
  1. 据历年重要试验结果、煤质非常规分析数据及日常煤质分析日报等统计资料,对华能岳阳电厂W型火焰锅炉飞灰可燃物偏高的原因进行了分析,提出了相应解决措施。

    Based on previous important test results , analytical data of conventional analysis and statistics of daily coal quality analysis , the higher unburned carbon in fly ash of a W-flame boiler in Yueyang power plant is studied and solutions are recommended accordingly .

  2. 华能岳阳电厂1160t/h锅炉节能降耗综合治理

    Comprehensive energy-saving and consumption-reducing management for 1160 t / h boiler of Huaneng Yueyang Power Plant

  3. 华能岳阳电厂二灰坝软基滑坡机理及加固技术

    The soft soil landslides principle and reinforcement technique of second ash-dam of Yueyang Huaneng electrical power station

  4. 对华能岳阳电厂2号机低压转子叶片断裂事故原因进行了分析,并简要介绍了处理措施及效果。

    An analysis is made on the blading fracture in LP rotor of a GEC362.5 MW turbine , and the remedial measure and its result are described .

  5. 结合华能岳阳电厂1#炉热控系统优化试验过程,阐述对其给水控制系统、磨煤机组控制系统和通风控制系统所进行的一系列改进与调试。

    Connected with the optimization test process of 1 # boiler heat control system of Huaneng Corp Yueyang thermal power plant , a series of improvement and adjustment of the water supply control system , coal mill unit control system and ventilation control system of the boiler are discussed .