
  • 网络limit parameter
  1. 基于Basquin关系,提出了将中短寿命概率疲劳SN曲线合理外推到长寿命范围的疲劳极限参数法。

    A so-called probabilistic fatigue limit parameter method is proposed for the extrapolation of commonly probabilistic fatigue S-N curves in the mid-short life regime into the long life regime .

  2. 极限参数是描述扫描电路自身能力的参数;

    Limit parameter is the description of the capability of scanning circuit itself .

  3. 从器件内部载流子的输运规律出发,作者阐述了这三个极限参数引起GTO失效的机理,建立了三种不同的失效模式;

    Using the carrier transportation laws of semiconductor device , the auther describes the GTO failure mechanisms caused by these three parameters , sets up three different failure models .

  4. 煤自燃极限参数的支持向量机预测模型

    Predicting limit parameters of coal self-ignition based on support vector machine

  5. 煤自燃极限参数的神经网络预测方法

    The neural network prediction method for the limit parameters of coal self-ignition

  6. 煤自燃过程中极限参数的研究

    Research on Key Parameters in the Process of Coal Self-Ignition

  7. 煤自燃极限参数的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Limit Parameters of Coal Spontaneous Combustion

  8. 扫描电路的极限参数与四个系数的关系

    The Relations between the Limit ρ arameter and Four Coefficients in the Scanning Circuit

  9. 太阳电池材料的极限参数

    The limit parameters of materials for solar cells

  10. 扫描电路的极限参数系

    The limit coefficient group of scanning circuit

  11. 环件轧制的极限参数

    Extremum parameters for ring rolling

  12. 本文从能带理论出发,讨论了各种太阳电池材料的光电转换极限参数。

    From the energy zone theory , we discuss the limit parameters for various materials , for solar cells .

  13. 通过现场观测和理论推算,绘制采空区氧浓度、浮煤厚度、漏风强度分布图,根据计算出的极限参数划分出采空区的自燃危险区域并计算出极限推进速度。

    Second the distribution chart of gob oxygen concentration , coal ply and air leak intensity is marked off .

  14. 煤自燃极限参数的确定是煤层自燃预测技术的基础。

    The determination of limit parameters of coal spontaneous combustion is the foundation of prediction technology of coal-seam spontaneous combustion .

  15. 极限参数和特征参数虽然在数值上很接近,但是不同意义的状态下的参数。

    The numerical value of parameter of two states are similar , but the two states are under different senses .

  16. 论述了扫描电路的极限参数,研究了扫描电路时间常数的设计,以确保研制出来的扫描电路的主要技术指标不超出极限参数值,并给出了实用扫描电路的两种基本工程设计方法。

    The limit coefficient of scanning circuit was proved , and two basic project designing methods of practical scanning circuit were summarized .

  17. 聚合级飞机的运动方程主要考虑质心运动的运动学方程,动力学模型采用极限参数模型实现。

    The motion equation of the aggregate planes was focused on particle kinematics equation , and dynamic equation was ultimate parameters format .

  18. 在计算机生成兵力系统中,建立了实体的气动全量模型与极限参数模型,并采用了人工智能战术技术决策。

    The aerodynamic model and the limited parameter model are all concerned in Computer Generated Air Force dynamic modeling , and the Artificial Intelligent tactic decision technology is applied in the blue aviation sub-system .

  19. 确定了综采面采空区遗煤自燃的极限参数:下限氧浓度、极限漏风强度、最小浮煤厚度和工作面推进的极限推进速度。

    The ultimate parameter of spontaneous combustion in goaf of fully mechanized coal faces are the lower oxygen concentration 、 the maximal air leak intensity 、 the least thickness of loss coal and the ultimate speed of working face advancing .

  20. 仿真建模过程中无法获得敌机气动数据时,只能根据极限参数采用简化模型描述敌机仿真实体,保留运动学方程,简化动力学模型。

    If the aerodynamic coefficients of the emeny aircraft cannot be aquired in simulation modelling , we must describe the enemy aircraft entity only using simplified model according to the aircraft 's limit parameter by means of reserving kinematic and simplifying dynamic .

  21. 圆锥形件是曲面类拉深件中形状较为简单的一种,目前还没有根据圆锥形件的成形规律来计算其成形极限参数的方法。

    The conical part is a sort of part whose shape is relatively simple in camber part , but now it is not found for a way to calculate forming limit parameters of the conical part according to forming mechanism of the conical part .

  22. 通过大煤样自然发火实验研究了煤样的升温速度特性、耗氧速度特性,采用能量守恒和化学键能估算法计算了煤样的放热强度,确定了煤样的自燃极限参数。

    Meanwhile , temperature characteristic and velocity of oxygen consumption are also studied by full-scale experiment . Using conversation of energy and estimation of chemical bond energy to obtain heat release of coal sample , the limit parameters of self-ignite of coal sample are made sure .

  23. 根据能量守恒原理,结合采空区实际的浮煤厚度、漏风强度和氧浓度的分布,提出了采空区遗煤自燃极限参数的计算方法,构建了煤自燃危险区域判定的必要条件。

    In view of the conservation principle of energy and real distributions , such as coal thickness , air leak intensity , oxygen concentration , the terminal parameters resulting in coal self ignition are calculated , and the necessary condition determining the dangerous zone of coal self ignition is established .

  24. 双辊薄带连铸的极限工艺参数计算

    Calculation on limit technological parameters of twin-drum strip continuous casting

  25. 三相电动机极限状态参数的测量方法

    The Method to Measure Limit State Parameters of the Motor

  26. 最后,建立刚体飞船姿态运动学及动力学方程,并对飞船姿态控制律进行了初步的设计,包括极限环参数的设计和两类典型的开关曲线的设计;

    Lastly , establish the rigid-body spaceship attitude kinematics and dynamics equations , and primarily design the spaceship attitude law including limit loop parameters and two kind switch curves .

  27. 分析了构形沿航迹漂移的相轨迹,针对单开关门限控制律不能对初始误差收敛的问题,设计了倾斜开关曲线控制,并分析了相应的极限环参数。

    According to the phase trajectory of along-track drift , the switching function with the oblique lines was designed in order to converge the initial errors , and the limit cycle was analyzed correspondingly .

  28. 求导建立最优函数方程,将两种极限状态参数代入最优函数方程,获得一个关于阻尼比的超越方程,用数值解法确定最优阻尼比。

    The optimal function equation is established . The parameters of two limit states are substituted into optimal function equation and a transcendental equation is obtained and the optimal damper ratio is determined by numerical method .

  29. 型材一次折斜角成形是制造飞机承力结构零件的成形方法之一,通过试验的方法获得某种型材一次折斜角成形极限角度参数对飞机零件的生产有着重要的指导作用。

    Angle section folding once only is one of the forming methods to produce aircraft structure loaded parts , therefore , through testing method to know the criteria changed angles is very important to guide the manufacturing process of aircraft parts .

  30. Al-Mg-Si合金挤压极限图及其参数优化

    Extrusion-Limit Diagrams for an Al-Mg-Si Alloy and Its Parameters Optimization