
  • 网络The Wolf of Wall Street;Terence Winter
  1. 《华尔街之狼》执行制片欧文·温克勒(IrwinWinkler)在一次接受采访时回忆道,他询问相关问题时被告知,该公司在马来西亚有一个资助者。

    When Irwin Winkler , an executive producer of The Wolf of Wall Street inquired , he was told that Red Granite had a backer in Malaysia , he recalled in an interview .

  2. 在电影《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet)中,莱昂纳多・迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)饰演上世纪90年代臭名昭著的骗子乔丹・贝尔福特(JordanBelfort)。贝尔福特对自己卓尔不群的推销能力颇感骄傲,也确实骗走了投资者数亿美元。

    In ' The Wolf of Wall Street , ' Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jordan Belfort , the celebrated crook of the 1990s who prided himself on his ability to sell anything and did in fact swindle investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars .

  3. 奥斯卡提名影片《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet)在大银幕上描绘的华尔街生活光鲜亮丽,但事实上投资也远比看上去更具挑战。

    Investing despite the big-screen bacchanal portrayed in the Oscar-nominated the wolf of Wall Street is also tougher than it looks .

  4. 小李在2012年十分忙碌。他出席了金球奖,到澳大利亚拍摄《了不起的盖茨比》(GreatGatsby),回到美国新奥尔良拍摄《被解放的蒂亚戈》(DjangoUnchained),再到纽约拍摄了《华尔街之狼》(WolfofWallStreet)。

    Indeed , DiCaprio traveled the globe in 2012 , shooting Great Gatsby in Australia , then Django Unchained in New Orleans , and then the Wolf of Wall Street in NYC .

  5. 包括纳吉布的继子、好莱坞制片人里扎·阿齐兹(RizaAziz),出品过《华尔街之狼》(TheWolfofWallStreet);阿齐兹的老友、金融家刘特佐(JhoLow);

    One , Riza Aziz , is the stepson of Najib and a Hollywood producer of " The Wolf of Wall Street . " Another , a financier named Jho Low , is a longtime friend of Aziz .

  6. 《华尔街之狼》执行制片欧文·温克勒(IrwinWinkler)在一次接受采访时回忆道,他询问相关问题时被告知,该公司“在马来西亚有一个资助者”。

    When Irwin Winkler , an executive producer of " The Wolf of Wall Street " inquired , he was told that Red Granite had " a backer in Malaysia , " he recalled in an interview .

  7. 茜茜是真是现实中的华尔街之狼

    Ah ! CeCe 's the real Wolf of Wall Street .

  8. 为什么《华尔街之狼》对贝尔福特如此纵容?

    Why is The Wolf of Wall Street so soft on Belfort ?

  9. 阿齐兹指出,《华尔街之狼》享受了纽约的税收减免政策。

    Mr. Aziz noted that The Wolf of Wall Street had received New York tax breaks .

  10. 凭借在《华尔街之狼》中的精湛演技,让他提名英国电影学院最佳男主角。

    His role in The Wolf of Wall Street earned him a BAFTA nomination for Leading Actor .

  11. 这位年轻的金发美女和泰坦尼克号的万人迷莱昂纳多最近一起出演电影《华尔街之狼》,并在片场首次见面。

    The young blonde beauty and Titanic heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio are currently filming The Wolf Of Wall Street together , and first met on the set .

  12. 在他参与最新作品《被解放的迪亚戈》的拍摄前,他还出演了由巴兹鲁曼执导、根据《了不起的盖茨比》小说改编的同名电影以及由马丁斯科塞斯执导的《华尔街之狼》。

    Before shooting his latest movie , Leonardo filmed the adaptation of The Great Gatsby with Baz Luhrmann and Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street .

  13. 后来,我又迷上了他在《了不起的盖茨比》里扮演的虽不完美但却浪漫的英雄,还有在《华尔街之狼》中冷酷无情且控制欲极强的角色。

    Later on , I was captivated by his flawed romantic hero in The Great Gatsby and his ruthlessly controlling character in The Wolf Of Wall Street 。

  14. 这将是斯科塞斯和迪卡普里奥在16年来的第六次合作,此前他们合作过《纽约黑帮》、《飞行家》、《无间道风云》、《禁闭岛》和《华尔街之狼》这些电影。

    This will mark Scorsese and DiCaprio 's sixth collaboration in 16 years following Gangs of New York , The Aviator , The Departed , Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street .

  15. 《华尔街之狼》和《美国骗局》上周末的票房也进入了前五名,预计这两部电影都将在1月16日被宣布为奥斯卡奖提名影片。

    ' The Wolf of Wall Street ' and ' American Hustle , ' both expected to be among the Academy Awards nominees announced on Jan. 16 , rounded out the weekend 's top five .

  16. 在影片《荒野猎人》中,曾经《华尔街之狼》中的时髦明星,以及《了不起的盖茨比》中的迷人绅士都已寻觅不见,取而代之的是一个蓬头垢面、满目沧桑的迪卡普里奥。

    In The Revenant , the swaggering star of The Wolf of Wall Street and the smooth charmer of The Great Gatsby is barely recognizable under a greasy mane , straggly beard and frostbitten face .

  17. 这部电影很可能会大卖:骇人听闻的亡命之徒总是很有吸引力的,而卑鄙小人的落马也总是大快人心。但看《华尔街之狼》需要大把时间,看完后受益甚微。

    The film may well prove profitable : Lurid outlaws are always appealing , and there 's pleasure to be had in the downfall of slimeballs . But ' The Wolf of Wall Street ' demands a huge investment of time for a paltry return .

  18. 《华尔街之狼》在巴黎和纽约的首映式,莱昂纳多都是单独出席。看来我们想看到这对情侣公开亮相,得等到金球奖的红地毯了。

    While Leo showed up solo for the premieres of The Wolf of Wall Street in Paris and NYC recently , we 'll have to wait to see if Toni accompanies her man when he hits the red carpet for the Golden Globes in a couple weeks .

  19. 我渴望得到重视,于是开始到处虚张声势,让那些“华尔街之狼”都感到惭愧,我还竭力摆出一副非常权威的样子,向老板们提出尽可能多的建议,尽管我有时候也不知道自己在说什么。

    Desperately wanting to be taken seriously , I made it a point to walk around with enough swagger to makeThe Wolf of Wall Street blush and offer as many opinions to my bosses with as much authority as I possibly could , whether I knew what I was talking about or not .