
  • 网络euv;Extreme Ultraviolet;xuv
  1. X射线&极紫外光学中的超精密加工及其应用

    Ultra - precision Machining and It 's Application for X-Ray / EUV Optics

  2. 极紫外与软X射线非周期多层膜优化设计及初步研制

    Optimization design and preliminary fabrication of non-periodic multilayers in EUV and soft X-ray region

  3. 液体微流喷射靶激光等离子体软X射线&极紫外光源研究

    Laser-produced Plasma Soft X-ray and EUV Source with Liquid Jet Target

  4. 一种复合型空间软X射线&极紫外波段望远镜设计

    Design of a complex space soft X-ray and EUV telescope

  5. 根据空间对日观测的需要,提出了一种复合型宽波段范围的软X射线&极紫外望远镜的设计方案。

    A new design of complex space soft X-ray and EUV telescope for space observation is reported .

  6. He/K系统两步激励产生极紫外相干辐射机制中的斯托克斯及反斯托克斯竞争过程

    Stokes and Anti - Stokes Competition Processes of Producing XUV Coherent Radiation by Two-Step Excitation in He / K Mixture Vapour

  7. 总的说来极紫外和软X射线光电探测器的类型有气体电离型、半导体型、电子倍增器以及极紫外和软X射线胶片(干板)。

    Generally , EUV and soft X-ray photodetector included five types : ionization gas , semiconductor , electron multiplier and film .

  8. PtⅢ离子5d~8-5d~76p跃迁的极紫外光谱计算

    A Calculation of XUV spectra of 5d ~ 8-5d ~ 76p transition array of Pt ⅲ ion

  9. 高性能极紫外、软X射线单色仪的研制对高亮度同步辐射光源的应用具有十分重要的意义。

    Thedevelopment of ultraviolet and soft X-ray monochromators with high performances is very important to the applications of high-brightness synchrotron radiation light source .

  10. 论文第一章是绪论,主要介绍了在极紫外和软X射线波段使用的一些光电探测器。

    The first chapter is introduction , which mainly introduce the detector used in extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) and soft X-ray band .

  11. 综述了极紫外和软X射线多层膜光学及其应用,指出了极紫外和软X射线光学的优点和难点。

    Multilayer optics in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray range is reviewed in the paper . The advantages and difficulties are pointed out .

  12. 随着空间技术和短波光学技术的发展,空间软X射线&极紫外波段观测研究逐渐成为空间天文学研究的重要组成部分,尤其是在这一波段的空间对日观测已成为天文学研究的重点。

    The space observation in soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) region is an important portion of the space astronomy and an effective solar observation method developed increasingly .

  13. 随着空间技术的发展,极紫外-软X射线波段的太阳观测研究逐渐成为空间天文学的重要组成部分。

    With the development of space technology , the solar observation in space has become a significant part of the space astronomy in the extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray region .

  14. 极紫外投影光刻掩模技术制备纳米级ULSI的极紫外光刻技术

    Extremely Ultraviolet Lithography Fabrication Technology for Nanometer ULSI Devices

  15. 在极紫外和软X射线波段常用的探测器是稀有气体电离室,可以通过电离室收集极的收集电流直接计算出光子流强度。

    In EUV and soft X-ray band , the most often used detector is ion chamber with rare gas , from whose collective electrode we can directly calculate intensity of photon flux .

  16. 微波无极紫外点阵光催化氧化降解酸性蓝BGA的研究

    Study on the degradation of acidic blue BGA by photocatalytic oxidation based on microwave electrodeless UV lattice

  17. 几乎在同一时刻,RHESSI在硬X射线波段、TRACE在极紫外波段、SOHO/MDI也观测到这一爆发事件。

    It was simultaneously observed by RHESSI at hard X-ray wavelengths , by TRACE at EUV wavelengths and by SOHO / MDI .

