
  • 网络medieval knight
  1. 西欧中世纪骑士产生的历史条件

    On the historical conditions of the medieval knights in West Europe

  2. 年轻的路德维希国王受到瓦格纳歌剧的启发,想要再造传说中中世纪骑士英雄们的奇幻世界。

    Inspired by Richard Wagner 's operas , the young King Ludwig sought to re-create the legendary dreamworld of medieval knights and heroes .

  3. 西欧中世纪骑士的起源和演变

    Origin and Evolvement of Chivalry in Western Europe

  4. 论西欧中世纪骑士的生活方式

    The knightly Life-style in the Medieval Western Europe

  5. 德国中世纪骑士文学

    A Dip into German Medieval Knight-Literature

  6. 中世纪骑士的行为标准。

    The medieval principles of knighthood .

  7. 英国时尚商务品牌,以崇尚和推广欧洲中世纪骑士精神而备受世人推崇。

    A fashion-business brand from England , it is famous for promoting the knight culture from Middle ages .

  8. 它是一款描述中世纪骑士的战略游戏&也是我喜欢的那种。

    It was a medieval strategy game about being a knight & it was the type of game I love .

  9. 它是一款描述中世纪骑士的战略游戏——也是我喜欢的那种。

    It was a medieval strategy game about being a knight - it was the type of game I love .

  10. 比武大赛是西欧中世纪骑士的重要活动,它的出现与战争密切相关。

    The tournament was an important activity for knights in Middle Ages of Western Europe and its origin was closely related with war .

  11. 象中世纪骑士精神式的不切实际;对金钱不切实际的漠视;对世界大同的不切实际的梦想。

    As quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood ; a romantic disregard for money ; a wild-eyed dream of a world state .

  12. 重甲则主要用于近身格斗,以及增加冲锋的动量(正如中世纪骑士那样)。

    The heavy armor is mainly for close contact battle and added " weight " behind a charge ( aka medieval knights style ) .

  13. 那些生活水平低于可能达到的标准的人,即使比中世纪骑士或亚洲农民的生活略胜一筹,也只能算作是穷人。

    Those who suffer levels of life well below those that are possible , even though they live better than medieval knights or Asian peasants , are poor .

  14. 骑士精神就是中世纪骑士贵族阶层所特有的伦理道德规范,即英勇、慷慨、虔诚、荣誉至上等。

    The spirit of knight was the moral standard of the knight nobles during the Middle Ages including bravery , generosity , devoutness , the supreme sense of honor .

  15. 欧洲中世纪骑士是封建贵族阶层,其所遵循的忠诚、荣誉、勇敢的道德伦理与思想精神直接体现了封建的传统。

    The European middle ages knight is the feudal aristocracy social stratum , its follows was loyal , the honor , brave moral ethics and the thought spirit has manifested the feudal tradition directly .

  16. 《圣经》、希猎罗马神话、中世纪骑士精神与骑士传奇、文艺复兴与民谣等五个方面构成的文化背景对英国爱情诗创作有极其重要的影响。

    This paper presents an effort to analyze the influence of cultural background on the creation of love poems in English literature from the aspects of " Bible ", Greek and Roman mythology , Romance and the old song tradition .

  17. 中世纪也是骑士制度盛行的时代。

    The Middle Ages were also the great age of chivalry .

  18. 中世纪西欧骑士浪漫爱情的历史渊源

    The Historical Origin of Medieval Knights ' Romantic Love in Western Europe

  19. 从猿人到早期的武士,中世纪的骑士。

    From lowly Neanderthal and cro-magnon , to early warriors , medieval knights .

  20. 穿成象中世纪的骑士。

    Dressed like a medieval knight in chicago .

  21. 中世纪西欧骑士文学中的典雅爱情

    The Refined Love in the Cavalier Literature of West Europe during the Medieval Ages

  22. 中世纪西欧骑士比武大赛盛行之缘由

    A Study of the Reasons of the Knight Tournament Prevailing in Middle Ages of Western Europe

  23. 中世纪晚期骑士精神衰落原因探析

    Exploration and Analysis of the Decline Causes of " Chivalry " in the Late Middle Ages

  24. 具有中世纪的骑士精神和骑士身份特征的。对,可是违反了骑士精神的时候呢?

    Characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages . Yes , and when it runs up against chivalry ?

  25. 一个司空见惯的传说是,一位中世纪的骑士杀死了龙,拯救了公主和她的国家。

    It is a common tale for a mediaeval knight to kill a dragon and save a princess and her country from its evil .

  26. 中世纪的骑士经常试图攻击敌人双腿后部,企图让对方变瘸。

    Totally kosher . Medieval knights aimed their blows at the backs of their enemies ' legs in order to " hamstring " or cripple them .

  27. 转型时期风水现象盛行的社会学探析中世纪西欧骑士比武大赛盛行之缘由

    The Sociological Ponder on the Prevalence of Fengshui Phenomenon in Transition Period A Study of the Reasons of the Knight Tournament Prevailing in Middle Ages of Western Europe

  28. 托斯卡纳“亚瑟王神剑”就是著名的“石中之剑”,传说它是被中世纪的骑士加尔加诺·吉多蒂在1180年插入石中的,他从此便抛弃战争和世俗欲望,成为隐士。

    Known as the " sword in the stone " the Tuscan " Excalibur " is said to have been plunged into a rock in1180 by Galgano Guidotti a medieval knight who renounced war and worldly goods to become a hermit .

  29. 欧洲中世纪时期,骑士是步兵中的最高头衔。

    Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages .

  30. 中世纪欧洲的骑士精神与宫廷爱情

    Chivalry and Courtly Love in Medieval Europe