
  • 网络Dry desulfurization;Dry FGD;NID;sdfgd;CFB-FCD
  1. 采用热重分析仪(TGA)对250℃~500℃温度下NO2影响干法脱硫反应开展了等温动力学分析。

    Isothermal kinetic analysis of NO_2 ′ s effect on Dry FGD reaction was developed by TGA at medium temperature ( 250 ℃ - 500 ℃) .

  2. NO2对中温干法脱硫反应影响的实验研究

    Experimental research on no_2 ' effect on dry FGD reaction under medium temperature

  3. CO2对碳酸钙的活化及在半干法脱硫中的应用

    Application of CaCO_3 Activated by CO_2 in Semidry FGD Process

  4. 锅炉烟气BF式干法脱硫脱硝技术分析

    Technical Analysing of Boiler Smoke BF Drying Desulfation and Denitration

  5. 烟气CFB干法脱硫与湿法脱硫的比较及应用前景

    Comparison Between Dry CFB and Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization and the Application Prospects

  6. 干法脱硫系统ESP换算系数的取值讨论

    Discussion on Value Adopted for Conversion Coefficient in Dry Process of Desulfurization System ESP

  7. 对于已经安装了湿法或半干法脱硫设备的锅炉,原有脱硫设备可同时用于脱除NOx,或者把该技术与湿式静电除尘器结合,实现除尘、脱硫、脱硝一体化,这样可减少设备的投资。

    In addition , for reducing equipment investment , it can also be integrated with wet ESP to achieve removing dust , NO_X and SO_2 simultaneously .

  8. 本课题以半干法脱硫系统为例,运用Fluent软件对脱硫塔内部的烟气流场进行数值模拟。

    Based on the semidry FGD system , the software of Fluent was used to simulate the flow field of flue gas in desulfurizing tower .

  9. 利用鼓泡床反应器对NO2对中温干法脱硫反应的影响开展了实验研究。

    Experimental research on NO2 ' effect on dry FGD reaction under medium temperature was developed , by bubbling fluidized-bed reactor .

  10. 时(间)温(度)变化图半干法脱硫灰中CaSO3低温转化技术研究

    Time-temperature-transformation diagram Study on Low-Temperature Conversion Technologies of CaSO_3 in Semi-Dry FGD ASH

  11. 介绍了新型一体化NID半干法脱硫系统的工艺原理、NID技术特点、系统组成、设计参数和运行情况。

    This paper introduces the theory of one new NID semi-dry desulfurization system , NID technical characteristics , system components , design parameters and performance .

  12. 半干法脱硫灰中CaSO3低温转化技术研究4.5%二氧化硫二转二吸设计与实践

    Study on Low-Temperature Conversion Technologies of CaSO_3 in Semi-Dry FGD ASH Design practice of double transformation double absorption process with 4.5 % SO_2 for sulfuric acid production

  13. 包头第二热电厂2×200MW机组脱硫系统是NID半干法脱硫技术首次在200MW机组上应用。

    The 2 × 200 MW unit desulphurization system in BaoTou Second Heat and Power Plant is the first application of NID semi-dry desulfurization technology on 200 MW unit .

  14. 本文论述了类似于循环流化床干法脱硫工艺(CFB-FGD)的气体悬浮吸收(GSA)干法脱硫的工艺过程、原理及工艺特点,并介绍了该工艺在国内外实际工程中的应用。

    The paper presents the gas suspension absorber ( GSA ) dry desulfurization technology 's process , principle and character , which are similar to the circulating fluidized bed - FGD ( CFB - FGD ) technology . Meanwhile , the applications of GSA in and abroad are introduced .

  15. 干法脱硫用生石灰活性测定方法

    Active Determination Method of Quick Lime Used in Dry Process Desulfurization

  16. 干法脱硫非均匀初始孔隙率数学模型

    A mathematic model of non-homogenous original porosity for dry method desulfurization

  17. 老电厂循环悬浮式半干法脱硫技术应用

    Application of circulatory suspension type semidry method in old power plant

  18. 烟气干法脱硫技术的发展与应用

    Development and Application of Flue gas Desulfurization by Dry Method

  19. 转炉污泥干法脱硫新技术应用

    Application of sludge from converter dedusting facilities to new DRY DESULPHURATION technique

  20. 半干法脱硫除尘装置的研究及工业性试验

    A research and industrial test for semi-dry desulfurization and dust removal system

  21. 半干法脱硫灰用作水泥缓凝剂的研究

    Study on Semi-Dry Flue GAS Desulfurization ASH as Cement Retarder

  22. 循环流化床锅炉传统干法脱硫缺陷的分析与改进

    CFB boiler traditional dry FGD process disadvantage analysis and improvement

  23. 气体悬浮吸收干法脱硫工艺

    The Gas Suspension Absorber ( GSA ) Dry Desulfurization Technology

  24. 烟气分布器对半干法脱硫塔流场的影响

    Influence of flue gas distributor on flow field of semi-dry desulphurization reactor

  25. 提高干法脱硫工艺精脱硫剂硫容的探讨

    Discussion on improving S-capacity of fine desulfurizing agent in dry desulfurization process

  26. 干法脱硫灰渣在干粉砂浆中的应用研究

    Study of Application of Dry FDG in Powder Mortar

  27. 干法脱硫中EF&2型精脱硫剂硫容技术探讨

    Discussion of Sulfur Removal Volume for EF-2 Devulcanizing Agent in Dry Desulfurization Process

  28. 烟气循环流化床半干法脱硫复合增湿特性及相关问题的研究

    Study on the Composite Humidification Characteristics and Related Problems in Semi-Dry CFB-FGD System

  29. 蒸汽在箱式干法脱硫中的作用

    The Role of Steam in Box Dry Desulphurizing

  30. 高效干法脱硫剂的研究

    Study on Dry Desulfurizing Agent with High Efficiency