
zòng mù
  • look as far as one's eyes can see
纵目 [zòng mù]
  • [look as far as ones eyes can see] 极目远望,尽目力 [远望]

  • 纵目四望

纵目[zòng mù]
  1. 当其在山中生活时,食用缺碘盐,造成了纵目的甲亢病理现象。

    During the mountain life of ancestors , to eat salt lack of iodin leaded to the raised eyes that is the pathological feature of thyreoidism .

  2. 一家家的花园都各有美妙,伊丽莎白纵目观赏,心旷神怡,可是并不如柯林斯先生所预期的那样,会被眼前的景色陶醉得乐而忘形。

    Every park has its beauty and its prospects ; and Elizabeth saw much to be pleased with , though she could not be in such raptures as Mr.

  3. 她纵目四望,只见一弯河道,林木夹岸,山谷蜿蜒曲折,真看得她心旷神怡。

    and she looked on the whole scene , the river , the trees scattered on its banks and the winding of the valley , as far as she could trace it , with delight .

  4. 在大学城长久留连之后,末了,您再转向右岸,纵目眺望新城,景色顿时改变了。

    When , at length , after having contemplated the University for a long time , you turned towards the right bank , towards the Town , the character of the spectacle was abruptly altered .

  5. 处处都收拾得很美观。她纵目四望,只见一弯河道,林木夹岸,山谷蜿蜒曲折,真看得她心旷神怡。

    Every disposition of the ground was good ; and she looked on the whole scene -- the river , the trees scattered on its banks , and the winding of the valley , as far as she could trace it -- with delight .