
  • 网络wave erosion
  1. 东海沙脊横剖面大多呈向西南方向倾斜的前积层理,偶见波浪侵蚀面,反映以潮流作用为主形成的沙脊内部结构的特点;

    On the seismic profiles of sand ridges in the East China Sea , the foreset beddings incline mostly to the southwest and the wave eroded surfaces were occasionally seen , which reflect the internal structure characteristics of tide-dominated sand ridges ;

  2. 凯尔特海沙脊剖面呈现复杂的交错层理,内部有较多的波浪侵蚀面,这是潮流和波浪共同作用形成的沙脊内部结构的特点。

    On the seismic profiles of sand ridges in the Celtic Sea , there are many complex cross beddings and wave eroded surfaces , which are typical internal structure characteristics of sand ridges formed by the joint actions of tidal current and wave .

  3. 波浪冲刷侵蚀悬崖的底部。

    The waves had undermined the cliff .

  4. 大海的波浪慢慢地侵蚀着岸边的岩石。

    The ocean waves are slowly eating away the coastal rocks .

  5. 山东蓬莱西庄附近海域波浪与海岸侵蚀

    On Waves and Coastal Erosion in the Sea Area Near West Village , Penglai County , Shandong Province

  6. 波浪作用可以侵蚀浪基面附近的三角洲前缘砂体,并在回流作用下携带至最大浪基面之下再沉积,沉积过程中形成小型浊积体。

    The sediments of delta front around wave base plane are eroded by wave action and took along to redeposit below wave base plane , during which turbidite is formed .

  7. 波浪对海岸的侵蚀作用。

    The erosive effects of waves on the shoreline .

  8. 只有挟带沙砾和碎石的波浪,才起侵蚀作用。沙尘暴垂直输运的两相流理论Ⅱ:气柱挟卷模式

    The waves eat into them only when they are charged with sand or pebbles . The two-phase flow theory about dust storm 's vertical transport , part ⅱ: The air column entrainment model

  9. 颗粒一旦分离,它必然被挟带,然后被输移。只有挟带沙砾和碎石的波浪,才起侵蚀作用。

    Once a particle has been detached , it must be entrained before it can bew transported away . The waves eat into them only when they are charged with sand or pebbles .

  10. 在近岸水域内,沙坝的存在会使波浪在离岸较远的地方发生破碎,以减少波浪对岸滩侵蚀,对海岸起到了一定的保护作用。

    In the nearshore area , the existence of sandbar will make waves break and reduce the erosion of coast beach which is produced by waves and currents . It has an important protective effect for the coast .