
gàn jǐng
  • cadres and policeman;police officers;police
干警 [gàn jǐng]
  • [police] 公安部门中干部和警察的合称

干警[gàn jǐng]
  1. 810名劳改干警健康知识和卫生行为的调查分析

    Health Literacy of 810 Police Officers Working in a Reform through Labor Farm

  2. 定性研究方法包括干警个人深入访谈和不同拘留原因收教妇女专题小组访谈。

    Qualitative methods included an in-depth personal interview with the police officers and focus group discussions with female detainees grouped by different arrested reasons .

  3. 结果2002~2004年共报告152例HIV职业性暴露个案,其中医务人员占74.34%,干警占13.82%。

    Results There were 152 HIV occupational exposure cases in this period of time . Of which , 74.34 % were HCWs ( healthcare worker ) and 13.82 % were policemen .

  4. 某女子监狱干警艾滋病知识态度调查

    Knowledge and attitude related to AIDS among policemen from a female prison

  5. 监狱干警健康状况调查分析与对策

    Health Status of Prison Policemen and Relevant Health Education Strategies

  6. 监狱干警思想问题的产生及其转化

    Source of Idea Problems of Prison Police and their Change

  7. 谈干警培训课堂教学的吸引力

    On the Attraction of Classroom Teaching in Police Training

  8. 广东省部分监狱干警心理健康与人格特征的调查

    Study on mental health situation and personality character in prison policemen in Guangdong

  9. 广东省劳教干警人格结构调查分析

    The Research on the Personality Structure for the Policeman of Reeducation Through Labour

  10. 搞好目标管理提高干警培训质量

    Do Objective Management Well Improve Policing Training Quality

  11. 某女子劳教所干警与监押人员艾滋病知识、态度与行为的定性研究

    HIV-related knowledge , attitude and behaviors among policewomen and female prisoners from a correctional facility

  12. 青海检察干警学历结构与《检察官法》的距离

    On the Gap Between Educational Background of Qinghai Prosecutors and the Criterion of the Law of Prosecutors

  13. 市场经济条件下,监狱干警道德建设面临许多新问题;

    Many new problems emerge in the market economy on the morality improvement facing the prison police team .

  14. 解决下岗职工浅谈在职干警的射击培训

    To solve the problem of the laid out relaxing contradictions ; Training Shooting Techniques for the In-service Policemen

  15. 由于制度完善,管理规范,干警从思想上深刻认识到自身形象的重要性。

    Due to the consummate system and canonical management , polices have deeply realized the importance of their image .

  16. 不同年龄组、不同工作年限干警在玩世不恭和职业效能方面有显著差异;

    Remarkable distinctions regarding cynicism and professional efficacy between jail policemen in different age groups and different working years were found .

  17. 良好的人格结构是劳教干警做好劳动教养工作的基本条件,是劳教干警队伍发挥战斗力的有力保障。

    Excellent personality structure make policeman of reeducation through labour do the job well and ensure the whole troops ' battle effectiveness .

  18. 监狱干警是监狱系统中的重要组成部分,其主要日常工作到指定的岗位执勤。

    Prison police is important part of prison system , whose daily job is mainly to be on duty at certain position .

  19. 监狱干警以及心理咨询工作人员能够真正深入关注每一个未成年犯的心理世界,真正的接纳他们,引导他们渐渐形成积极的价值观。

    The officers and psychological consultants in remand home should pay more attention to their inside world and lead them to form positive values .

  20. 将部门、干警的绩效改进、干警的职位晋升、检察官职业化和队伍管理科学化有机结合。

    The department , police officers of the performance improvement , job promotion of police officers , prosecutors professional and scientific management team combination .

  21. 目的了解监狱干警的健康状况,找出影响监狱干警健康的不利因素,提出健康教育对策。

    Objective To understand the health status of prison policemen and identify the negatively influencing factors thereof , so as to develop relevant health education strategies .

  22. 随着心理矫治工作的推广,越来越多受命组织和实施心理矫治的监狱干警,急迫需要了解组织和实施心理矫治工作的具体做法。

    With the spreading of mental correction , more and more institutions and prison police long to recognize how to organize and carry out mental corrections .

  23. 实践证明,该方案能使干警可以在任何场合下都能快速和有效地获取其所需要的信息。

    The results of the running system show that the proposed scheme can make the policeman obtain needed information quickly and effectively at any occasion and time .

  24. 劳教干警与劳教人员对现实中的劳教干警的人格结构的看法有明显差异。

    The attitude to the structure of real personality characteristics of policemen of reeducation through labour is quite different from that of members of reeducation through labour .

  25. 这种本质和规律性决定了劳动教养工作有特殊的职业特点和职业规范,要求劳教干警具有优良的人格结构。

    The essence and the rules decide the special professional characteristics and disciplines of reeducation through labour , which also require policeman of reeducation through labour having good personality structure .

  26. 目的:了解劳改干警健康知识的掌握程度、卫生行为形成情况及健康知识的需求情况,为健康教育干预提供依据。

    Objective : To know the understanding rate of health knowledge , common healthy behavior forming rate , and needs for health knowledge among police officers engaged in reform through labor .

  27. 但广大消防干警没有屈服,他们坚守岗位,抵制干扰,在曲折中保障着国家财产和人民生命安全。

    However , the majority of fire officers did not give up , they stuck to their posts , resisted interferences and protected the safety of state and people properties in the twists .

  28. 劳教人员对现实中的劳教干警的人格特征评价和对理想中的劳教干警的人格特征的评价有较大差异。

    The evaluation of members of reeducation through labour to real personality characteristics of policemen of reeducation through labour is also some different from that of real personality characteristics of policemen of reeducation through labour .

  29. 市场经济的负面效应对干警思想的影响包括来自市场经济利益原则的影响、商品形式多样化的影响、利益再分配的影响等。

    The negative effect of market economy upon the police thoughts comes from the influence of the economical principal of market economy , influence of variety of the goods , influence of profit re-assignment and so on .

  30. 本文通过对监区文化含义、特征的分析,内容的划定,提出在加强监区文化建设中应注意提高干警的政治素质和文化素质,强化罪犯的改造意识。

    Attention should be paid to improve the political and cultural qualities of the policemen , reform consciousness of the prisoners in the construction of the prison culture through analysis of the characteristics and definition of the prison culture contents .