
  • 网络Jump;vertical-jump
  1. 结果显示,新膳食不仅使Hb水平和纵跳能力的恢复显著高于习惯性膳食的结果,而且队员主诉感觉良好。

    Result showed that new diet had greater significance effect on recovery of HB level and height of jump . It also has been approved by the players .

  2. 经过8周训练后,三组大鼠的体重均有增加,其中纵跳悬吊组和游泳悬吊组大鼠体重较安静悬吊组有显著差异(P0.05)。

    After 8 weeks ' training , the weights of them are all increased . The jump tail-suspended group and swimming tail-suspended are obviously different from the quiet tail-suspended group on weight ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 结果表明,不同专项学生间全身反应时(RT)、完成动作时间(MT)及纵跳高度存在明显差异;

    The results show that there is an obvious difference in their total body reaction time ( RT ), motor time ( MT ) and height of vertical jumping .

  4. 实验前后分别进行最大力量、立定跳远、预蹲纵跳、30m的测试。

    The study would include tests of maximum strength , standing long jump , squat longitudinal jump , 30m respectively before and after the experiment .

  5. [结果]受试者的纵跳无氧功比采用Wingate方法测出的无氧功平均高出50%以上。

    [ Results ] The results indicated that the anaerobic power showed by deep jumping method was 50 % higher than that of Wingate way .

  6. 而输出功用立定跳远和垂直纵跳模拟,每种运动持续时间大约5min以内。

    But the outputs work stood broad jump and vertical jump to simulate , each kind of movement in duration approximately 5 minutes .

  7. Wingate方法更多地反映了ATP-CP系统的供能能力,纵跳法更多地反映了肌肉的爆发力和ATP-CP系统的快速可用性。

    Wingate method reflected the capacity of energy power of ATP-CP system , and deep jumping more reflected the muscle 's explosive force and quickly utilization of ATP-CP.

  8. [目的]本研究通过对26名男大学生和50名男性运动员在纵跳法和wingate法所测得的无氧功差值进行理论上分析,探讨造成这一差异的原因。

    [ Objective ] 26 male students and 50 male athletes were examined their anaerobic power by deep jumping methods and Wingate method in order to find out and discuss the difference theoretically .

  9. 原地纵跳、网上连续垂直跳6次、网上连续垂直跳10次、30m跑、悬垂举腿(30s)、俯卧起上体(30s)是反映运动员竞技水平的主要专项身体素质指标;

    The standing vertical jump , continuously vertical jump for six times and ten times on the net , 30 m running , hang and raise the leg for thirty seconds and sit-up were the main physical fitness indexes reflecting the performance level .

  10. 城市体力和非体力劳动者坐位体前屈、背力、纵跳、10m×4往返跑、仰卧起坐和选择反应时均优于农民(P<0.05或0.01)。

    Anteflexion of body when sitting , back pressure , vertical jump , 10 m × 4 return run , sit-up and choice of reaction time in manual workers and non - manual workers in city were better than that in farmers ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  11. 扁平足和非扁平足两组的纵跳、立定跳远、100m跑、5000m跑、三级跳远和1500m跑各项运动成绩,经μ检验均无明显差异(P0.05)。

    The performances of jump , standing long jump , hop , step and jump , 100 m running , 1 500 m running and 5 000 m running in flatfoot group were not different from those in non - flatfoot group ( u test : P0.05 ) .

  12. 身体素质指标,包括握力、坐位体前屈、闭眼单腿站立、选择反应时、简单反应时、背力、纵跳、10m×4往返跑、俯卧撑(男)/仰卧起坐(女)等。

    Indexes of body constitution , including grasp force , bend-ahead in sitting , stand up on one leg with eyes closed , choice reaction time simple reaction time , back strength , 10 m × 4 shuttle run , and pushup ( male ) / sit-up ( female ) etc.

  13. 连续纵跳及其疲劳的生物力学研究

    A Biomechanical Study on the Reapted Vertical jumps and Its Fatigue

  14. 原地连续纵跳过程中随着运动时间的延长,腾空高度呈现明显下降的趋势。

    The take-off height was decreased obviously with increasing of time .

  15. 对普通人群几种不同形式纵跳的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Different Forms of Vertical Jump in Ordinary Crowd

  16. 他的纵跳能力和腿部爆发力非常突出。

    He has very impressive jumping ability and explosive leg strength .

  17. 人体纵跳高度的间接测量方法

    Study on measuring method for vertical jump height of human body

  18. 提高纵跳能力的周期性训练模式

    Periodization training mode of the development on vertical jump ability

  19. 论篮球运动员下肢纵跳力量的训练

    Analysis On The Training Of Vertical Jump Strength In Basketball

  20. 沙滩原地纵跳与硬地原地纵跳动力学机制的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Dynamic Mechanism of Jumping on Beach and Floor

  21. 9-18岁儿童少年纵跳技能的运动学研究

    Kinematics Research on Skills of 9-18 Years Juvenile 's Standing Vertical Jump

  22. 原地连续纵跳动力学信息变化的特征

    Characteristics of the change of kinetic information regarding continuous vertical jumping in situ

  23. 摆臂在纵跳动作中的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study on the Arm Motion in Vertical Jump

  24. 篮球运动员上步纵跳的运动学分析

    Kinetic Analysis of Step Jump of Basketball Players

  25. 结果发现:相对跟腱长和原地纵跳能力成反比,组间只有大腿围、小腿围和原地纵跳能力有显著性差异。

    The findings are that standing vertical jump ability varies inversely with achilles tendon length ;

  26. 原地连续纵跳的运动生物力学特征研究

    Time Characteristic on Continuous Counter Movement Jump

  27. 纵跳理论研究进展男大学生部分身体形态指标和原地纵跳能力的相关性

    Research on Correlation of Part Morphologic Indices and Standing Vertical Jump Ability of Male University Students

  28. 纵跳高度腾空时间计算法的理论探讨与实验评价

    Theoretical exploration and practical evaluation of the flight time calculation method of counter movement jump height

  29. 离心运动运动方式为深蹲纵跳摸高,摸高高度2.5米,每组30个,时间一分钟。组间间歇1分钟,共3组。

    Eccentric exercises is deep squat and jumps upward and touch a mark in 2.5M heights .

  30. 有关连续纵跳的研究越来越受到许多业内人士的关注。

    The study of continuous vertical jump was paid attention to by many experts in the industry .