
shī zōng
  • be missing;disappear;unaccounted for
失踪 [shī zōng]
  • [be missing] 不见踪迹,多指人的下落不明

  • 坐不到几天,便连人和书籍纸张笔砚,一齐失踪。--《孔乙己》

失踪[shī zōng]
  1. 就象在大泽里一样,潜水员也能在下水道里失踪。

    As in the ocean , the diver may disappear there .

  2. 我们挑中的学生,会在一夜之间失踪;

    The students we picked will disappear in one night .

  3. 已有几百人和警方一同搜寻一名失踪的十几岁孩子。

    Hundreds have joined a police hunt for the missing teenager .

  4. 警方正在调查一位年轻女子的失踪案。

    Police are investigating the disappearance of a young woman .

  5. 他们四处搜寻失踪的小孩。

    They searched far and wide for the missing child .

  6. 那女孩失踪使他们大惑不解。

    They were totally mystified by the girl 's disappearance .

  7. 失踪者已被确认为詹姆斯∙凯利。

    The missing man has been named as James Kelly .

  8. 他的失踪已为传媒广泛报道。

    There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance .

  9. 我们在附近寻找失踪的男孩儿。

    We searched the surrounding neighbourhood for the missing boy .

  10. 救援飞机正在努力查明失踪水手的下落。

    Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors .

  11. 警方对失踪的女孩已重新建档调查。

    Police have reopened the file on the missing girl .

  12. 人们对这个失踪少年的安全越来越担心。

    There is growing concern over the safety of the missing teenager .

  13. 许多民众加入了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。

    Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy .

  14. 他们用拖网沿运河打捞那些失踪的孩子。

    They dragged the canal for the missing children .

  15. 侦探试图查出她失踪当晚的行踪。

    Detectives are trying to retrace her movements on the night she disappeared .

  16. 据报这架飞机和机组人员已失踪。

    The aircraft and its crew were posted missing .

  17. 人都到哪儿去了?今天这里的人都神秘失踪了。

    Where is everyone ? It 's like the Mary Celeste here today .

  18. 许多士兵都被列在战斗失踪人员名单上。

    Many soldiers were listed as missing in action .

  19. 有报道说他失踪了,并推定已经丧生。

    He was reported missing , presumed dead .

  20. 她的失踪一直没有得到令人信服的解释。

    Her disappearance has never been satisfactorily explained .

  21. 一名重要证人失踪,令诉讼出现了新的变数。

    The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case .

  22. 上世纪这些坟墓遭到偷盗,很多财宝都失踪了。

    Many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century .

  23. 有三位船员失踪。相信是淹死了。

    Three sailors are missing , believed drowned .

  24. 女儿失踪,她已经向警方报案。

    She has reported her daughter missing .

  25. 大家对那一周前失踪少年的安危越来越担忧。

    Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago .

  26. 现在她已经失踪三天了,警方担心发生了最坏的情况。

    She has been missing for three days now and police are beginning to fear the worst .

  27. 她的失踪引起了重重疑团。

    Mystery surrounds her disappearance .

  28. 失踪女孩的家人已被警察叫来认尸。

    The family of the missing girl has been called in by the police to identify the body .

  29. 昨天在伦敦发现了一个与失踪男孩情况相符的孩子,安然无恙。

    A child answering the description of the missing boy was found safe and well in London yesterday .

  30. 那个12岁的男孩失踪三天了,警方对他的安全感到担忧。

    The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days .