  18. 工件台系统是极紫外光刻(EUV)的一个关键子系统。

    Wafer stage is a key subsystem in the extreme ultra violet lithography ( EUV ) .

  19. 极紫外与X射线(EUV/X-ray)光学元件的加工与检测技术的研究是近代短波段光学研究的主要范畴之一。

    The technology on the processing and detection of the extreme-ultraviolet radiation and X-ray ( EUV / X-ray ) optical component is one of the main categories in modern short-wave band optical research .

  20. WSZ极紫外探测器及其信号采集电路的研究

    The Research of WSZ Extreme Ultraviolet Detector and the Data Acquisition Circuits

  21. 我们相信该方案在显著提高中红外脉冲能量方面有巨大的潜力,这不仅为高强度超快极紫外相干X射线的产生和应用,还将为高能激光物理的发展打下基础。

    We believe that this scheme has great potential to markedly increase the mid-infrared pulse energy , which will pave the way for the generation and application of not only intense ultrafast coherent extreme ultraviolet X ray but also high-intensity laser physics .

  22. 极紫外BRV光源的研究

    Investigation on Extreme Ultraviolet BRV Discharge Source

  23. 极紫外光子计数探测器作为EUV相机的关键技术之一,其成像性能直接影响相机的研制水平。

    As one of the key technologies of EUV camera , imaging performance of EUV photon counting detector impact on the developing level of the camera directly .

  24. 近二十年来,作为聚束和聚焦元器件的菲涅耳波带片因其在实现极紫外成像、X射线成像与对原子束聚焦等方面的应用与前景,受到了广泛关注。

    The Fresnel zone plate ( FZP ) is a kind of beam-forming and focusing device , which has attracted great attentions in the last two decades for its achieved and potential applications in the fields of extreme ultraviolet imaging , X-ray imaging , imaging and focusing of atoms .

  25. 当高强度的激光场与原子或分子相互作用时可以产生高次谐波,人们可以利用高次谐波获得相干极紫外高频段辐射源XUV和X射线源。

    It is well-known that the interaction of intense laser field with atoms and molecules can lead to high-order harmonic generation ( HHG ) . Coherent sources of radiation in XUV and x-ray regions can be obtained by HHG .

  26. 本文根据空间平台上高分辨率对日观测的需要,设计出一种可以在四个极紫外波段对日同时成像多光谱太阳望远镜(EUT);

    In this thesis we designed a EUV multi spectrum space solar telescope ( EUT ) based on the requirement of high angular resolution and wide field of view for solar observations ;

  27. 掠入射平场光栅谱仪是最近几年发展起来的新型极紫外(XUV)光谱仪器,其光谱焦面是一平面。

    A new kind of XUV spectroscopic instrument-grazing incidence flat-field grating spectrograph has been developed in recent years , in which the spectrum is formed on a flat rather than on a curved one .

  28. 当红外强激光和极紫外(XUV)阿秒脉冲共同作用于原子分子时,电离出去的电子通常会吸收和辐射激光光子而发生能量扩展。

    When intense infrared laser and extreme ultraviolet ( XUV ) attosecond pulse interact with an atom or molecule , the released electrons generally suffer a spread of energies due to the absorption and emission of laser photons .

  29. 在下一代光刻技术中,由于极紫外光刻(EUVL)分辨率高、且具有一定的产量优势及传统光学光刻技术的延伸性,因而是IC业界制备纳米级ULSI器件的首选光刻方案之一。

    In the next generation lithography ( NGL ) technology , extremely ultraviolet lithography ( EUVL ) has high-resolution , certain output and technical extension property of traditional lithography , so it becomes one of the first-selected lithography schemes for preparing the nanometer ULSI de-vices in IC circles .

  30. 真空实验测试结果表明,系统在80min内,真空度即可达到5×10-4Pa的设计指标,满足极紫外波段检测太阳望远镜的要求。

    The test result shows the vacuum grade of the system is 5 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) Pa after 80 min , and it can meet the test demands of the EUV solar telescope .