
  • 网络Mana;Manne;Amara;Miner
  1. 曼纳•伊奥尼斯古经营着芝加哥一家数字营销公司LightspanDigital。

    Mana Ionescu runs lightspan digital , a Chicago-based digital marketing company .

  2. 他们1比10输给了当时的南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia)。虽然正值7月,但是曼纳好几个队友一场比赛下来还是得了冻疮。

    but several players still got frostbite as they lost 1-10 to Yugoslavia , even though it was July .

  3. 关于曼纳和公主的谈话,民间有各种传言。有的说,曼纳告诉公主“是意志的力量”。其他版本说,英王乔治六世(GeorgeVI)让曼纳卷起裤管,要看看他的腿是不是钢做的。

    Myths gathered round that conversation . Some said Manna-da had told the princess that " Strength is in the mind . " Others said that the king , George VI , had made him roll up his trousers to see if his legs were made of steel .

  4. 在加尔各答市中心广阔的麦丹(Maidan)公园的草地稀疏炙热,在那里赤脚踢球尚无大碍。曼纳的球队莫罕巴干俱乐部(MohunBaganAC)在那里训练,最倒霉不过是踩到山羊粪或者玻璃碴儿。

    Bare feet were all very well on the thin , baked surface of the vast Maidan at the centre of Kolkata , where his club , Mohun Bagan AC , had its playing field , and where the worst hazards were straying goats and glass .

  5. 他赤脚足球原因是各种各样的,甚至曼纳脑子里也有多种版本。

    The reasons for the naked feet varied , even in his own mind .

  6. 动物庄园乔治·奥威尔故事发生在曼纳庄园里。

    Animal Farm by George Orwell

  7. 在曼纳的带领下,印度又在1951年的亚运会上第一次在国际赛事中摘得足球项目的金牌。

    Under his captaincy , it won its first international football gold medal at the Asian games in 1951 .

  8. 曼纳在莫罕巴干俱乐部没有工资,他的茶色和绿色条纹队服也是用自己的血汗钱买的。

    Mohun Bagan did not pay him , and he had to buy the maroon and green strip with his own hard-earned cash .

  9. 曼纳的球迷普遍认为他一生都是赤脚踢球的,而他的任意球更是灵活熟练,足以给对手致命一击。

    And to his fans Manna-da seemed to play barefoot - agile , skilful and deadly on the free kicks - all through his career .

  10. 曼纳平息了两万名观众的怒火,并绅士般地祝对手决赛好运。

    Manna-da calmed down the furious crowd of 20000 who had come to see the game , and then wished BSF good luck for the final .

  11. 1948年伦敦奥运会上,凭借后卫线上身高体壮的曼纳(图中左起第三),新近独立的印度险些击败法国。

    With Manna-da - third from left above - tall and strong in defence , newly independent India almost beat France at the London Olympic games in 1948 .