
  • 网络Cai Yinong;Karen Tsai
  1. 《步步惊心》制片人蔡艺侬认为,“穿越剧”将古代和现代连接起来,为观众提供了更多的想象空间。

    Time travel series connect both today and the past , thus offering room for imagination , said Cai Yinong , the producer of Startling by Each Step .

  2. 蔡艺侬(音译)也对这一观点表示赞同:“现代人总是要在快节奏的生活中面对无穷无尽的压力,所以这类题材的电视比其他节目更能让人感到放松,也为人们提供了一个极佳的逃离现实的宣泄途径。”

    Cai Yinong agrees . " Many people are facing tremendous pressures in their fast-paced lives , so this genre is more relaxing than other shows as it provides people with a terrific outlet to escape reality , " Cai told .