
  • 网络mandy;Mandy's Song
  1. 曼蒂是一名在猩猩围栏每天照顾小Wumundi的义务看护者。

    Mandy is one of free keepers who care for little Wumundi in the gorilla enclosure every day .

  2. 但他没有像个母亲,而是把Wumundi当成了人类婴儿,曼蒂表现的像一只猩猩母亲。

    But he is not being raised to be like his mother . Instead of treating Wumundi like a human baby , Mandy is acting like a gorilla mom .

  3. 例句曼蒂只能看到生活如意的一面。尽管世界存在种种问题,但她相信事情只会变得更好。

    Despite all the world 's problems , she believes that things can only get better .

  4. 我几天前接到曼蒂的一个电话。

    I had a phone call from Mandy the other day .

  5. 曼蒂吓得呆在原地动不了了。

    Mandy stood rooted to the spot , frozen with terror .

  6. 我知道你现在正和曼蒂在一起。

    Maddie : That 's what I wanted to show you .

  7. 请把曼蒂找过来,我想请她看看我的演讲。

    Please get Mandy here . I want her to see this .

  8. 他打出一拳,但是曼蒂及时躲开了。

    He threw a punch but Mandy sidestepped it just in time .

  9. 曼蒂:不了,我得去上班。

    Mandy : No , I have to work .

  10. 堂娜与曼蒂有关吗?

    Did Donna have anything to do with maddy ?

  11. 克里斯视曼蒂为他的真爱。

    Chris regards Mandy as his true love .

  12. 曼蒂:这原本都是皇帝的物品,但后来被廉价出售。

    Maddie : This was originally an imperial piece but was later sold off .

  13. 给曼蒂的一封信(文章大意)曼蒂,你好。

    A letter to Mandy Hello , Mandy .

  14. 曼蒂:手术进展得顺不顺利?

    Mandy : Is the operation going smoothly ?

  15. 曼蒂:呃,不是,是因为青铜器变成很普通的东西。

    Maddie : Hah , no , because the bronze became a commonplace thing .

  16. 曼蒂:而且新物主不想要惹麻烦。

    Maddie : And the new owner didn 't want to get into trouble .

  17. 那一幕剧暂停了好久,因为曼蒂忘记了她的尾白。

    There was a really long pause in that scene because Mandy missed her cue .

  18. 能睁开眼睛吗?曼蒂,能行吗?

    Can you open your eyes for me ? Mandy , can you do that ?

  19. 当压力太大或心情沮丧时,曼蒂常会向她姊姊寻求慰藉。

    Mandy often turns to her sister for comfort when she is stressed out or depressed .

  20. 你从曼蒂身上学到东西?

    You learned something from mandy ?

  21. 曼蒂不再外食,因此帮她省了很多钱。

    Mandy stopped eating out , which in turn helped her save a lot of money .

  22. 站在清朝的翠玉白菜前面曼蒂:这绿色跟白色是天然生成的。

    In front of the Qing Dynasty jade cabbage Maddie : The green and white are natural .

  23. 曼蒂:没错,这个概念就是玉是被贵族所使用和欣赏的。

    Maddie : Exactly , the idea is that jade was something used and appreciated by the nobility .

  24. 我一直在想法子把曼蒂和我弄进青年旅舍去住,因为天气越来越冷了。

    I 've been trying to get me and Mandy in a hostel cos the weather 's getting cold .

  25. 曼蒂五岁的时候爱上了钢琴,她知道她的天职就是成为音乐家。

    Mandy fell in love with the piano at age five , and knew it was her calling to be a musician .

  26. 但他的歌曲已被拾起,市政府官员在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇,谁计划爆破“曼蒂”镇商场将不守规矩的孩子了。

    But his songs have been picked up by city officials in Christchurch , New Zealand , who plan on blasting " Mandy " in the town mall to keep unruly kids away .