
  • 网络Man;Maine;Michael Mann
  1. 曼恩BWMC/MCE型船用低速柴油机的结构特点

    The Structural Features of MAN B & W-MC / MCE Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine

  2. 这家私募股权公司最终败给了曼恩集团(ManGroup),后者后来将其剥离出去,成为今天的MFGlobal。

    The private equity firm ultimately lost the bid to Man Group , which later spun it off to become MF Global .

  3. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)气候科学家迈克尔·E·曼恩(MichaelE.Mann)测算,如果全球气候没有在变暖,连续两年刷新记录的可能性非常小,大约每1500个两年,才会出现一次。

    Michael E. Mann , a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University , calculated that if the global climate were not warming , the odds of setting two back-to-back record years would be remote , about one chance in every 1500 pairs of years .

  4. 在好莱坞的旅游景点,例如,网站星光大道,Graumann的曼恩的中国剧院和蜡像馆。

    Web sites for tourist attractions in Hollywood , such as the Walk of Fame , Graumann 's Mann 's Chinese Theatre , and the Wax Museum .

  5. 这种形式的冲突是曼恩法案的基本。

    This form of conflict is essential to Mann 's writing .

  6. 曼恩表示,汉莎航空是“一家高品质的公司”。

    Lufthansa is " a quality organization , " Mann says .

  7. 此篇研究文章的作者之一,桑迪-曼恩博士说:

    Dr Sandi Mann , one of the study 's authors said :

  8. 曼恩法案就是一部彻头彻尾的种族主义法案。

    The Mann Act is an inherently racist law .

  9. 星期二早晨去芬那提和塞格利曼恩家的问话没有任何直接结果。

    Calls to the Finnerty and Seligmann homes Tuesday morning were not immediately returned .

  10. 曼恩的中国剧院在上演什么?

    What is on mann 's Chinese theater ?

  11. 曼恩法案,也被称为“贩运妇女法案”,于1910年订立。

    The Mann Act , also known as the'White Slavery Act ' , was introduced in1910 .

  12. 在上演了第一个半场帽子戏法后,德国队的玛丽伯尔曼恩有理由庆祝双份。

    Germany 's Marie Pollmann had cause for a double celebration after firing a first-half hat-trick .

  13. 根据曼恩和奥斯丁的观点,国会现阶段的问题来自三个因素。

    According to Messrs Mann and ornstein , congress 's current problems stem from three things .

  14. 还有一个名为曼恩博士(Dr.Mann)的陨落天使,在与伊甸园截然相反的环境里变得犹如魔鬼一般。

    There is a fallen angel named Dr. Mann who turns satanic in an inverse Garden of Eden .

  15. 在我出访伦敦之际,我参观了爱尔兰海的曼恩岛。

    On the occasion of my inspection tour of london , I visited the Isle of man in the Irish sea .

  16. 现年55岁的曼恩赢得了55-59岁年龄组的400米个人混合泳比赛金牌,并创造了这个年龄组的世界纪录。

    Mann , 55 , won the400-meter individual medley race and set a world record for his age group , 55 to59.Mr .

  17. 曼恩是奥比昂赦免,从监狱中释放马拉博本月早些时候,服后五年的34年监禁十年。

    Mann was pardoned by Obiang and released from a jail in Malabo earlier this month , after serving five years of a34-year jail term .

  18. 事情就是这样:1913年,曼恩法案被用来对一位“罪名”仅仅是做了其他白人都做的事情的黑人拳击手定罪;

    Ergo , in1913 the Mann Act was used to convict a black boxer whose only'crime'was to indulge in the same behaviour as his white conemporaries .

  19. 大卫.曼恩说,人们很担心的一个问题是这会持续很长的一段时间,就象亚洲地区在90年代后期的那场危机那样。

    Mann says the big worry is the possibility the problems could last a long time , similar to the Asian financial crisis in the late1990s .

  20. 在曼恩企业更新释出抓狂牛奶后,现在唯二没有自行回复生命值的手段的职业剩下狙击手和间谍而已。

    With the addition of Mad Milk and the Mann-Conomy update , the only classes not capable of directly healing themselves are the Spy and Sniper .

  21. 鉴于现实情况是地球正在变暖,这样的可能性就大幅增加了。根据曼恩博士的计算,大约每10个两年就会出现一次。

    Given the reality that the planet is warming , the odds become far higher , about one chance in 10 , by Dr. Mann 's calculations .

  22. 曼恩说,当市长提及签署京都条约时,“职员们意识到他是说真的,感到十分惊愕。”

    When the mayor mentioned signing the Kyoto treaty , Mann said ," Staff members ' jaws kind of dropped as they realized he was dead serious . "

  23. 其中最逗的一幕,塔克带成龙混在其他游客中站在著名的好莱坞标志,曼恩斯中国戏院前。

    In one of the funniest scenes , Tucker takes Chan to mingle with other tourists in front of the famous Hollywood landmark , Mann 's Chinese Theatre .

  24. 代表球队队长之一的辩护律师比尔·托马斯说,星期二那天晚上,塞格利曼恩和芬那提两人和那个女人都没有任何联系。

    Bill Thomas , a defense attorney representing one of the team captains , said Tuesday that neither Seligmann nor Finnerty had any contact with the woman that night .

  25. 曼恩指出,德国之翼的机组与汉莎航空其他机组一样,都由汉莎航空技术公司进行维护。这是航空业最大的维修公司之一。

    Mann notes that Lufthansa services its Germanwings fleet , alongside the rest of its planes , at Lufthansa Technik , one of the airline industry 's largest maintenance providers .

  26. 香港渣打银行的首席货币分析师大卫.曼恩说,在100日圆比价这个水平对美元来说是危险的,因为那是投资人心理指标。

    David Mann , chief currency strategist at Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong , says the100-yen level for the dollar is dangerous because it is a psychological mark for investors .

  27. 本文介绍了最新的曼恩B&W-MC/MCE型船用低速柴油机的结构特点,设计思想及其发展与应用。

    This paper presents the conception design , structural features as well as the development and applications of new MAN / B & W-MC / MCE low speed marine diesel engine .

  28. 曼恩认为,目前最具挑战性的议题,是预测区域扰动,因为人们在亲眼看见气候变迁如何影响自家后院之前,不会认真看待这个议题。

    The most challenging aspect today , Mann thinks , is predicting regional disruptions , because people are unlikely to take climate change seriously until they see how it operates in their backyard .

  29. 曼恩:首先,从这通电话中可以看出里根和撒切尔之间的紧密关系,这一关系要追溯到他们各自执政之前。

    MANN : Well , in the first place of course , it shows the very close ties between Reagan and Thatcher , which dated back to before either of them was in office .

  30. 曼恩当然不会对自己的工作感到无聊,她表明无聊可能成了一种新的压力。无聊很容易导致一些更加不良的情绪,比如愤怒和敌意。

    Mann , who clearly isn 't bored by her work , suggests that boredom could be the new stress , and it can easily lead to even less desirable emotions like resentment and hostility .