
  • 网络China Film Co-Production Corporation;CFCC
  1. 周二,中国电影合作制片公司总经理张恂告诉此次电影会议的与会人士,我们希望看到正面的中国形象。

    We want to see positive Chinese images , Zhang Xun , president of the China Film Co-Production Corporation , told those assembled at the film conference on Tuesday .

  2. 该庆典是中英两国的首次影视盛会,由中国电影合作制片公司大力赞助,并和英国电影协会联合举办。

    The event will feature the first British Chinese Film and Television Summit , which is being supported by China Film Co-Production Corporation and run in partnership with the BFI .

  3. 负责监督中外电影合拍情况的中国电影合作制片公司(CFCC)总经理张恂表示,CFCC否决了来自台湾的一个剧本,该剧本讲述的是与黑手党有瓜葛的一名警察的故事。

    Zhang Xun , president of China Film Cooperation Corporation , the state outlet which supervises co-productions , says CFCC rejected a script from Taiwan about a policeman with mafia ties .

  4. 中国电影合作制片公司硅片综合系统公司,矽统

    China Film Co-production Corp. SiS Silicon Integrated Systems

  5. 届时中国电影合作制片公司将派工作人员接受现场咨询并将密切关注入选项目进程。

    Staff of China Film Co-production Corporation will be there to advise on consultations and keep watching the co-production progress of each project .

  6. 相对论传媒(RelativityMedia)已投资中国的Skyland影视文化发展有限公司拍摄本土电影,传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)也与最大的中文内容生产商和分销商中国电影合作制片公司(ChinaFilmCo)成立合资企业。

    Relativity Media has invested in China 's Skyland to make local films , while Legendary Entertainment has a joint venture with China Film Co , the largest producer and distributor of Chinese content .