
  • 网络Elysium
  1. 试图强行降落在极乐空间的飞船上被贴上了非法入境的标签,而乘客们则被强制驱逐出境。

    Ships that forcefully attempt to land on Elysium are labeled undocumented shuttles and their passengers whisked off to deportation .

  2. 他们和极乐空间居民一样聪明,只是资源较少。

    They are as clever as the Elysium-dwellers with less resource .

  3. 富人阶层全部居住在一处名为极乐世界的空间站,地球上的穷人们仰望苍穹便可看到这处极乐空间,那里有能治百病的神奇医疗机。

    The wealthiest now live on a space station called Elysium , which can be seen from Earth and is home to a medical device that can cure any condition .

  4. 在该影片想象中的一个太阳系中,较为年长的富人离开地球,居住在一个巨大的空间站中,并将它转变为一个“安全”而奢华的极乐空间,里面全是高级公寓和高尔夫球场。

    It envisages a solar system in which older , richer people have gone off-world to populate a giant space station , turning it into a " safe " and luxurious retreat , full of rich condos and golf courses .