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màn yán
  • stretch;draw out;draw out in length
曼延 [màn yán]
  • [draw out in length;stretch] 延伸得很长;连续不断

  • 小石路在山间曼延向前,直到山下的小村子

曼延[màn yán]
  1. 森林曼延数百哩。

    The forests stretch for hundreds of miles .

  2. 使用引气剂预防和限制裂纹的出现和曼延;

    Prevention of cracking and its propagation using air entraining agents ;

  3. 我们的国家正与四处曼延的暴力和仇恨作战。

    Our nation is at war , against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred .

  4. 在不久的将来公司将一步步脚踏实在将产品曼延至全国市场。

    In the near future will be step by step foot until it is the product of the Cayman market .