
  • 网络uniaxial magnetic anisotropy
  1. 研究了在倾斜磁场下感生单轴磁各向异性对静磁正向体波激发的影响,并考虑了易磁化轴垂直和平行于磁性薄膜两种情形。

    This paper presented a theoretical investigation of the effects of the induced uniaxial anisotropy on excitation of magnetostatic forward volume waves under obliquely biased magnetic field .

  2. 数值计算表明,在适当的倾斜磁场下,掺铋钇铁石榴石薄膜中的感生单轴磁各向异性能够显著降低静磁正向体波的插入损耗、增加激发带宽。

    The numerical results for bismuth doped yttrium iron garnet film show that the induced uniaxial anisotropy contributes to increasing the excitation efficiency and excitation bandwidth and lowering the insertion loss under obliquely bias field .

  3. 本文采用单轴横向磁各向异性的单畴、开放三明治膜模型。

    The model of a single domain under in-plane uniaxial anisotropy is introduced to describe the GMI effect of sandwiched film .

  4. 我们以往的研究发现,用双轴磁晶各向异性材料代替传统单轴磁晶各向异性材料可以加快磁化强度的翻转。

    Our previous study showed that the magnetization switching of a circular disk can be quickened in biaxial materials instead of uniaxial materials .