
  • 网络Mahnke;Vlaminck;WilhelmMohnke;Menke;MANC
  1. “我的人格是全州闻名的,”曼克奈斯咆哮道。

    My character is known all over the state , blustered magnus .

  2. 曼克奈斯朝他儿子瞥了一眼,着实吃了一惊。

    Magnus glanced at his son in considerable surprise .

  3. 他走到曼克奈斯身边,握握州长那只没力气的手。

    He came up to Magnus and shook the Governor 's limp hand .

  4. “我们这些小麦种植者啊,还不是到处受人剥削,作弄,欺骗!”曼克奈斯凄惨地说。

    How we wheat growers are exploited and trapped and deceived at every turn , observed Magnus sadly .

  5. 过去的一周里,菲德。本。本曼克和他的同事们探测到一个更严重的通胀警报。

    Over the past week , Fed Ben Bernankeand his colleagues have been sounding an ever-louder alarm againstinflation .