
shī liàn
  • Lovelorn;be crossed in love;be disappointed in a love affair
失恋 [shī liàn]
  • [be disappointed in a love affair]自己所爱的人不再爱自己;失去所爱的人的爱情

失恋[shī liàn]
  1. 一个姑娘除了结婚以外,总喜欢不时地尝点儿失恋的滋味。那可以使她们有点儿东西去想想,又可以在朋友们面前露露头角。

    Next to being married , a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then . It is something to think of , and gives her a sort of distinction among her companions .

  2. 他又一次失恋了。

    Once again he was disappointed in love .

  3. 因失恋而痛苦,因别人“插足”于自己与心上人之间而图报复,是最没有出息、最自作自受的乐。

    Nothing is more futile love , the vengeful feeling that someone else has " come between " oneself and a beloved .

  4. 失恋假会随着员工的年龄而增长,30岁以上的员工每年可以有三天的失恋假期来疗伤。

    The leave increases with age of the employee , so that employees aged3 30 years and over are entitled to three days per year to " get it out of their system ' .

  5. 埃尔顿·约翰爵士曾经唱过一首《SadSongs》,里面唱到听忧伤的歌曲是从失恋中走出来的最好的方式。

    Sir Elton John once sang that listening to Sad Songs was the perfect way to recover from a relationship breakdown .

  6. 结果产生心理问题的危险因素按其影响力大小顺序排列为:EPQN,EPQE,谈恋爱,失恋过;

    Results The dangerous factors of mental health status were as fellows : EPQ N , EPQ E , being in love , losing love .

  7. 史密斯获得了年度最佳艺人,他的《留在我身边》(StayWithMe)获得年度最佳制作与最佳歌曲,这是一首忧郁的失恋歌曲,在流行音乐电台大受欢迎。

    Mr. Smith took best new artist as well as both record and song of the year for " Stay With Me , " a moody , lovelorn ballad that became a smash on pop radio stations .

  8. 虽然那部《社交网络》里描述的扎克伯格是在失恋后才奋起研发了Facebook,不过这并不是真实情况。真实的情况是,他俩在哈佛读书的时候就开始约会了。

    Although " The Social Network " made it seem as though Zuckerberg 's ambition was driven in part by his failures with women , the truth is he and Chan have been dating since their college days at Harvard .

  9. 要了解我们最为真实和实际的浪漫爱情,人类学家海伦费舍尔(HelenFisher)和她的研究小组对陷入爱河与失恋阵线联盟的人们做了核磁共振。

    To learn more about our very real , very physical need for romantic love , Helen Fisher and her research team took MRIs of people in love & and people who had just been dumped .

  10. 随着Twitter和Instagram这类的社交网站变得流行,人们相互间这种紧密的联系对于想走出失恋的人来说很是不利。

    Along with social media sites like Twitter and Instagram coming into the fold as popular social media sites , this constant connection to people can have detrimental effects when it comes to attempts at getting over a breakup .

  11. 很明显,你以前没有失恋过。

    Obviously , you 've never had your heart broken before .

  12. 她开始尝到了失恋的痛苦。

    She was beginning to know the pang of disappointed love .

  13. 在失恋的起点,漂亮的做平抛!

    The starting point in the Lovelorn , the beautiful do-throwing !

  14. 如果我正好失恋了,我回去尝试的。

    If I am disppointed in love , I will try .

  15. 我最近这次失恋让我觉得很羞耻。

    My recent breakup left a bad taste in my mouth .

  16. 谢谢收看本期“失恋即新生”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Cope With A Break Up

  17. 当男人和女人失恋后的不同反应:

    Men and women respond differntly to a failed reationship :

  18. 把自杀和失恋联系起来的流行观点。

    Popular belief , which associates suicide with frustrated love .

  19. 这个“失恋博物馆”在新加坡正式开展。

    The " Museum of Broken Relationships ," which opened in Singapore .

  20. 这失恋的人一天天地憔悴下去。

    Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined .

  21. 他虽然失恋了,但仍旧是彬彬有礼的君子。

    He is a lovelorn but a very polite gentleman .

  22. 你最终会从失恋经历中获益。

    You will benefit from this experience in the end .

  23. 一个女孩失恋分手了哭着。上帝出现了,上帝问她你为什么这么难过?

    The God asks a crying girl what makes her so sad .

  24. 用一分钟讲述自己的失恋经历。

    Use on minute to describe your disappointment in a love affair .

  25. 恋爱使我们欢乐,失恋使我们伤感。

    We 're happy in love but melancholy when disappointed .

  26. 失恋往往是让我们事业更上一层楼。

    Is lovelorn often lets on our enterprise a yet higher goal .

  27. 我回到家告诉妈妈:我失恋了。

    I get the home to tell mother : I was lovelorn .

  28. 那些引人怀念的小广告被失恋的人收藏了起来。

    Those wistful little ads that the lovelorn place in the classifieds .

  29. 他确信他失恋了。

    He was convinced that he was crossed in love .

  30. 有关失恋的流行歌曲。

    A popular song concerned with disappointment in love .