
dān shēn nán zǐ
  • Single man;bachelor;singleton
  1. 单身男子上台向十二名女嘉宾唱一首歌,然后女嘉宾要么举起笑脸的牌子,要么举起伤心表情的牌子。

    A bachelor comes onstage and sings a song to 12 female contestants who hold up paddles with either a smiley or a sad face .

  2. 我租了四楼的一套单身男子公寓,我的朋友租了一个花园公寓套房。

    I am renting a bachelor flat on the third floor , and my friend is renting a garden flat .

  3. 与《单身男子》一样,《NocturnalAnimals》改编自奥斯丁•怀特(AustinWright)1993年出版的恐怖小说《TonyandSusan》,剧情讲述的是一位离婚女收到其前夫所写的一本情节离奇的黑暗小说。

    A book adaptation , like A Single Man , it is based on Austin Wright 's 1993 thriller Tony and Susan about a divorcee sent a dark , fantastical novel written by her ex-husband .

  4. 所以钻石王老五就是指很杰出,少有的单身男子。

    So Diamond bachelor refers to excellent and rare single man .

  5. 年轻女子想要谈情说爱的,不只是单身男子而已。

    It is not only bachelors on whom the young ladies confer their affections .

  6. 在中国的天涯论坛里,一位单身男子发贴寻求面对家人逼婚的对策。

    On the online Chinese forum Tianya.cn , a single man asked for advice on facing his family .

  7. 有个使用者在微型部落格推特上发文说,「这对所有单身男子而言是个福音。」

    " It 's a blessing for all single men ," praised one of the users on Twitter .

  8. 全是单身男子他利用死者的住处因为他估摸着房子会空置一段时间

    All single men . He 's using the dead man 's flat under the assumption it will be empty for a while .

  9. 研究最后显示,高水平睾酮的单身男子找到伴侣的几率更大,也更有可能成为父亲。

    Single guys with high testosterone had better luck finding mates by the study 's end , and were more likely to have become fathers .

  10. 眼下,奥斯本过着单身男子简单而优裕的生活,与他同住的只有一只叫拜伦的猫。

    At the moment , Osborn is leading the single man 's good life . He shares the apartment with a shelter cat named Byron .

  11. 仅中国就有超过美国男青年总数的单身男子&或者用他们的话说“光棍”。

    China alone stands to have as many unmarried young men " bare branches ", as they are known as the entire population of young men in America .

  12. 市面上还有不少用来减轻单身男子寂寞感的应用软件,比如有一款可以发出枕边女人的睡觉声。

    Other apps are attempting to make single men feel less lonely , such as the one that plays the sound of a woman sleeping on the next pillow .

  13. 按照中国传统,单身男子要想结婚就必须是自己房子的主人,而在今天,买房子需要一大笔钱。

    According to Chinese tradition , a single man must possess a house before he gets married , while nowadays buying a house entails a lump sum of money .

  14. 1996年结婚、30岁至34岁有过婚史的男性,与同一年在相同年龄段结婚的单身男子相比,10年后离婚的几率高出30%。

    Previously married men aged 30-34 who married in 1996 were 30 per cent more likely to be divorced 10 years later than bachelors of the same age who married in the same year .

  15. 被调查的单身男子中有四分之一的人说,他们想要一段稳定的恋情,这样才能组建一个家庭。五分之一的男子看到朋友们成双成对,就担心自己会被剩下。

    One in four single men questioned said they wanted a committed relationship so they could start a family , while a fifth worried that they would be left on the shelf while their friends were paired off .

  16. 答案可能涉及很多不同的因素,但其中的一个原因可能是在安顿下来以后男性更富有动力,因为他们现在可以集中精力,同时跟单身男子相比,对自己更有信心。

    The answer could point at many different factors , but one of the reasons could be men are just more productive after settling down because they can now focus and are more sure of themselves compared to single men .

  17. 这家活动商店将在巴黎开十天,然后前往比利时布鲁塞尔、瑞士洛桑和法国里昂。这家商店将单身男子放在真人大小的玩具盒里进行展示。

    The travelling shop , which will be open in Paris for the next ten days before going to Brussels , Lausanne , Toulouse and Lyon , is showcasing single guys by putting them on display inside human-sized toy boxes .

  18. 紧随其后的是电影《单身男子》中的男星尼古拉斯·霍尔特和英国演员道格拉斯·布斯,后者以其在电视电影《乔治男孩》中饰演的文化俱乐部乐队主唱乔治男孩一角而广为人知。

    Johnson was followed by " A Single Man " star Nicholas Hoult at number two and English actor Douglas Booth , best known for his turn as Culture Club frontman Boy George in TV flick " Worried About the Boy . "

  19. 据这家精子银行介绍,只有已婚或达到包括年龄在22到45岁之间,身高至少1.65米,身体健康,功能健全,具有大专及以上学历这些要求的单身男子才可以进行捐精。

    According to the introduction of the bank , only married or single men who meet requirements such as being 22 to 45 years of age , a height of at least 1.65 meters , being in good health , with well-formed features and having education at junior college level or above can donate sperm .

  20. 在你回答之前,记住有孩子的男人比单身年轻男子处境很不一样。

    Before you answer , remember a grown man with children is in a very different position than a young man .

  21. 在你回答之前,记住。grown:成年的children:孩子们different:不同的position:位置有孩子的男人比单身年轻男子处境很不一样,useful:有用的而现在钱就变得很有用。

    Before you answer , remember , a grown man with children is in a very different position than a young man .