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zòng huǒ
  • arson;set on fire;incendiary;commit arson
纵火 [zòng huǒ]
  • [commit arson;set on fire] 故意放火和恶意烧毁或企图烧毁任何属于别人的大楼、建筑物或财产(如房屋、教堂或船只),或烧毁自己财产(通常带有犯罪的或报复的意图)

纵火[zòng huǒ]
  1. 破坏者损坏了更多的店铺,并纵火烧毁了另一辆警车。

    Vandals managed to damage some additional storefronts and another police car was set on fire .

  2. 英国船舰故意纵火并迅速冲向西班牙的无敌舰队,对敌造成毁灭性后果。

    The English ships that were deliberately set on fire sailed rapidly into the Spanish Armada with devastating effects .

  3. 纵火犯可能对公司怀恨在心。

    The arsonist may harbour a grudge against the company .

  4. 暴乱中许多轿车和公共汽车被纵火焚烧。

    Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot .

  5. 这看上去像是纵火犯干的。

    This looks like the handiwork of an arsonist .

  6. 去年,600名犯人闹事,他们纵火并设置路障。

    Last year 600 inmates rioted , starting fires and building barricades

  7. 示威者攻击警察,推翻车辆并将其纵火焚烧。

    Demonstrators turned on police , overturning vehicles and setting fire to them

  8. 犯人纵火以转移注意力。

    Fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic

  9. 7个人都来自布里斯托尔,他们承认了合谋纵火。

    Seven men , all from Bristol , admitted conspiracy to commit arson

  10. 他们四处纵火以泄愤。

    They vented their anger by carrying out arson attacks .

  11. 在她家里发现了5个纵火装置。

    Five incendiary devices were found in her house .

  12. 把打火机交给纵火犯简直是不可理喻。

    Giving an arsonist a lighter is beyond a joke

  13. 他们纵火焚烧了停在那幢大楼外的车辆。

    They set fire to vehicles outside that building

  14. 商店被烧毁了,警方怀疑有人纵火。

    The store burned down , and the police suspected arson .

  15. 整座城市到处都有械斗、抢劫和纵火。

    Fighting , plundering and arson have erupted all over the city .

  16. 澳大利亚总检察长罗伯特麦克莱兰说,怀疑纵火犯可能面临谋杀指控

    Australian Attorney-General Robert McClelland said suspected arsonists could face murder charges .

  17. 警方说他们怀疑他是纵火狂。

    Police said they suspected that he is a pyromaniac .

  18. 首先让我们讨论五种最常见的狂热症:盗窃狂症,纵火狂症,耽酒狂症,妄想自大狂症,偏执狂症。

    Let us discuss , first , five of the most common manias : kleptomania , pyromania , dipsomania , megalomania , and monomania .

  19. setonfire纵火,焚烧一群大学生今天早晨放火烧使馆。

    University students set the Embassy on fire this morning .

  20. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,一家音像店被纵火,两台自动柜员机被打开,一家银行被抢,一家超市被抢空。

    A video store was set ablaze , two automatic teller machines were broken open , a bank was robbed and a supermarket emptied , the Associated Press reported .

  21. 今年39岁的BrendanSokaluk是自维多利亚被山火吞袭以来第一个被控告的纵火嫌疑犯。

    Thirty-nine-year-old Brendan Sokaluk is the only arson suspect to be charged so far since bushfires engulfed Victoria .

  22. 据日本广播协会(nhk)报道,一些日资工厂受到攻击,包括一家松下(panasonic)工厂和一家位于华东港口城市青岛的超市,其中一家被纵火。

    Japanese broadcaster NHK said some Japanese-run factories , including a panasonicfacility and a supermarket in the eastern port of Qingdao , were attacked and one was burnt .

  23. 雅典市长乔治卡米尼斯(georgekaminis)称,国会大厦外的反紧缩抗议已经上升为暴力冲突,极端分子纵火焚烧了市中心17栋建筑物(包括5家银行营业点)。

    George kaminis , Athens mayor , said 17 buildings in the city centre including five bank branches - had been set ablaze by extremists after violence erupted at an anti-austerity protest outside Parliament .

  24. APP负责可持续发展的执行董事艾达·格林伯里(AidaGreenbury)在周四发表的声明中称,公司“坚决反对”故意放火烧林,并将与一切证明犯有非法纵火罪行的供应商解除关系。

    Aida Greenbury , managing director of sustainability for Asia Pulp & Paper , said in a statement on Thursday that the company was " firmly against " the intentional setting of forest fires and would disengage from any supplier proven guilty of illegally starting one .

  25. 他去北部处理纵火事件了。

    He 's up in North County on an arson call .

  26. 我父亲由于纵火案的惊吓病倒了。

    My father remains ill from the shock of the arson .

  27. 这个嫌疑犯有向学校纵火的前科。

    The suspect has a history of arson attacks on schools .

  28. 你确信你能鉴别出一个特定的纵火者?

    You 're pretty sure you can identify a single arsonist ?

  29. 工厂在纵火犯引起的火灾中烧毁了。

    The factory was destroyed in a fire started by arsonists .

  30. 警察指控他对这栋建筑纵火。

    The police accused him of setting fire to the building .