design method .

  8. 单纯形微粒群优化算法的改进及其在优化PID参数问题中的应用

    An improvement of the simplex particle swarm optimization algorithm and its application to optimization of PID parameters

  9. 多目标单纯形法在茜素红催化荧光测定痕量钒(V)中的应用

    Application of Multi-object Simplex Method in Catalytic Fluorimetric Determination of Trace Vanadium ( V ) Using Alizarin Red

  10. 负荷预测;支持向量机(SVM);时间序列;单纯形-小生境遗传算法。

    Load forecasting ; Support Vector Machines ( SVM ); Time series ; Simplex-Niche-Genetic algorithm .

  11. 本文采用单纯形法完成了对带状线PIN二极管开关的优化并开展了PIN二极管开关的实验研究。

    Downhill simplex method is used in this paper to optimize the stripline PIN diode switch .

  12. 由于变量较多,约束条件全都是线性的,目标函数为一次,我们采用单纯形法对问题求解,整个算法都用c语言实现,并对实例进行了求解。

    And a simplex method is applied because of the linear constraint conditions and the target functions , and the algorithm is accomplished with C language .

  13. 二阶锥规划的Lagrange对偶及2维原始对偶单纯形法

    Lagrange dual problem of second-order cone programming and its 2-dimentional primal-dual simplex method

  14. Taylor幂法则模型的改进单纯形法最优拟合

    A study on optimum fitting of taylor ′ s power law model by modified simplex method

  15. 函数CRM展开式在固定极性下最小化的图形方法一种改进的单纯形寻优算法

    Function minimization with fixed polarity based on d_j-map and K-map . An Improved Simplex Method for Function Minimization

  16. 基于改进单纯形算法的DOA估计

    DOA Estimation Based on Modified Simplex Algorithm

  17. 单纯形优化法研究V(V)-NH2OH-PAR三元配合物组成比

    Simplex Optimization Method for the Composition Determination of V ( V ) - NH_2OH-PAR Ternary Complex

  18. 设计自适应IIR滤波器的单纯形-退火策略

    Design of Adaptive IIR Filters With Simplex-Annealing Strategy

  19. 结果将遗传算法和单纯形法分别用于PID参数寻优,仿真结果表明:采用遗传算法寻优能获得较好的控制效果。

    Results The simulation results show that the adjusting qualities of Genetic Algorithm are better than that of simplex search method in the optimization of PID controller parameters .

  20. 在稳态最优化中采用了单纯形法,而动态补偿则采用了以PID调节为主、以专家经验为辅的控制手段。

    Simplex method is adopted in solving the optimization problem , and PID regulator dominant regulation means and expert experiences auxiliary means are applied to dynamic compensation procedure .

  21. 单纯形上Bernstein多项式的渐近展开式及关于阶的高阶差分(英文)

    Asymptotic Expansion for Bernstein Polynomials Defined on a Simplex and the Higher Difference About Degree ~

  22. 单纯形加速法解析TPD谱图

    Resolution of TPD Spectra by Simplex Method

  23. 在线参数的方法包括:模拟退火算法(SA)、粒子群算法(PSO)、单纯形法和强化学习方法等等。

    The methods of online learning parameters include : Simulated Annealing ( SA ), Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ), the Simplex and Reinforcement Learning method .

  24. 该方法以弱阻尼机电模式阻尼比构建目标函数,采用单纯形算法优化PSS参数。

    The method constructs an objective function with damping ratios of poor damping electromechanical eigenvalues and searches for optimal solution with simplex optimization algorithm .

  25. 用非线性单纯形法研究了4种农作物秸秆(亚麻屑、麦草、稻草、豆秸)为材料刨花板的水分扩散系数、并用VISUALBASIC编制的计算机程序求出了精确的扩散系数。

    The moisture diffusion coefficient of particleboard from 4 kinds of crops straw ( flax bits . wheat stalks . straw , than stalks ) was studied by non-linear simplex technique . Accurate diffusion coefficent was calculated out by Visual Basic program .

  26. 利用Nelder-Mead单纯形法优化模糊逻辑控制器

    Optimizing Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Nelder and Mead 's Simplex Algorithm

  27. 最后,应用单纯形法、Lagrange乘数法和一维搜索方法确定了最优谐波污染管理方法,算例表明该方法降低了社会综合损失。

    An optimized harmonic management method applying simplex method , Lagrange-multiplier method and one-dimension searching method is proposed . Example indicates that this method reduces social compositive loss .

  28. 用单纯形法回归计算Wilson相互作用能项参数,从而计算得到平衡汽相组成。

    The parameters of interaction energy of Wilson 's model were calculated by the simplex fitting method and therefore the equilibrious vapor composition of this system was determined .

  29. 单纯形法与Karmarkar算法及其变形算法的比较

    Comparison of Simplicial Method , Karmarkar and Transmutative Algorithm

  30. SCE-UA、遗传算法和单纯形优化算法的应用

    Comparison and application of SCE-UA , genetic algorithm and simplex method