
  • 网络manly;manley;John Manley
  1. 我看你可以去曼利海滩换换环境。

    I think you can go to Manly beach for a change .

  2. 一群小海马在澳大利亚新南威尔士的曼利浅海区游移。

    A group of young seahorses drifts in shallow waters off Manly , New South Wales , Australia .

  3. 迈克尔曼利追随其父步入了政界。

    Michael Manley followed his father into politics .

  4. 新手想要从事冲浪能够得到学习课在曼利冲浪学校在曼利海滩。

    Novices wanting to take up surfing can get lessons at the Manly Surf School at Manly Beach .

  5. 约克先生仔细地看着我们。曼利先生,关于他们您还有什么要交待的吗?

    Mr York looked at us carefully . 'Is there anything you want to mention about them , Mr Manly ? 'he said .

  6. “除非给加薪,否则我要与老板亨利?曼利谈谈,”乔治?斯特朗自言自语。

    Unless I get a raise , I 'll have a talk with the boss , Henry manley , @ george strong said to himself .

  7. 马夫叫约翰·曼利。第二天早上,他用刷子把我好好刷洗了一通,然后给我备上了鞍。

    The name of the groom was John Manly.The next morning , he got out his brushes and gave me a good grooming , then put a saddle on me .