
  • 网络manfred;Manfred Kets De Vries
  1. 曼弗雷德,你是个可疑的老家伙。

    Manfred , you 're a suspicious old devil

  2. 精神分析学家和欧洲工商管理学院(InseadBusinessSchool)教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德弗里斯(ManfredKetsdeVries)称:

    Manfred Kets de Vries , psychoanalyst and professor at Insead Business School , says :

  3. 不过,法国枫丹白露的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)商学院管理学教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德•弗里斯表示:高管的压力正在逐渐增加,这已经不再是秘密。

    But it is no secret that pressure on C-level executives is mounting , says Manfred kets de Vries , a management professor at INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau , France .

  4. 工会主席曼弗雷德•谢尔(ManfredSchell)在投票后表示:雇主选择了对抗,用法律诉讼来压我们。在投票中,有95.8%的人支持罢工。

    The employer has chosen confrontation and is deluging us with lawsuits , Manfred Schell , the union 's chairman , said after a ballot showing 95.8 per cent support for a strike .

  5. 我猜想曼弗雷德像往常一样旅行去苏黎世了。

    I suppose manfred 's jaunting off to Zurich as usual .

  6. 人们认为曼弗雷德一直在从事伟大的工作也不足为奇。

    No wonder people think Manfred has been doing a great job .

  7. 曼弗雷德,我们已经讨论过有关你女儿的话题了!

    We 've already spoken about your daughter , manfred !

  8. 曼弗雷德可能不会做太长时间主席。

    Manfred may not remain president for too much longer .

  9. 曼弗雷德:信任你?我们凭什么要信任你?

    Manfred : trust you ? Why in the world would we trust you ?

  10. 曼弗雷德:靠近点儿,锡德。我们可以杀出一条血路。

    Manfred : Stay close , Sid . We can fight our way out .

  11. 被社会摈弃的曼弗雷德;

    With Manfred , the outcast from society ;

  12. 他创作了诗剧《曼弗雷德》,《唐璜》的前两章。

    He produced the verse drama Manfred , the first two cantos of Don Juan .

  13. 曼弗雷德,最有创造力的。

    Manfred was the most creative .

  14. 1963年,克劳斯和曼弗雷德。哈姆斯兄弟设计了世界上首台住宅空气清洁器。

    In1963 , the brothers Klaus and Manfred Hammes introduced the world 's first residential air cleaner .

  15. 曼弗雷德从来不会忘记他的过去或是丢失帮助社会上的人的渴望。

    Manfred has never forgotten his roots or lost his desire to help other people in the community .

  16. 患有终身过敏症和哮喘的曼弗雷德第一个收益于自己设计的机器。

    Manfred , a life-long allergy and asthma sufferer , was the first person to benefit from his own machine .

  17. 曼弗雷德刚刚宣布旌宇为社会全体成员修建一座新的体育中心。

    And Manfred has just announced that Sparkle will build a new sports center for all members of the community .

  18. 德国国际绿色和平组织污染防治项目主任曼弗雷德参天,称这是“一个大方向正确的步骤”。

    Manfred Santen , toxics campaigner for Greenpeace International in Germany , called this " a big step in the right direction . "

  19. 原点坐落在转轴上最靠近物体质心的一点。曼弗雷德:靠近点儿,锡德。我们可以杀出一条血路。

    The origin is located on the axis at the point closest to the center of mass . Manfred : Stay close , Sid . We can fight our way out .

  20. 人们认为拜伦勋爵比任何其他诗人更象自己创造的英雄人物即富于浪漫色彩的旅游者恰尔德哈罗德;被社会摈弃的曼弗雷德;愤世嫉俗,铁石心肠的情人唐璜。

    More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes & with childe harold , the romantic traveller ; with manfred , the outcast from society ; with don juan , the cynical , heartless lover .