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  1. 这一切都变了,多亏了一个叫蔡伦的人。

    This all changed , thanks to an man named Cai Lun .

  2. 今天,蔡伦被认为是中国的民族英雄。

    Today , Cai Lun is considered a national hero in China .

  3. 蔡伦开始用许多不同的材料和方法进行试验,将这些材料制成纸。

    Cai Lun began experimenting with many different materials and different methods to turn those materials into paper .

  4. 在蔡伦造纸方法的助推下,中国文化在接下来的几个世纪里发展得更快了。

    With Cai Lun 's papermaking method , Chinese culture grew more rapidly over the next several centuries .

  5. 然而,中国人在7世纪就开始使用纸币了,而纸张是大约2000年前一个叫蔡伦的中国人发明的。

    However the Chinese began to use it in the 7t century Paper was invented by a Chinese man called Cai Lun almost 2,000 years ago .

  6. 论蔡伦故里旅游开发

    A Study on the Tourism Exploitation of Cai Lun 's Native Place

  7. 但蔡伦到底在他发明的第一张纸上写了什么,这依旧悬而未知。

    Exactly what Cai wrote on his first piece of paper is unknown .

  8. 当时一位名叫蔡伦的宦官决定发明一种更新更好的书写材料。

    A court official named Cai Lun was determined to develop a new and better writing material .

  9. 到了东汉时期,在朝廷做官的蔡伦,经过长期的试验,改进了造纸方法。

    During the Eastem Han Dynasty , an offiaal named Cai Lun improved the tech-nique after years of experimentation .

  10. 山岳文化、寿文化、蔡伦文化、船山文化是衡阳地域文化中的亮点;

    Mountain culture , long-lived culture , Cailun culture and Chuanshan culture are the bright point of the regional culture in Hengyang .

  11. 蔡伦,是中国古代造纸术的发明者、享誉世界的科技文化名人。

    Cai Lun was the inventor of papermaking in ancient China and a famous person of science and technology culture in the world .

  12. 杰出的太监名单中还包括蔡伦(60-121),作为造纸术的发明者备受尊敬。

    The list of luminary eunuchs also includes Cai Lun ( 60-121 ), who is revered in China as the inventor of paper .

  13. 人们普遍认为公元105年东汉时期的蔡伦是第一个造纸的人,

    It was generally believed that paper was first made by a man called Cai Lun in 105 during the Eastern Han Dynasty .

  14. 公元105年,东汉年间,一位叫蔡伦的官员和发明家创造了一种制作高级纸张的技术。

    In 105 , During Eastern Han Dynasty , an official and inventor named Cai Lun invented the technique for making fine paper .

  15. 因此,我们有理由认为西汉时期就发明了造纸术,而东汉的蔡伦改进了这一技术。

    So it is reasonable to believe that paper was invented in the Western Han and was improved by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han .

  16. 但是近些年来,由于考古发掘工作所发现的汉代丝质纸和麻质纸都存在于蔡伦以前,某些科学技术史工作者便作出了颇不一致的论断。

    But , through the recent years , the findings of archaeological excavation work have revealed that paper made first of silk and then of hemp had existed long before Tsai-lun 's time .

  17. 作为蔡伦故里,湖南耒阳在社会经济、交通区位、资源条件方面有独特的优势,旅游开发已取得了初步成效。

    As Cai Lun 's native place , Leiyang has some unique advantages in social economy , traffic location , resources and so on , and the tourism exploitation has made some initial results .

  18. 泥板,竹简,纸莎草和石头仅仅是早期文字载体中的几种。自从中国人——特别是一个叫蔡伦的男子——发明了现代纸张的雏形,一切都开始改变了。

    Clay tablets , bamboo , papyrus and stone were only a few of the earliest writing surfaces.Things changed once the Chinese -- specifically , a man named Cai Lun -- invented the prototype for modern paper .

  19. 公元105年,蔡伦改造了原有的纸张制造技术,用树皮、麻头、破布、旧渔网等原料造纸,被称为“蔡侯纸”。

    In 105 , Cai Lun improved the old technique of paper making , using tree barks , rags and old fishing nets to make paper , which was called Marquis Cai , s paper in honour of the inventor .

  20. 我们应从市场开发、产品开发、景区经营管理方面出台一系列战略措施,并制定相应的保障措施来确保这些战略措施的实施,从而有效推进蔡伦故里的旅游开发和旅游业的快速发展。

    So we should make a series of strategic measures such as market exploitation , product development and scenic spots management measures , and make appropriate security measures to ensure these strategies , in order to effectively promote the tourism exploitation and the rapid development of tourism industry .