
  • 网络mansfield;katherine mansfield;Edwin Mansfield;Bob Mansfield
  1. 哈维?C?曼斯菲尔德是哈佛大学最直言不讳的保守派教授,他也是《刚毅》一书的作者。曼斯菲尔德告诉《卫报》,他对这个决定存有质疑。

    Harvey C Mansfield , one of Harvard 's most outspoken conservative professors and the author of a book called Manliness , also told the Guardian he questioned the decision .

  2. 曼斯菲尔德的大道马提尼餐厅(Martini’sonMain)供应农家比萨饼,大部分食材来自本地农庄(108NorthMainStreet,电话419-775-5936;martinisonmain.net)。

    Martini 's on Main , in Mansfield , offers pizza made from scratch and gets most of its ingredients from local farms ( 108 North Main Street , 419-775-5936 ; martinisonmain . net ) .

  3. 达拉邦特将虚构的肖申克监狱选在了曼斯菲尔德的俄亥俄州立管教所(OhioStateReformatory),于是剧组在1993年夏天到了那里开始拍摄。

    Mr. Darabont chose the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield to serve as the fictional ' Shawshank ' prison , so the cast gathered there in the summer of 1993 to start filming .

  4. 在位于俄亥俄州中北部的曼斯菲尔德,旅游部门五年前创建了一个叫“肖申克之路”(ShawshankTrail)的旅游线路,以充分利用该地区最大的旅游资源。

    In Mansfield in north-central Ohio , tourism officials five years ago established a tour to capitalize on what had become the area 's biggest draw .

  5. 8月29日至30日,曼斯菲尔德优质客栈与套房(QualityInn&Suites;500NorthTrimbleRoad,电话419-529-1000;qualityinn.com)供应肖申克20周年特惠套餐,双人间128.66美元、套房139.66美元。

    Mansfield 's Quality Inn & Suites offers a Shawshank 20th Anniversary Package Aug. 29 to 30 with doubles for $ 128.66 ; suites , $ 139.96 ( 500 North Trimble Road , 419-529-1000 ; qualityinn . com ) .

  6. 旧石屋(TheOldeStoneHouse;291StewartRoadNorth,419-571-0013;theoldestonehousebandb.com)是美国内战前就开业的经济型旅馆,却有无线信号,提供床位和早餐,占地10英亩,距离曼斯菲尔德闹市区仅十分钟路程。

    The Olde Stone House is a pre-Civil War but Wi-Fi-capable B & B on 10 acres just 10 minutes from downtown Mansfield ; from $ 89 to $ 109 ( 291 Stewart Road North , 419-571-0013 ; theoldestonehousebandb . com ) .

  7. 肉豆蔻是从Scooter手中接过的这个头衔,那是一只来自曼斯菲尔德的暹罗猫,曾经在30岁的时候打破了吉尼斯世界纪录,成为了最长寿的猫,但是在同年五月份去世了。

    He inherits the title from Scooter , a Siamese from Mansfield , who was named a record breaker at the age of 30 by the Guinness Book Of World Records but died in May .

  8. 孤独的灵魂&浅析曼斯菲尔德笔下孤独的儿童形象

    LONELY SOUL & On The Image of Lonely Children of Mansfield'Works

  9. 地点的隐喻&《曼斯菲尔德庄园》地点刍议

    The Metaphor of Places & on the Places of Mansfield Park

  10. 曼斯菲尔德《幸福》中的象征主义

    An Analysis of the Symbolism Skill Used in Bliss by Mansfield

  11. “后来曼斯菲尔德说:”我想我一直在创作。

    Later on Mansfield said I imagine I was always writing .

  12. 曼斯菲尔德《莳萝泡菜》的叙事策略

    On the Narrative Strategies in A Dill Pickle by Katherine Mansfield

  13. 从《陌生人》看曼斯菲尔德的写作艺术

    An Exploration of Writing Artistry in Mansfield ′ s The Stranger

  14. 第五章是曼斯菲尔德作品中所体现出的生态伦理思想。

    Chapter five analyses the eco-ethics embodied in her works .

  15. 曼斯菲尔德小说的边缘性主题探究

    Exploration of the Marginal Motif in Mansfield 's Short Stories

  16. 他习惯于比曼斯菲尔德快活得多的地方。

    He is used to much gayer places than Mansfield .

  17. 曼斯菲尔德的小说深入地挖掘了女性的意识体验。

    Her writings have gone deep into the female consciousness .

  18. 曼斯菲尔德的业余演戏要把这整个地区大大轰动一番了。

    The Mansfield theatricals would enliven the whole neighbourhood exceedingly .

  19. 一位消防员正在扑灭澳大利亚曼斯菲尔德附近的大火。

    A firefighter works to put out flames near Mansfield in Australia .

  20. 曼斯菲尔德的叙事策略和语言风格

    On the Narrative Strategy and Stylistic Features of Mansfield

  21. 曼斯菲尔德作品中的印象主义手法

    The Technique of Impressionism in Katherine Mansfield 's Work

  22. 论曼斯菲尔德小说女性人物形象中的女性意识

    On the Female Consciousness in Mansfield 's Women Characters

  23. 从《已故上校的女儿们》看曼斯菲尔德的短篇小说艺术

    Viewing Mansfield 's Short Story Art from the Daughters of the Late Colonel

  24. 不过,曼斯菲尔德没有这号人。

    But we have no such people in Mansfield .

  25. 女性主题是曼斯菲尔德小说的一大特色。

    Women theme is one of the characteristics of Katherine Mansfield 's works .

  26. 曼斯菲尔德小说的现代主义叙述艺术&析《幸福》

    The Modern Narrative Art of Mansfield s Short Story & On Bliss ;

  27. 借助于她在故乡新西兰经历,曼斯菲尔德创作了新西兰系列小说。

    From the experience of her native land-New Zealand , Mansfield shapes her stories .

  28. 在这一圆周运动中,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》本身也体现了在结构布局上的完满性。

    In this process , M itself embodies the perfection of structure and layout .

  29. 曼斯菲尔德小说主题探析

    On the Themes of Katherine Mansfield 's Stories

  30. 从《曼斯菲尔德庄园》看简·奥斯丁的小说艺术

    Jane Austen 's Fiction Art from Mansfield Park