
ɡàn bù rèn miǎn
  • appointment or dismissal of cadres
  1. 强化领导班子内部监督,完善重大事项和重要干部任免的决定程序。

    We should tighten internal supervision of leading groups and improve the procedures for deciding on important matters and the appointment or dismissal of cadres in important positions .

  2. 我国干部任免制度和理性政府的存在是开发区低地价形成的前提,而地方政府的非合作博弈则是低地价形成的主要路径。

    The system of leader appointment and the rational government is the precondition in the form of lower land price . And the non-cooperate of local government is the main way for the form of lower land price .

  3. 第二,把好中层干部任免质量关,建立科学的中层干部选聘制度是学校实现教学目标,顺利完成教育教学任务的关键。

    Second , guard the pass of the appointing and removing of high school middle-level cadres , setting up the scientific middle-level voting systems , which is the key to completing smoothly the teaching task and realizing the teaching aims .

  4. 导致职业化程度低的主要因素有院长绩效考核主体缺位和内容缺失、医院管理体制和干部任免任期制度以及卫生管理职称缺乏。

    The main factors of worse professionalization degree are absence of main body in charge of superintendents performance evaluation , fault of performance indicators , management system of hospitals , system of leader appointing and removing as well as short of health management titles .

  5. 第三部分,从政务决策公开、政务信息公开、行政执法与办事公开、干部人事任免公开四个方面总结了政务公开在我国当代的实践。

    The third part summarizes the practice of government affair opening in our country ;

  6. 但是与传统的干部选拔和任免方式相比,这些新的方式具有更强的竞争性。

    However , compared with the selection and appointment of government officials , this new system has more rivalrousness .

  7. 该系统实现了干部信息管理,干部任免管理,各种信息的查询,在线的投票选举和报表管理等多项服务功能,对高校中干部的各种信息有组织有计划的统一管理。

    This system makes the information management cadres , cadres appointment and removal of the management , and all kinds of information inquiries , online voting and statements management of a number of service functions , Universities cadres of the various information in an organized and unified management plan .