
  • 网络Waveguide communication;wave guide communieation
  1. 我们回顾了我们近期关于采用槽孔结构裁减硅波导在通信和信号处理方面的物理属性的工作。

    We review our recent work on the highly tailorable physical properties of silicon waveguides for communication and signal processing applications , using slot structures .

  2. 光波导在通信、军事、电力、天文、传感等应用领域中发挥着重要作用,而实现这一切功能都要依靠众多优良光波导材料的特性。

    Optical waveguides play an important role in communications , military , electricity , astronomy and so on . The realization of these functions and sensing applications rely on a number of excellent properties of the materials used in waveguide .

  3. 表面波导对超短波通信对抗的影响

    The effect of duct condition on ultrashort wave communication countermeasure

  4. 渐变折射率光波导是光通信和集成光电子学领域的关键元件之一已获得愈来愈广泛的应用。

    Graded-index waveguide is one of the most important components in optics communication and integrated optics and it has been widely used .

  5. 对称金属包覆波导是光通信和集成光电子学领域中的关键元件之一。

    Symmetrical metal-cladding optical waveguide ( SMCOW ) is one of the most important components in the field of optical communication and integrated opt-electronics .

  6. 脊波导作为微波通信器件广泛应用于微波传输,空间技术、电磁兼容与电子对抗等领域。

    As one of the important high-frequency communication device , ridged waveguides have been widely used as microwave transmission lines in wireless communications , space technology , electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ), and electronic counter-measures ( ECM ) .

  7. 有机聚合物是制作集成光波导器件很有前景的材料,有机聚合物光波导器件在光通信领域是一个极具潜力的研究课题。

    Polymer material is very promising in fabricating integration optical waveguide devices . Polymer waveguide devices are potential project in the field of optical communication and interconnection .

  8. 对于慢光波导,大的群速色散使得光子晶体慢光波导在光通信领域,尤其在波分复用系统很难得到实际应用。

    For slow light in photonic crystal waveguides , large group velocity dispersion makes it difficult apply to the field of optical communication , especially to wavelength division multiplex system .