
shī nénɡ
  • Disability;lose one's capacity
  1. ER失能后的雌性或雄性鼠的骨矿化作用均明显减弱。

    After ER disenabling , bone mineralization obviously attenuate in femina or maleness rats .

  2. 测量了在Au、Pt、Ag和C靶中的低失能近轴背散射电子的背散射率。

    We have measured the corresponding backscattering coefficients in Au , Pt , Ag and C targets .

  3. CIE从视觉状态出发将眩光定义为不舒适眩光(Discomfortglare)和失能眩光(Disabilityglare)。

    CIE defined the discomfort glare and disability glare according to the vision status .

  4. 土耳其语偏头痛失能评估(MIDAS)问卷在偏头痛患者中效度和信度的调查

    Validity and reliability of Turkish translation of Migraine Disability Assessment ( MIDAS ) questionnaire in patients with migraine

  5. 目的测定青年人眩光失能(glaredisability,GD)值,并探讨其临床意义。

    Objective To measure the glare disability ( GD ) values of youth and investigate the significance . Methods MGT-1 Multi-function visual glare tester was used .

  6. 在排气可用能的基础上,从失能的角度出发,对MPC排气系统进行了热力学分析,提出了以可用能的能损系数作为排气系统热力学完善性的评价指标。

    In the view of energy loss , the MPC exhaust system has been thermodynamically analysised based on the available energy in the exhaust gas .

  7. “更重要的是,copd正在成为导致慢性失能的原因,”他强调指出,“这必将为医疗资源最加更重的负担。”

    " Even more importantly , COPD is an increasing cause of chronic disability ," he notes , one that will " undoubtedly place an increasing burden on health resources . "

  8. 并根据1997年北京市AD、PD流行病学调查的资料,评定北京市60岁以上人群AD与PD的平均疾病失能权重。

    Using the data from epidemiological survey for AD and PD in Beijing in 1997 and new criteria , mean disability weights of AD and PD in population over 60 years old in Beijing were obtained .

  9. 为解决渤海湾海上油田渗透性漏失能堵不能解的技术难题,研制出新型油溶性暂堵剂DFA。

    To solve permeable loss problem in Bohai Gulf oilfield , a new oil-soluble temporary plugging agent DFA for workover fluid was worked out .

  10. 采用失能调整生命年(DALY)方法计算耐药和药物敏感性肺结核患者的疾病负担。

    The method of disability adjusted life year ( DALY ) was applied to assess the disease burden of TB patients .

  11. 方法:运用卫生经济学和失能调整生命年(DALY)方法计算疾病经济负担。

    To calculate the disease burden of TB patients by adopting the methods of health economy and disability adjust life year ( DALY ) .

  12. 应用于低失能近轴背散射电子的扩展Everhart理论

    Extended Everhart Theory Applying to Low Loss Energy and Coaxial Backscattered Electrons in SEM

  13. 目的制订中国老年性痴呆(alzheimerdisease,AD)、帕金森病(Parkinsondisease,PD)疾病失能等级分类标准,评定北京市60岁以上人群AD、PD的平均疾病失能权重。

    Objective To formulate the classification criteria of disability weight for Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) and Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) in China and to evaluate the disability weight of AD and PD in population over 60 years old in Beijing .

  14. 论文著作者们发明了新的依赖性度量法,称为成人失能依赖率(ADDR)。

    The study authors provide a new dependency measure they developed called the adult disability dependency ratio ( ADDR ) .

  15. 方法采用WHO推荐的失能调整寿命年(DALY)测算方法评价结核病病人的疾病负担。

    Method The estimating method of disability adjusted life years ( DALY ) as recommended by the WHO was used to assess the disease burden of TB patients .

  16. 杭州市和富阳县6种病失能寿命损失年(YLD)估算的探索

    Analysis of Different Methods for Assessing Years Lived with Disability ( YLD ) in Hangzhou City and Fuyang County

  17. ImDCs共刺激分子表达更低,通常诱导抗原特异性的T细胞失能。

    Immature DCs have lower levels of co-stimulatory molecules and usually induce antigen-specific T cell anergy .

  18. 以失能调整寿命年(DALY)为指标探讨初治的肺结核菌涂片阳性病人及其传染性所致疾病负担的评价方法。

    The burden of patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis ( TB ) and that of the communicability of the disease was investigated by using disability-adjusted life year ( DALY ) as an indicator .

  19. sPD-L1在肺癌患者外周血中异常高表达表明该因子进一步抑制了机体的免疫功能,使抗原特异性PD-1+T细胞失能。

    The abnormal high expression of sPD-L1 in the peripheral blood of lung cancer patients showed that the factor further depressed the immune function , so that antigen-specific PD-1 + T cells disabled .

  20. 方法:应用1992年~1997年北京市房山区的心血管疾病监测资料和失能调整生命年(DALYs)测量心血管疾病负担及社区防治效果。

    Methods : Based on the surveillance data of CVD in Beijing Fangshan district , the burden and effectiveness of community intervention of CVD were measured with disability adjusted life years ( DALYs ) .

  21. 将得到广泛应用的Everhart理论加以扩展以使其能包含利用低失能近轴背散射电子的扫描电子显微镜的3个可调参量:入射电子能量、能量损失窗口和探测角。

    The Everhart theory , applied widely to practice , is extended . This extended expression includes the three parameters ( the primary energy , energy loss windows and detection angle ) of the scanning electron microscope using low loss energy and coaxial backscattered electrons .

  22. 浙江省主要神经精神及相关疾病失能权重的评定

    Evaluation on the Disability Weights of Neuropathy and Psychopathy in Zhejiang

  23. 招飞体检中眩光失能测试的初步探讨

    A preliminary study on using glare disability test for pilot selection

  24. 人眼眩光失能测定及其临床意义

    The measurement of human eye glare disability and its clinical significance

  25. 汉中市农村脑卒中患者失能调整生命年的研究

    Analysis on DALYS of patients with stroke in Hanzhong rural population

  26. 个别眼介质混浊者有严重的眩光失能。

    A few subjects with eye medium opacity had serious glare disability .

  27. 目的探讨招飞体检中,受检人群的眩光失能水平。

    Objective To explore glare disability level in candidates of flying cadets .

  28. 眼干燥症患者的对比敏感度和失能性眩光

    Contrast sensitivity and disability glare in patients with dry eye

  29. 关节炎老年患者机体失能及三级预防

    Body disability and tertiary prevention among elderly adults with arthritis

  30. 近视眼在低强度幕罩眩光光源下的失能眩光

    Disability glare with veiling glare source of low intensity in myopic eye