
dān cè
  • unilateral
  1. 线粒体DNA突变分析对青少年单侧上睑下垂的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of mitochondrial DNA mutation analysis in juvenile unilateral ptosis

  2. CT诊断单侧双裂脑裂畸形1例

    CT diagnosis of unilateral schizencephaly with two clefts : report of one case

  3. 大鼠单侧耳蜗损毁后下丘r氨基丁酸和谷氨酸变化

    The changes of GABA and Glu in rat inferior colliculus after unilateral cochlear ablation

  4. 方法通过50例有牙列的单侧正常颧骨的螺旋CT影像三维重建,在矢状位截面影像上测量颧骨的前后倾斜角度;

    Methods Fifty cases of normal unilateral zygomatic body with dentition were measured on three-dimentional spiral CT images .

  5. 大鼠单侧隐睾对侧睾丸的损害与抗氧化酶mRNA的表达

    MRNA expression of antioxidant enzymes in the impairment of the contralateral testes of unilateral cryptorchidism rats

  6. 方法采用美国Picker2000S螺旋CT扫描装置对39例单侧先天性髋脱位患儿行骨盆三维重建。

    Methods Unilateral DDH in 39 cases was examined with Picker 2000S spiral CT to perform SSD of the affected pelvis .

  7. EEG常见单侧或双侧颞叶的棘波。

    EEG records spike waves in one or both sides of temporal lobe .

  8. CT和/或MRI发现13例单侧、1例双侧蝶窦炎,3例同侧后组筛窦炎。

    CT and / or MRI revealed isolated sphenoiditis ( 11 cases ) and sphenoiditis with posterior ethmoiditis ( 3 cases ) .

  9. 连接介导PCR是一种单侧PCR技术,它的应用大大地促进了体内足迹等研究的进行。

    Ligation mediated PCR is a single-sided PCR technology , its application greatly facilitates the execution of in vivo footprinting study .

  10. 脉冲SH波在单侧接触正交异性覆层介质中的传播

    Propagation of an SH Pulse in a Unilaterally Contacting Orthotropic Layered Solid

  11. 单侧输尿管梗阻组(U):大鼠行手术剖腹,分离并于肾盂下结扎左侧输尿管,同时术前一天开始每日给以安慰剂生理盐水灌胃处理;

    UUO group rats received an operation with left ureteral obstruction below the renal pelvis and were also gavaged with saline daily ;

  12. EGR采用单侧进气方式后应将点火适当提前。

    By using the side-jet mode , EGR needs appropriate ignition timing .

  13. 采用单侧股动脉穿刺,双侧子宫动脉造影,PVA颗粒加自制明胶海绵颗粒栓塞。

    Treated by unilateral femoral puncture , uterus Artery photography , embolized with PVA grain and absorbable gelation grain .

  14. 方法采用立体定向术将LPS注入大鼠单侧黑质后分别于注射后2、3、4周经腹腔注射阿朴吗啡诱发动物旋转行为;

    The circling behavior was observed by intraperitoneal-injection of apomorphine during the intervals of 2,3 and 4 weeks after injection .

  15. 方法将324例单侧分泌性中耳炎病人随机分为A、B、C3组,分别采用药物治疗、加用鼓膜穿刺冲洗及加用鼓膜置管引流3种方法来治疗。

    Methods The 324 patients were divided into A , B and C groups causally , curing by medicine , tympanocentesis and the grommet insertion .

  16. 一期分别行单侧Glenn、双侧Glenn、半Fontan术。

    The initial surgical procedures included Glenn , double-Glenn or hemi-Fontan .

  17. 方法对139只雄性SD大鼠施以单侧乙状切迹至下颌骨下缘的纵向骨切开,放置口外牵张器。

    Methods Unilateral mandibular distraction was performed on 139 male Sprague-Dawley rats using osteotomy from the sigmoid notch to the inferior border of mandible .

  18. 单侧隐睾手术不影响tPA、uPA和PAI1mRNA的表达。

    Unilateral cryptorchidism did not markedly alter the expressions for tPA , uPA and PAI-1 mRNA .

  19. 方法单侧切除大鼠肾,在其腹腔内注射STZ,诱发实验性糖尿病模型。

    Methods : The model of experimental diabetic rats was induced by streptozotocin ( STZ ) .

  20. 报道了一种用高频CO2激光脉冲在普通通信光纤包层边缘单侧写入的新型长周期光纤光栅。

    A novel long-period fiber grating ( LPFG ) is fabricated in common communication optical fiber by using a edge-written exposure method with high-frequency CO2 laser pulses .

  21. 大鼠单侧隐睾对侧睾丸生精细胞凋亡与T-AOC、MDA和Bcl-2基因表达的关系

    Effect of T-AOC , MDA , BcL-2 on the Germ Cell Apoptosis in the Contralateral Testes of Unilateral Cryptorchidism in Rats

  22. 结论长期使用左旋多巴对6OHDA单侧损毁的PD大鼠残存的黑质DA能神经元无毒性作用。

    Conclusion It suggests that a three-month oral levodopa treatment should be not toxic for the remaining dopaminergic neurons in rats with a unilateral 6-OHDA lesion .

  23. 双侧隐睾鞘膜和引带中AR和ER阳性表达低于单侧隐睾,可能是双侧隐睾患儿雄性化程度较差的因素。

    Lack of male features in pudendum of the bilateral cases may be due to the low AR and ER expressions in processus vaginalis and gubernaculum testis .

  24. 目的探讨运用Spondylolisthesisreductionsystem(SRS)提拉复位系统加环锯取髂骨于椎体间行单侧或双侧植骨融合治疗峡部不连性腰椎滑脱症。

    Objective To assess SRS elevating-pull reduction system and intervertebral circular saw iliac bone graft fusion in single or double for surgical treatment of lumbar spinal spondylolisthesis associated with isthmic spondylolysis .

  25. 改良Millard术式矫正单侧唇裂继发畸形

    Improved millard technique for secondary deformities of unilateral cleft lip

  26. 结果:在单侧颈动脉阻断过程中,8例出现SEP显著改变。

    Result : During the unilateral cervical carotid artery occlusion , significant changes of SEP were found in 8 patients .

  27. 改良Millard法修复单侧唇裂260例临床分析

    The Improved Millard Method Repairs Unilateral Cleft Lip

  28. 结论有症状单侧颈动脉重度狭窄患者狭窄侧脑血管储备能力明显受损,CAS后显著改善。

    Conclusion The significantly impaired cerebrovascular reserve capacity on the stenotic side in symptomatic patients with unilateral high-grade carotid stenosis was significantly improved after CAS .

  29. 30例单侧ES眼与对侧非ES限比较,眼压升高,C值降低,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。

    Intraocular pressure level was higher and C value lower in the diseased than in the normal contralateral eye in the 30 patients with unilateral ES with statistically significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 方法成年大鼠单侧纹状体内注射6-羟多巴胺(6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA)。

    ? Methods 6-hydroxydopamine ( 6-OHDA ) was injected into the rats ' unilateral striatum .