
dān tài
  • Singlet state;single state
  1. 氢脉泽中Majorana跃迁的分析:单态选择与束光学

    Analysis of the Majorana Transition Used with H-maser : Single State Selector and Beam Optics

  2. C60~(2-)单态和三态的结构和光谱性质

    The Structures and Spectra of C_ ( 60 ) ~ ( 2 - ) Singlet and Triplet

  3. 分泌抗HLAClassⅠ单态性单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞的建株和鉴定

    Establishment and identification of anti-HLA class I monomorphic monoclonal antibody-secreting hybridoma cell line

  4. 用维生素C针剂作猝灭剂,观察了其对单态氧的猝灭作用。

    The quenching effect of ascorbic acid ( injected as a quencher ) on the singlet molecular oxygen was observed .

  5. 关于具有非通常电荷色单态的SU(N)大统一模型的构造

    On the Construction of SU ( N ) GUT Models with Unconventionally Charged Color Singlets

  6. 自旋单态对3d~2/3d~8离子在三角场中的零场分裂和顺磁g因子的影响

    Influence of Spin Singlet on Zero Field Splitting and g Factors of 3d ~ 2 / 3d ~ 8 Ions in Trigonal Field

  7. 光动力疗法对SD大鼠C6胶质瘤照射后单态氧含量的影响研究

    Effect of the monomorphism oxygen contents ( ~ 1O_2 ) induced by photodynamic therapy on SD tumor-bearing rat by He-Ne laser radiation

  8. 青海细毛羊EP-1和EP-2是单态性蛋白质。

    The EP-1 and EP-2 were the monomorphism protein in Qinghai Fine Wool Sheep .

  9. 他解释说这样一个动态之所以被需要是出于单态加密(homomorphicencryption)和云安全性的考虑。

    He explains that such a move is needed for homomorphic encryption and cloud security .

  10. 包含分数荷色单态和低质量磁单极的SO(16)GUT模型

    So ( 16 ) gut models with fractional charged color singlets and low mass magnetic monopoles

  11. 我们应用Jury条件和中心流形定理分析了单态平衡点的稳定性。

    Conditions for the stability of monomorphic equilibria are obtained by the Jury conditions and the center manifold theorem .

  12. d-d四体破裂反应的单态氘中间过程(Ⅱ)

    Singlet deuteron intermediate state in D-D four-body breakup reaction (ⅱ)

  13. 对于由同科电子构成的组态,由于没有相应的3D谱项,所以由此计算得到的二级以上单态、三重态的能级修正值是不对称的。

    Due to the lack of ~ 3D terms in some configurations composed of equivalent electrons , the second - and higher-order corrections for ~ 1D are asymmetric to those for ~ 3D .

  14. 对于单态的内部表现型平衡点,ESS不再是其稳定的充分必要条件。

    ESS isn 't the necessary and sufficient conditions of the stability of monomorphic interior phenotypic equilibria .

  15. TBP探针法与荧光光谱法测定环己烷最低激发单态G值的比较

    A Comparison between the G Values of the Lowest Excited Singlet State of Cyclohexane Measured by Using TBP as Scavenger and by the Fluorescence Method

  16. 文献[1]中给出了:具有零对象的范畴φ中单态射f:E→G的核i:H→E为零态射O(H,E)。

    Reference [ 1 ] gived that kernel I : H → E of monic morphism f : E → G in the categories with zero object is zero-morphism O_ ( H , E ) .

  17. 1965年Hilton在[16]中系统地提出同伦单态和同伦满态的概念并证明了若干结果。

    In 1965 , It is Hilton who first introduced the concepts of homotopy epimorphisms and monomorphisms in [ 16 ] .

  18. 血浆白蛋白呈单态型SS型,受基因Albs的控制。

    Genotype of Alb was only SS , which was controlled by Albs gene .

  19. 东方蜜蜂(A.ceranaF.)的MDH由S、F两个等位基因编码,也有报道它是单态性的。

    MDH of Apis cerana was coded by S and F alleles , but some authors reported it is monomorphic .

  20. 光动力学疗法(简称PDT)治疗癌症是利用光和光敏药物的相互作用产生一种单态氧的物质,从而杀死恶性肿瘤组织。

    Photodynamic therapy uses the interaction between the light and light sensitive drug to produce singlet oxygen to kill the cancer cells .

  21. 用半经验AM1方法研究了C(60)与单态二氯卡宾环加成反应的反应机理。

    The cycloaddition reaction of dichlorocarbene with C60 has been studied by using the semi-empirical method AM1 . A reasonable mechanism of the reaction has been suggested .

  22. 获取令牌的请求由一个名为Dashboard的单态类进行处理,该类负责管理一个或多个组的端点的状态。

    These requests for a token are serviced by a singleton class named Dashboard , which manages the status of the endpoints of one or several groups .

  23. 我们的结果显示,自旋单态对基态零场分裂参量a和F的贡献很大,以致忽略自旋单态我们将不可能得到准确的零场分裂参量值。

    Our calculations show that the contributions of spin singlets to the zero field splitting parameters a and P are so large that neglecting this contribution one cannot obtain more accurate values of zero field splitting parameters .

  24. 单态氧量子产率为0.57,其对HL-60细胞具有良好的光灭活作用,提示CPD1是一种有发展前途的光动力疗法(PDT)光敏剂。

    It is suggested that CPD 1 is a promising photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy ( PDT ) of cancer .

  25. 以磷酸三丁酯为激发分子清除剂,测定了γ辐照下环己烷最低激发单态的G值,并与Lipsky的荧光光谱法的结果进行了比较。

    By using tributyl Phosphate ( TBP ) as an energy acceptor , G value of lowest excited singlet state of cyclohexane has been determined under γ irradiation .

  26. 用从头算自洽场方法在3-21G水平上研究了丙酮在n→π~*激发单态(S1(n,π~*))势能表面上的光解反应。

    The dissociation mechanism of acetone in the n →π ~ singlet excited state S_1 ( n ,π ~ ) is discussed using the ab initio SCF MO method at UHF / 3-21G level .

  27. 用正电子素o-Ps研究以亚甲兰为光敏剂在甲酸和水体系中激光诱导单态氧 ̄1O_2的形成。

    The singlet oxygen O induced by laser in a methanol - water system with photosensitizer , methylene blue ( MB ), was probed by positronium .

  28. 我们用QCD分析了轻子核子深度非弹散射过程,借助于雅可比多项式,给出了味单态核子结构函数的解析式。

    We give analytical expression for flavour singlet structure functions through analysing the lepton-nucleon deep inelastic scattering processes by means of QCD and using Jacobi polynomials .

  29. 用Lambert-Beer定律和单态氧的量子产率来计算血管中的单态氧产量。

    To calculate the production of singlet oxygen in vascular by the law of Lambert-Beer and quantum yields of singlet oxygen .

  30. 微卫星BAT-26位点单态性的分析

    Monomorphic Analysis of Microsatellite Loci at BAT-26