- Single man;bachelor;singleton

A bachelor comes onstage and sings a song to 12 female contestants who hold up paddles with either a smiley or a sad face .
I am renting a bachelor flat on the third floor , and my friend is renting a garden flat .
A book adaptation , like A Single Man , it is based on Austin Wright 's 1993 thriller Tony and Susan about a divorcee sent a dark , fantastical novel written by her ex-husband .
So Diamond bachelor refers to excellent and rare single man .
It is not only bachelors on whom the young ladies confer their affections .
On the online Chinese forum Tianya.cn , a single man asked for advice on facing his family .
" It 's a blessing for all single men ," praised one of the users on Twitter .
All single men . He 's using the dead man 's flat under the assumption it will be empty for a while .
Single guys with high testosterone had better luck finding mates by the study 's end , and were more likely to have become fathers .
At the moment , Osborn is leading the single man 's good life . He shares the apartment with a shelter cat named Byron .
China alone stands to have as many unmarried young men " bare branches ", as they are known as the entire population of young men in America .
Other apps are attempting to make single men feel less lonely , such as the one that plays the sound of a woman sleeping on the next pillow .
According to Chinese tradition , a single man must possess a house before he gets married , while nowadays buying a house entails a lump sum of money .
Previously married men aged 30-34 who married in 1996 were 30 per cent more likely to be divorced 10 years later than bachelors of the same age who married in the same year .
One in four single men questioned said they wanted a committed relationship so they could start a family , while a fifth worried that they would be left on the shelf while their friends were paired off .
The answer could point at many different factors , but one of the reasons could be men are just more productive after settling down because they can now focus and are more sure of themselves compared to single men .
The travelling shop , which will be open in Paris for the next ten days before going to Brussels , Lausanne , Toulouse and Lyon , is showcasing single guys by putting them on display inside human-sized toy boxes .
Johnson was followed by " A Single Man " star Nicholas Hoult at number two and English actor Douglas Booth , best known for his turn as Culture Club frontman Boy George in TV flick " Worried About the Boy . "
According to the introduction of the bank , only married or single men who meet requirements such as being 22 to 45 years of age , a height of at least 1.65 meters , being in good health , with well-formed features and having education at junior college level or above can donate sperm .
Before you answer , remember a grown man with children is in a very different position than a young man .
Before you answer , remember , a grown man with children is in a very different position than a young man .