
  • 网络Pomona;Pomona College;Pomona,California
  1. 在加州的波莫纳学院(PomonaCollege)学习生物化学后,她去了哈佛的研究生院。

    After studying biochemistry at Pomona College in California , she went to Harvard for graduate school .

  2. 最后,那间房子里没有大床,我们只好住进了波莫纳的喜来登酒店(SheratoninPomona),因为克莱蒙特的旅店当时都已经订满了。

    In the end , no king-sized bed , so we stayed at the Sheraton in Pomona as hotels in Claremont were fully booked by that time .

  3. 第三个案例发生在2005年:波莫纳加州州立理工大学(CalPolyPomona)19岁的学生肯尼·梁(KennyLuong)在与加州大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)人中王兄弟会成员踢橄榄球后头部受重伤,最终死亡。

    In a third case , in 2005 , Kenny Luong , 19 , a student at Cal Poly Pomona in California , died from fatal head injuries after playing football against Lambda Phi Epsilon members from the University of California , Irvine .

  4. 这种冰淇淋起源于加州的波莫纳,以纯手工制作著称。

    Originate from Pomona in California , this band is famous for its handmade .

  5. 但是毕业后他却立即在波莫纳找到了工作,是投资银行家的工作。

    Immediately after graduating from Pomona , he got a job as an investment banker .

  6. 两人在位于加州洛杉矶外的母校波莫纳学院相遇。

    The couple originally met at their alma mater , Pomona College outside Los Angeles , California .

  7. 这是一个轰炸机,防空导弹,它是由波莫纳大学,美国加州的分工。

    It was a bomber defense missile , and it was done by the Pomona , California Division of Convair .

  8. 一名前波莫纳的学生从事着夏天在长岛为一对夫妇收集垃圾的工作,而不是追求更有声望的实习或旅行。

    One former Pomona student worked as a garbage collector on Long Island for a couple of summers rather than pursuing more-prestigious internships or travel .

  9. 杰西卡.阿尔芭1981年4月28日出生于加利福尼亚州波莫纳城,是电视剧和电影中最火的女演员和最性感的模特之一。

    Born in Pomona , California , on April 28 , 1981 , Jessica Alba is one of the sexiest model and hottest actresses of television and film .

  10. 同时,他还从母校佛罗里达大学获得公共服务的荣誉博士学位,同时也是波莫纳学院以及新东南大学的荣誉博士。

    He is the recipient of an honorary doctorate of public service from his alma mater , the University of Florida , and honorary doctorates from Pomona College and Nova Southeastern University .