
  • 网络Chinese white;Chinese white rabbit;china white rabbit
  1. 中国白兔与日本大耳兔核型及C带多态性

    Karyotypes and Polymorphisms in Chinese White Rabbit and Japanese Rabbit

  2. 中国白兔白介素-15基因的克隆、序列分析及其在E.coli中的表达

    Cloning , Sequence Analysis of Chinese White Rabbit IL-15 Gene And It 's Expression in E.coli

  3. 中国白兔输注修饰血小板24h时血小板升高指数及血小板回收率分别为69.93±11.20和(52.06±10.92)%。

    Corrected count increment ( CCI ) and rate of platelet recovery were 69.93 ± 11.20 and ( 52.06 ± 10.92 ) % after rabbits were infused human platelet modified by mPEG in 24 h.

  4. 方法使用重庆泰克自动视觉电生理系统,检测正常及视神经损伤后中国白兔F-VEP。

    Methods Changes of F-VEP in normal China rabbits and those after optic nerve injury were detected using TEC automatic visual electric physiological system .

  5. 方法用中国白兔20只,在股髁骨关节面制造6mm×8mm全层软骨缺损,实施自体游离骨膜移植术。

    Methods Full thickness defects ( 6mm × 8mm ) were created in the articular surfaces of the bilateral femoral condyles of 20 Chinese white rabbits . The defects were treated with free auto periosteum transplantation .

  6. 方法30只中国白兔随机分为3组。24只动物经皮枕大池穿刺缓慢抽出0.6ml脑脊液后注入等量25%kaolin,其中12只于当日起给予银杏注射液静脉滴注为银杏组;

    Methods Twenty-four of 30 Chinese white rabbits were subjected to injection of 25 % kaolin mixed with equal volume ( 0.6 ml ) of cerebrospinal fluid drawn from the cisterna magna under ketamine anesthesia .

  7. 材料和方法:健康成年中国白兔80只,随机分成两组。

    Materials and Methods : 80 adult rabbits were divided into two groups .

  8. 中国白兔种质特性研究

    Studies on Species Quality Character in Chinese White Rabbit

  9. 选择40只中国白兔测定其血液和器官组织中硒的含量。

    China White Rabbits are selected to determine the content of selenium in their blood and tissue organs .

  10. 中国白兔核型中几乎所有染色体的着丝粒区均呈深染,大小有异;

    The centromeric regions of almost chromosomes in Chinese White rabbit were darkly stained , but which varied in size .

  11. 中国白兔具有生长速度缓慢的缺点[1],严重影响养兔业的发展。

    Chinese white rabbit is characterized by slow growth speed ( 1 ), which has a serious effect on the development of rabbit keeping .

  12. 本试验选择30日龄断奶的中国白兔54只,随机分成试验组和对照组,分别饲喂同一配方的全价颗粒饲料和全价粉状饲料。

    Day old weaned Chinese White Rabbits were divided into experiment and control group randomly and fed with complete pellet feed and complete powder feed respectively according to the same formula .

  13. 用限制酶显带和CMA3/DA/DAPI荧光染色研究中国小型白兔染色体结构异染色质

    Study on the Constitutive Heterochromatin of Chinese Small-sized Domestic Rabbit by Restriction Endonuclease Treatment and CMA3 / DA / DAPI Staining

  14. 本研究应用国产FSH与德国产PMSG两种激素对58只中国大白兔进行超数排卵,采用两种不同浓度的冷冻液(VSⅠ和VSⅡ),通过OPS法玻璃化冷冻兔的胚胎。

    In this paper , 58 female rabbits of China were superovulated with FSH ( made in China ) and PMSG ( made in Germany ) , and rabbit embryos were vitrified with two different concentration freezing media ( VS I and V S II ) with the OPS method .

  15. 方法:对中国大耳白兔分别给予剂量为0.3g口服用麦迪霉素混悬剂、直肠用普通麦迪霉素栓剂及麦迪霉素微囊栓剂,管碟法测定麦迪霉素含量。

    Methods : The drug concentrations were determined by cylinder plat after a single oral dose of 0.3g preparation of suspension , suppository and micro capsule embolus in Chinese rabbits respectively .

  16. 方法中国大耳白兔28只,分为4组,每组7只;

    Methods 28 China rabbits were divided randomly into four groups with each group containing 7 rabbits .

  17. 方法将24只健康的中国哈尔滨大白兔随机分为实验组及对照组。

    Methods Twenty-four healthy Chinese Harbin rabbits were divided randomly into an experimental group and a control group .

  18. 新加坡在发现一种非常受欢迎的中国糖果大白兔受到三聚氰胺污染后将之下架。日本卫生部要求9万个企业检查包括加工食品在内的进口产品是否被三聚氰胺污染。

    Singapore has pulled a popular Chinese confectionery , Little White Rabbit , from the shelves after it was found to be contaminated with melamine , and Japan 's health ministry has asked 90,000 companies to check imported products , including processed foods , for melamine contamination .