
  1. 冲击奖项:如果这届奥斯卡最佳影片的提名数有9或10部电影的话,那么《逃出绝命镇》能占一个。

    Best chance : If there are nine or 10 best picture nominees , it could grab a spot .

  2. 喜剧中心频道报道环球影业发行的《逃出绝命镇》由乔丹?皮尔担任编剧和导演。一名黑人青年到其白人女友家做客,他发现了一个邪恶的种族阴谋。

    Comedy Central breakout Jordan Peele wrote and directs the Universal release , following a young black man who visits his white girlfriend 's family estate and uncovers a sinister , racially-charged conspiracy .

  3. 上周,独立精神奖最佳影片候选名单中有,《请以你的名字呼唤我》、《佛罗里达乐园》、《逃出绝命镇》、《骑士》。

    Last week , it was announced as a candidate for the Independent Spirit Awards ' best picture , along with Call Me by Your Name , The Florida Project , Get Out and The Rider .